
A Magical Hogwarts

///I'm not translating, I'm just bringing it to the Webnovel, I'm reading this Fanfic on MTL and I liked it, so I'm bringing it so others can know this good Fanfic. it is good if you compare it with other Chinese LMAO Fanfic/// Hogwarts is a strange place. The demon king who failed plastic surgery was eliminated from the job search. The white-haired old man wearing two layers of wool socks is still too cold in summer. The potion professor who never washes his hair is afraid of going bald, and the key keeper loves to play dragons! William wanted to spend seven ordinary years, until that night, the door handle of the college lounge was stolen…

Cadmus_black · Diễn sinh tác phẩm
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
109 Chs

Chapter 39: Annie and Dumbledore

"Broken skull, you **** McLaggen!"

In the audience at the Quidditch training ground, George roared angrily.

It was already afternoon, and the training ground was crowded again, but they were all Hufflepuff students.

Fred frowned and said, "What should I do? How can I write to my mother instead?"

"Why don't you tell me?" George patted his face and said in fear.

William asked, "What did Madam Pomfrey say?"

"Mrs. Pomfrey said it will be sutured soon, but it will take a few nights in the school hospital," George replied.

Madam Pomfrey's ability is very strong, no matter how severe the disease, she can quickly cure it in her hands.

Cedric was sitting next to him. He was going to participate in the team selection later, so he was a little nervous.

Not only him, but the rookies on the court are very nervous. After all, Gryffindor just had an accident this morning.

Charlie Weasley, the captain of Gryffindor, had his skull cracked. The danger of this sport can be imagined!

Fred comforted: "Don't be too nervous, brother, as long as you play a quarter of your strength, it is enough to be selected."

George also said: "Yeah, look at us, it's very easy to enter the academy team, your strength is stronger than me."

William patted Cedric on the shoulder and said with a smile, "As long as you're not like McLaggen, you'll be fine."

Cedric was still shivering.

Qiu closed the book in his hand, smiled like a flower and said, "We all believe in you, Cedric."

Cedric stood up suddenly, as excited as he had applied an Indian magic medicine.

"Qiu, thank you for your encouragement, I'm much better now, thanks to you, otherwise I don't know what to do, I'll definitely be selected!"

William: "…"

Twin brother: "…"

How do you say that sentence - you can't even lick a dog!

An owl flies into the Quidditch training ground.

Soon, the second one also flew over.

It's William's owl.

Drogon stopped beside William, rolled his big yellow eyes, and cooed affectionately.

Drogon, who didn't see Bobo Tea, was always happy, and he began to pester William for food.

The owl named Milia stopped not far from William, but was disappointed that it didn't see the Bobo tea.

It quite likes the cat.

George touched Drogon's head, he was very familiar with this owl. During the summer vacation, William sent Drogon to the Burrow to deliver letters.

He wondered, "Didn't Drogon be kept at home by you?"

William took out a few small dried fish from his pocket, handed them to the owl, nodded and said, "That's right, so it flew from home to deliver the letter."

Fred was surprised: "What about the letter?"

He didn't see the envelope on Drogon, nor any other pockets... Did it fall on the road?

Seeing William dried Drogon's fish, but not himself, Miria cooed angrily, it flapped its wings a few times, and began to lie on the ground with a lame leg.

It propped up its wings and glanced around, and finally looked at Qiu pitifully.

Qiu rummaged through his pockets with tears in his eyes, and gave all his snacks to the poor owl.

The girl urged Cedric and the others to take out all the snacks.

Drogon looked at the dried fish in front of him, and then glanced at the snack hill in front of Milia, who was puzzled.

Probably impressed by Miria's begging skills, she also lay down.


Qiu, who was deceived by Miria, felt that her IQ was thrown to the ground, rubbed and ravaged fiercely.

William smiled, hugged Drogon, and found a letter out of nowhere.

—It's Annie's letter.

It wrote about her current situation, and asked about the situation at Hogwarts.

At the back of the letter, there is a stack of photos, some of them are photos of Anne, and some are family photos of the Stark family.

The purpose of her letter was to make William use the developer potion to make a dynamic photo.

Before William had finished reading it, George snatched the photo away.

He distributed the photo to several people present, and William did not stop it.

George raised his eyebrows and said in an extremely exaggerated tone, "William, you actually have a younger sister!"

William asked curiously, "Why, didn't I tell you?"

Everyone shook their heads.

Qiu looked at the photo and said with a smile, "Your sister is so pretty."

William also smiled and said, "That's right, Annie and I look alike, of course they look good."

George put his arm on William's shoulder and sighed, "From the moment I saw the photo of your sister, I knew that I made a good friend of yours!"

William narrowed his eyes and said in a long voice, "George, you also want to go to the hospital? Or, I told Professor Snape, who wrote him a love letter?"

"Don't, don't say it!" George raised his hand, "But seriously, your sister looks so much like you, you can let her come to Gryffindor, and I'll take care of her life for you!"

Fred nodded in approval.

George patted William on the shoulder and said with a smile, "I can introduce my sister Ginny to you, and it will be even.

Don't look at how ordinary Ginny is now, she will definitely be beautiful in the future. "

Fred laughed and said, "It's a bit difficult. Ginny has been shouting Harry and Harry's for years."

William raised his brows. He really didn't expect that there were also star-chasing girls in the magic world!

"Hey, William, what kind of eyes are you looking at?" George said dissatisfied.

"Oh, Merlin's beard!" Fred showed an exaggerated expression.

"Since the beginning of the school year, several girls have confessed to you that you are not interested in William. Speaking of my sister Ginny, it is also this kind of uninterested expression. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com It turns out..."

Fred showed an expression of sudden realization, while George hid behind Cedric and said with a look of fear:

"It turns out that you're not interested in girls, will the few of us be in danger?"


"Hey, William, we don't discriminate against homosexuals. If you really have that tendency, I can introduce my brother Ron to you, as long as you don't make me a target."

William took out his wand, and George quickly waved his hand in surrender, changing the subject, "Speaking of which, where did you get your letter from?"

Fred also looked at Drogon suspiciously.

Drogon had finished eating the dried fish, but he really didn't have a pocket for the envelope.

William stood up, and Drogon left his arm and flew towards the castle.

Cedric also asked strangely, "Isn't Drogon going home?"

William smiled and said, "Where did you place the letter? Didn't you see a golden ring on Drogon's paw?

There is a traceless stretching spell and a lot of protection spells inside, and of course there is also a secret spell to prevent the letter from being stolen by the wizard. "

"You didn't set it up, did you?" George said.

William shook his head and said, "How can I have this ability now, it was set up by Professor Dumbledore."

"Dumbledore...that means..."

"In other words," William said happily, "Drogon will deliver a letter to Dumbledore next."

"Annie and Professor Dumbledore are in correspondence every day, and I see the title in her letter is dear Grandpa Albus...George, if you want to chase my sister, go ahead, I won't stop you.

However, it is hard to say whether Dumbledore will break his three legs. "
