
A Magical Hogwarts

///I'm not translating, I'm just bringing it to the Webnovel, I'm reading this Fanfic on MTL and I liked it, so I'm bringing it so others can know this good Fanfic. it is good if you compare it with other Chinese LMAO Fanfic/// Hogwarts is a strange place. The demon king who failed plastic surgery was eliminated from the job search. The white-haired old man wearing two layers of wool socks is still too cold in summer. The potion professor who never washes his hair is afraid of going bald, and the key keeper loves to play dragons! William wanted to spend seven ordinary years, until that night, the door handle of the college lounge was stolen…

Cadmus_black · Diễn sinh tác phẩm
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109 Chs

Chapter 76: greater purpose

Dumbledore's words silenced William.

In his opinion, it would not be difficult to save Hagrid and Robert, as long as he ignored Professor Tywin and let him come to Ravenclaw Tower in the morning.

However, it is still very difficult for him to understand the whole incident with his current ability.

This morning, Tywin clearly went to Dumbledore's office, but Robert was still dead.

What happened to Tywin after he left the principal's office? How did he fight with Professor Snape... None of these William had any thoughts.

"Professor, do you know the whole incident?" William asked.

Dumbledore straightened up, his sharp eyes fixed on William.

"My child, I don't want to appear omnipotent, but I do have a complete idea of ​​this whole incident."

William was about to say something, but Dumbleley shook his head as if he knew what he was thinking.

"Even if I know, I won't tell you, child, you need to investigate it yourself."

"Why?" William asked in confusion.

"This is equivalent to a test, William, you have become a descendant of Ravenclaw, entered the time loop, and gave me some new ideas.

So, this is both Ravenclaw's test for you and my test for you, and I need you to go through this. "

William frowned.

Dumbledore said in a sad tone: "My child, I'm old, the future may be difficult, I won't put all my eggs in the same basket, I have to plan early.

And you, let me see new hope, do you understand? "

"But I'm just a first-year wizard, Professor."

Although William has a mature soul, this can help him to walk faster and grow faster than his peers on the way to school.

Although he has a very high talent in defense against the dark arts, spells and potions.

Although there are so many, William still knows one thing very well. He is incomparable with Dumbledore.

If there is something the other party can't do, William doesn't think he can do it.

"But, don't forget." Dumbledore seemed to know what he was thinking. "My child, you have a time loop. 'The greatest enemy of mankind is time', but now you are the most in need of time!"

Dumbledore said in an almost pleading tone, "William, I must remind you that when you are investigating the truth and trying to get out of the time loop, don't put the cart before the horse and forget the most important things."


"Greater goals."

William was silent, while thinking about Dumbledore's words, he unconsciously rubbed the row of letters on the eagle.

- The most terrifying enemy of mankind is time.

This ring is for those who have been chosen to study the ancient mysteries.

And Ravenclaw left this ring in the hope that her heirs could gain infinite wisdom.

Wisdom is the source of strength, and the easiest way to acquire wisdom is through the vast sea of ​​books.

It would be a waste of resources to learn the truth of the whole thing from Dumbledore now, and unravel the time loop.

And what Dumbledore meant, did he want him to stay in the time loop for ten or eight years, and be the "Sword God of Shilipo" as soon as he appeared?

Ruthless man!

William shook his head.

Sure enough, people don't even know, and they can't predict it.

William never knew. As a third-rate traveler who didn't even know the plot, how could he be selected by Dumbledore?

William would like to say that please be clever, but he is not really modest. However, Dumbledore's meaning is very simple, "I have researched and decided that it is up to you to be the savior."

What would William do? He could only read two poems on the spot and agree to Dumbledore's request.

Dumbledore smiled and said, "Good boy, if you can understand, this is a chance, maybe you will become the heir of prehistoric mysteries.

But before that, I want to give you a few tips. "

"What advice, Headmaster?"

"Don't try to leave this castle, the operation of this ring comes from the accumulated magic power of the castle.

After you bring it, it is equivalent to signing a contract with the castle. If you leave the castle, the contract will be broken, and it may lead to extremely serious backlash. "

William nodded hurriedly, like a chicken pounding rice.

"The second little suggestion, take it step by step, if I guess correctly, it was Tywin who attacked the Ministry of Magic and obtained some kind of magic item, which caused your confusion now.

I think you will understand later. "

"Professor," William asked before leaving, "how did you know about this ring, and have you ever used it?"

Dumbledore shook his head, as if thinking of someone, something.

He smiled and said: "I don't, but when I was young, I was more interested in these ancient affairs than anyone else, so I missed a lot of things.

I'm fine, but don't imitate me. "

Speaking, Dumbledore let out a long sigh, his tone full of sadness and endless nostalgia.

It seems that Dumbledore also has a story, and William also has a story. The difference between the two is that the former is an old man, and the latter is a little fresh meat.

William didn't know how he walked back to the dormitory.

Late at night.

He was lying in bed alone and couldn't fall asleep. It was a wonderful feeling, a little excited and a little worried.

Since William is caught in a time loop, according to Dumbledore's statement, he will not grow old and his memory will exist.

He can stay in the loop until he gets impatient.

At that time, William may have already completed the seventh-grade course by himself, and he has the strength of Auror as soon as he makes a move.

After all, "Shilipo Sword God" is not a casual talk.

The first-year little wizard is so powerful that he is a little excited when he thinks about it.

The most important thing is that although William didn't remember the plot of Harry's world, he still knew about Voldemort.

After all, he eats chicken every day and is often called Voldemort, and he also went to know about it once.

According to the mainstream thinking in this world, Voldemort is dead, at the hands of the boy who survived the catastrophe.

William knew that he was definitely not dead. If he died, Voldemort wouldn't be called a boss. At most, he was the Thanos at the beginning of the Fourth Women's Federation who was hacked to death with an axe.

Big bosses are all dangerous, as we all know, Dumbledore probably meant for him to face it.

William's strength is definitely not good now. He must use this ring to allow himself to develop by leaps and bounds.

Being trapped in the same day for a long time, he can do too many things, and no one even asks him to enter the restricted area of ​​the library.

Of course, William still has to take time to investigate Professor Tywin's affairs, which is the key to the cycle of his departure.

But William would not be in a hurry to go out.

He decided to follow Dumbledore's words and study hard for a year and a half to enrich himself.

At eleven fifty-nine minutes and fifty-nine seconds in the middle of the night, William was obviously not sleepy, but he closed his eyes without noticing it, and went straight to sleep.

A night without dreams.