
Chapter 27: Do you need me to take you back?

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Tang Huai choked up, "Why commit suicide? Isn't it better to be alive?"

Jing Xuan looked deeply into her eyes, his voice grave, "I remember a line from the book, 'Whether I am alive or I have passed away, I am a gadfly, happily flying to and fro.' For the gadfly, perhaps death is the best, most blissful choice."

Suddenly, Tang Huai was like a chicken injected with a stimulant, her whole body trembling with a shock, her gaze swiftly turning to Jing Xuan, her expression filled with astonishment, "Jing... Jing... Brother Jing Xuan?!"

When had he come in?!

Tang Huai glanced at the IV bag, it had been changed to another one? Why didn't she know?!