
[85.7] Infiltrating the Alora Academy

Moni stood, staring at his own reflection without a smile on his face. A small child with sandy brown hair and dark brown eyes stared back. Moni made a mental note of each freckle present on the boy's face.

Felix, feeling uncomfortable with the sudden attention, spoke using his mouth, "Moni…"

Moni snapped out of his stupor and smiled, "I heard there's an Academy. If you are from a prominent family, you can enter it… I was thinking of enrolling you and Priscilla."

"B-But I don't want to go… The people there are mostly Noble's who hate me…"

"I understand, but it's important to go if you want a good future in this Kingdom."

"I-If you insist…"

"Great. Then let's go."


"Priscilla is already waiting downstairs at the carriage."

Moni strolled down the stairs, his back perfectly straight and his hands held behind him. He looked like a perfect young master… 

Not a child barely an adolescent.

He strolled out of the front door with a large smile on his face. Priscilla was standing at the carriage picking at her dress. The Duchess stood by her side slapping away her hand every time she tried to pull apart of the dress. Priscilla pursed her lips, "Mommy! I don't like this dress!"

Rose held her hands when she tried to pull off the bow, "It's just a dress."

"But it's too tight!"

"How can it be too tight?! It's-" Seeing Felix/Moni walk over, Rose let out a relieved sigh, "Please do something about this. I can't keep playing house."

Felix/Moni walked over to Priscilla, undid the bow, and redid it flawlessly.

Priscilla let out a sigh, "Feels better."

Rose's face curled up as she spat out sarcastically, "Where's your father?"

Pricilla's face lit up, "Yeah! I want Daddy to come say goodbye!"

Felix/Moni continued to smile without any trace of faltering. However, his eyes were dull and lifeless, "...He's coming."

The Duke strolled out of the house on cue, walking straight up to Priscilla and picked her up. "Are you excited to go to the Academy?"

Priscilla grinned, "Nope!"

The smile on the Duke's face froze, "..." 

Rose broke out into laughter, "Hahaha! She's telling the truth too!"

The Duke let out a sigh, "Why aren't you excited?"

Priscilla batted her eyes, "I don't have any friends."

"Priscilla… Do you remember what I told you?"

She puffed out her chest, "I am Princess Priscilla Newman. If anyone dares disrespect me, I tell my brother or my father and they will ruin them before they can even try to apologize."

The Duke kissed her on the forehead, "That's my girl…"

Felix reminded her, "I will also be with you, Priscilla."

"I didn't forget!" Priscilla hugged him tightly, "Can't I just stay in class with you?"

Rose gave her a look, "No. You are going to your own class and make your own friends."

Priscilla's face fell, "Okay…"

Felix/Moni held her hand, "But don't worry. Mother and Father are going to come with us so that they know not to mess with our family."

"Oh, no. I'm not doing that." Rose turned around and walked into the house muttering to herself, "It's bad enough I have to play mother at home."

The Duke helped Priscilla onto the carriage, "Let's go before we are late."

The three of them arrived at the Academy's gate where the Duke got off and helped Felix/Moni and Priscilla disembark. As they walked together, all of the Nobles and their children stopped and watched with wide-open mouths. One of the Noblemen stopped Duke Newman, "I-I can't believe it… You actually enrolled your… Children?"

The Duke gave him a smile dripping with a warning, "I have. From now on, I am going to keep my children very close to me… I've realized just how important family is. So if anyone messes with them-"

The Duke didn't need to finish his sentence for the Nobleman to understand. He pulled his daughter close, gulping with fear. Once the Duke walked away with his two children, the Nobleman whispered to his daughter, "You are to befriend Princess Priscilla and do whatever she asks."

"What? But-"

"Do it. I've seen more people go missing for less of a reason if they go against the Duke. If you can pretend to be her friend, he will treat our family favorably."

"Yes, Father."

Felix/Moni glanced side to side, his face still smiling despite his eyes being cold. He didn't care much about being there, and he was more disappointed that Felix chose to hide instead of using the chance to experience it. 

He didn't intend to stay in this body forever.

Only until he was sure the boy would be safe.

As they approached the main doors, the Headmaster stood in front with a list in his hands. His cold eyes zeroed in on the Duke, "Surprised to see you here. I never thought I would ever see Duke Newman bringing his children here."

The Duke smiled, "And why not? Every other Noble brings their children. Why shouldn't I? I would rather have capable children than ones that are illiterate."

"Hm…" The Headmaster narrowed his eyes as the air got colder, "Just who are you trying to fool? You would never care about your children unless you have ulterior motives, or you've been possessed. So which one is it?"

Moni spoke telepathically: <<Okay, Felix. I need out of this. Do your best.>>

Felix took over control and burst into tears. He held his father's legs, sobbing into them as he tried to hide from the Headmaster.

The Headmaster's expression darkened as he watched the Duke reach down to comfort him. 

"There, there. The Headmaster doesn't hate you… Don't cry."

The Headmaster's face darkened more.

The Duke looked up at him with a smug curl of his lips, "I'm going to bring him inside then I will leave."

The Headmaster watched the two go inside but didn't say anything else. Once they were alone, Moni regained control and wiped away the tears, "That was close. Now leave out of the back and don't get caught by the Headmaster."

The Duke sat up straight and walked according to the order. Moni strolled down the hallways glancing side by side on the walls. He hummed to himself, "The barriers attached to this school are really powerful."

Moni closed his eyes and opened them in the shadows to see every inch of the building.

"Huh. This place has a lot of secrets… I wonder who built it."


Moni turned to look behind him, freezing upon seeing a weak, malnourished girl with long flowing blonde hair.

His eyes were drawn to the child's chest where a curse vibrated sinisterly, only visible to Moni's piercing orange eyes.

Screams blared in Moni's ears as a stabbing pain rushed up from the center of his abdomen. He quickly covered it, feeling the brown eyes slowly turn orange, he pulled away from possessing Felix, using a shadow to escape undetected.

Felix was so shocked to have full control of his own body, tears started forming in his eyes.

The child bounced in front of Felix with a bright grin. The innocent smile contrasted his pale skin and sunken eyes, "H-Hello! We met at Nicholas's birthday. Do you remember me? You were the one who let me out of the box."

Felix looked back at the child hesitantly, "Y-Yes… You're my cousin…"

The child watched him tear up with a slightly dissatisfied expression, "...Do you hate being my cousin so much that you want to cry?"

Felix hiccuped, "N-Not quite."

The child blinked slowly, "So…?"


"Why are you crying then?"

"I… I…"

A tall man with snowy hair and round glasses appeared behind him, "Young Master! Did you make a friend?"

The child averted his gaze, "...No."

Felix panicked, wondering what he could do to ensure that Moni's plan to infiltrate the Academy continued accordingly. He batted his tearful eyes, "I-I'm just surprised that Prince Cyrus would talk to me… I'm not his full-blooded cousin."

Cyrus looked at Felix with wide eyes, "Did you just call me… A prince?"

Felix rubbed his eyes, "A-Aren't you?"

A wide smile slowly spread across his face, "Say… What classes are you taking?"

Timeline-wise, this is before Cyrus started living at the Academy and before he got abducted and met Reika.

Nekorucreators' thoughts