
[63.3] Cyrus POV: Empty Promises

[Disclaimer: This chapter includes mature material that may not be suitable for every reader. This chapter includes emotional manipulation, emotional and physical abuse, assault, and other themes that may be traumatizing to the reader.]

In the next memory, Reika was back at the gallery. The other workers continued to snicker at them, but she ignored them with her head held high.

One of the women who sold her art in a section of the gallery came up to her and whispered, "I slept with your boyfriend."

Reika's expression fell, "You're lying."

"Am I?"

She pulled out her phone with a smirk and clicked on it. Noises came from the screen and although I couldn't see the video being played, I knew the woman's claims were accurate.

The colors of the room started dripping just like water rushing down a painting not yet dried.

Reika stomped over to that man as the background turned out of control. It was the first time I heard her scream at him. "YOU LIED TO ME! YOU ACCUSED ME OF CHEATING WHILE YOU WERE THE ONE CHEATING!"

He stared back at her with indifference, "I was merely paying you back for what you did to me."


"Oh? Wasn't it cheating?" He grabbed her arm hard enough to leave bruises and pulled her to him, "Emotionally cheating is still cheating."

"I didn't-"

"You did. You can try to pretend you didn't. But you did. I cheated because of YOU! You have no one to blame but yourself!"

"That's it." She shoved his arm off of him, "I'm done with you. We are OVER!"

"No. No, we are NOT!"

The memory started contorting, making me so dizzy I couldn't see it any longer. All I could hear was the painful cries of the woman I loved.

"Please…Please stop…"

She appeared in his embrace, her face and body completely obstructed by his.

"Who are you going to run to this time? Hm? You have no friends. You have no parents who love you… All you have is me."

He hugged her so tightly, her face turned red.

"Oh, my stupid, naive Reika… I love you so much. Why can't you see that?"

A once vibrant and vivacious girl was turned into a timid, meek mouse. She dared not breathe for fear it would anger this man.

I had to stand by and painfully watch as Reika got caught in a terrible cycle.

The next succession of memories was hard to watch, but I refused to turn away. Reika was laying out her pain and torment to me. She trusted me enough to show me her past.

…So I forced myself to watch.

Her boyfriend would go out and return late at night drunk, beating her if she so much looked at him wrong.

She was miserable at her job.

She was miserable living with him.

Her life was spiraling out of control.

But why doesn't she leave?

The room got dark and I heard a voice behind me, "My dream became my nightmare."

When I turned around, Reika sat in a chair in front of a balding man. He overlooked a paper in his hands humming, "You have an impressive resume… But why would you want to switch from such a prominent art gallery to being a mere art curator?"

She responded, "I've been in a slump with my painting and it's made me realize my passion is in art itself, not the creation of art. I would always visit this museum as a child, and it inspired me to become an artist. When I noticed the job notice for a curator, I had to apply for it. I want to inspire the new generation just as I had been."

"Hm… That's very uplifting to hear. This job requires you to host tours for adults and children, planning guest exhibits, as well as acquiring and cataloging the art. Do you think you can manage that?"

Her eyes sparkled, "Oh, I can! I'm very good at managing art, I ran my art club's organization in high school."

"And you don't have a problem with giving tours to children? A lot of people think the work is an insult to the time they've put into their studies."

"Not at all! I love children! Plus, how else could I inspire the new generation?"

I looked at her in surprise.


But she's never said a thing like THAT before!

Is she lying to get the job?

He smiled and gave her a nod, "Then welcome to the team."

"Thank you so much, Sir! I can't wait to start."

He led her out of the door and motioned to a man, "This is my secretary. He will help you get your uniform and I will see you next Monday for your first shift."

The secretary handed her an outfit which she took with a hint of concern, "O-Oh… A short skirt and short sleeves… What if I get… Cold?"

He smiled, "We allow black-colored stockings and black sweaters."

"Oh, what a relief." She held the uniform to her chest with a bright smile, "I can't wait to tell my boyfriend that I got the job."

Reika skipped home later that night, as to why she was so excited to tell her no good boyfriend, I wasn't sure.

She entered the apartment and noticed him drinking from a bottle. She glanced at the empty bottles beside him hesitantly, "Darling… You're drinking? Isn't it Tuesday?"

His dark eyes slowly turned away from a screen playing images and to her, "...Where have you been."

"Oh!" Her smile returned, "I went in for an interview and I got it!! I got the job! It's a really well-paid position at the Museum of-"

"-And you didn't think to ask me first!?"

She leaned back slightly, "I… I wanted it to be a surprise."

"Oh! Well it certainly is a SURPRISE!"

He threw the bottle at her which missed and smashed into the wall behind. Reika let out a scream and cowered as he stomped over. He grabbed her by the hair and forced her frightened eyes to stare up at him, "Am I not enough for you!? You took my kindness and just stomped on it!? I got you the job at my gallery to help you! And now you just want to throw it away!?"

Her voice wavered, "I-I hate that place. The coworkers are so mean and no one ever buys my art… I'm losing you money and this will bring us more income-"

"-Oh so you think I'm so useless that you need to help me!? You think that I need YOUR help because I'm not as successful as my parents or yours!?"

She pleaded with him, "Darling, darling, please… I didn't mean to make you mad I just wanted-"

Her words were cut off abruptly.

I was thrown into the darkness with only sobs echoing in the space. In the distance, a light came on, and in that light was the worthless man holding Reika in his arms as she cried.

"Oh, Reika… You know I only do this because I love you. I love you so much, you just make me so crazy."

As he held her far too tightly in a hug as she sobbed silently.

He continued to repeat without stopping.

"I love you."

"I love you Reika Kang."

"I love you so much."

My fist clenched together and I sprinted towards him.

Just as my fist flew through his face, he disappeared.

I was left alone in the darkness.

Voices spoke, but no memories came with it.

"You don't need a phone when you live with me… Who else do you need to contact?! You only need ME!"

"B-But I need it for-"

Her words were cut off.

"I will take you to work and pick you up. You're not allowed to go out after work without me."


"What did you say to my parents?! Why are they asking about your bruises!?"

"I-I didn't say anything! I promise!"

"From now on, you won't see them ever again. I just can't trust you!"


"Reika… My darling Reika… You're the one who made me angry. I love you."

"Reika! You are trying to leave?! HAHA! Just go ahead and try!"

"Reika… I'm so sorry… I changed. I promise I won't hit you again. Please come back."



"Darling. I promise I will get help. I promise I will stop drinking."

"Reika… You belong to me. I won't let any other men have you."

"Oh, my silly, stupid, Reika. I warned you that you would regret trying to leave."

"Reika. There's nowhere for you to go anymore."

"Reika, I'm the only one you have."

I covered my ears and forcibly closed my eyes to hide the tears welling up. My voice cracked, "Reika… Please tell me how I can help… Please-"

"Reinuna. Please tell me how I can help you."

I opened my eyes in surprise.

Reika stood in front of a fellow coworker staring at her with large surprised eyes, "Hanabae?"