
A Magical Lease on Life

MC wakes up in a world of wonder and magic as a 6 year old. Now, he must learn all about his newfound powers all the while trying to balance all that his new life throws at him. MC will be OP quite soon (around the 5th-6th book). You have been warned. My first foray into SI stories and fanfiction in general. Reviews are welcome specially constructive Feedback.

dudeavi001 · Diễn sinh tác phẩm
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8 Chs

Chapter - 1

Disclaimer : - Harry Potter belongs to JK Rowling


It was a normal day, and by normal I mean absolutely mundane. You know, wake up, go to work, slog away for 10 to 11 hours on a supposedly 9 to 5 job, then come home, have dinner, maybe game a bit, have a beer, and go to sleep. And that is what it was yesterday. What I don't understand is why does my body feel small and in whose room am I?

This body is 6 years old. Alex Philips was a jolly kid, had friends, and yesterday had gone to sleep after dinner with his lovely family. So, what am I doing in this kid's body? And incoming panic in 3...2...1.

Who put me here?

What about my family back home?

What about Alex's family here?

Will they notice the differences?

Remembering my family brought tears to my eyes. I was probably dead in my world, and God knows what must be going through my family. I had just gotten my first job. They were so happy. I was about to travel back home to celebrate with Maa and Paa, and now this.


"Alex, sweetie, are you up yet?" came the voice of my non-mom from the other side, whose name suddenly popped up in my head: Amanda Philips.

I tried to calm down, but it's difficult to get much control over a 6-year-old body.

"Yes, Mom, I am up," I mentally cringed at the weepy and squeaky voice that came out of my mouth.

"Is everything alright, dear?" came the concerned voice of Amanda immediately. I could hear the door opening and the concerned woman's face peeking through. She could definitely see not everything was fine.

"Yes, Mom, had a bad dream, that's all," I tried to placate her. She did not buy it but did not push either. I was thankful for that.

"Okay, dear, let's get up and get ready for school quickly," Amanda replied.

Associating her first name with her will be a problem, but for some reason, calling her Mom definitely was not easy. Still, it has to be done; no need to raise suspicion, especially considering that her son for all intents and purposes was gone and was replaced by essentially a man in his twenties.

Also, now that I am slowly starting to get used to this, I can focus on more important aspects. I can tell I am in Britain based on the accent. But in which world exactly was I put into? I hoped it was a sensible one. I definitely would not survive in HighSchool DxD or, God forbid, Marvel or DC universe—too many freaking unknowns, not to mention what my own family would turn out to be for plot convenience.

Still, one thing was sure: this was a fairly modern world. And for now, as a 6-year-old, I can put that investigation off for later. Let's do 6-year-old things—go to school, have fun with friends and family. I have another chance at life, and while it hurts a lot to remember the life that was taken away from me, I will try my best to enjoy and endure this one.

I was a good student back home, and that will definitely continue. With that thought, I got up from the bed and started to get ready for school with one last thought in my head. "Breakfast will be awkward~!!!"

As I went through the motions of getting dressed, a strange sensation washed over me. It was as if I could feel a faint buzzing, almost like static electricity, but it seemed to be coming from within me. I dismissed it as lingering nerves and headed downstairs.

The breakfast table was a cozy setting, with the smell of freshly made pancakes filling the air. Amanda, or rather, Mom, was bustling about, placing plates on the table. "Good morning, Alex," she said with a warm smile.

"Good morning, Mom," I replied, trying to match her smile. As I reached for a pancake, the buzzing sensation returned, stronger this time. I hesitated, staring at my hand as it hovered over the stack.

"Something wrong with the pancakes?" Amanda asked, noticing my pause.

"No, they're great," I quickly said, grabbing one. As I took a bite, the buzzing seemed to subside, but I couldn't shake the feeling that something was different.

The school day passed in a blur. I tried my best to fit in, to act like the 6-year-old Alex would, but it was exhausting. My mind kept wandering back to the buzzing sensation. It wasn't until the afternoon, during recess, that things took a strange turn.

I was playing with a group of kids when I noticed a girl crying near the swings. Her name, I remembered, was Emily. She had scraped her knee and was in tears. Instinctively, I walked over to her.

"Are you okay, Emily?" I asked, crouching down beside her.

"It hurts," she sniffled, showing me the scrape.

Without thinking, I reached out and placed my hand over the wound. The buzzing returned, more intense than ever. I felt a warmth spread from my hand, and to my shock, the scrape began to heal before my eyes. Emily stopped crying, looking at her now uninjured knee in amazement.

"Wow, how did you do that?" she asked, her eyes wide.

"I...I don't know," I stammered, pulling my hand back quickly. What had just happened? I needed to figure this out, and fast.

The rest of the day was a blur. I couldn't concentrate on anything else, my mind racing with possibilities. Was this magic? It had to be. But how? And why now?

When I got home, I locked myself in my room and tried to replicate what had happened with Emily. I focused on the buzzing, trying to channel it. To my surprise, I managed to make a small object—a pencil—levitate off the desk. It wasn't much, but it confirmed my suspicions. Magic was real, and somehow, I had the ability to use it.

I spent the next few days experimenting in secret, trying to understand my newfound powers. It was exhilarating but also terrifying. The more I practiced, the more I realized how little I knew about this world and its rules.

One evening, as I was practicing levitation, the door to my room opened, and Amanda walked in. I barely had time to hide the floating pencil before she saw it.

"Alex, what are you doing?" she asked, her eyes narrowing.

"Nothing, just...homework," I lied, hoping she hadn't seen anything.

She gave me a suspicious look but didn't press further. "Dinner's ready," she said, leaving the room.

I let out a sigh of relief. This was getting dangerous. I needed to be more careful.

As the days turned into weeks, I continued to hone my abilities, learning to control the buzzing sensation and channel it into various magical feats. I still didn't know why I had these powers or how to fully control them, but I was determined to find out.

And so, my new life as Alex Philips began, filled with the wonder of magic and the mystery of my past. It was a second chance, a magical lease on life, and I intended to make the most of it.