
[60.4] Priscilla POV: Atropa Belladonna

I poked the flower in the pot and took a deep breath, "Okay, flower. Talk to me. Denuntio!"

Once my magic was absorbed into the flower, I leaned forward and placed my ear to it.

A small whisper entered my ears, "Take extra care of the lady's flowers. She prefers to water them herself, but she cries whenever she sees them wilting. So we need to remove the wilted ones before she sees them."

I nearly jumped for joy, "It worked! It actually worked!"

Flowers that act as ears in other places!

Big Brother is going to be so impressed!!

"Wait…" I stopped jumping, "Have they been removing the dead flowers from my garden? I had no idea…"

I will have to focus on that issue later.

For now, let's see if I can reproduce the spell again.

I went to the next flower and did the same spell, successfully creating another "ear". I cheered for myself, "Next I should figure out how to talk to it and have another person answer. It might take me another 13 years, but I will-"

A voice suddenly came through the flower, "Master. I've done what you've asked. Everything is handled."


Isn't that the flower I planted near the west wing annex? There's not supposed to be anyone there…

A familiar voice answered, "Excellent. Then we can move forward with the plan."

I paused with my breath in my throat.

The first voice answered, "Then shall I procure Miss Reika for you?"



Why are they talking about her?!

"No. Not yet. I'm not ready for that yet."

"But… Master, with all respect… Are you sure you're not hesitating? If you don't want to continue with this-"

"No. We are continuing… It's just that… It's just that the time isn't right."

"But what about the body your possessing? How is its condition?"

"Don't call him it. You know I don't like that."

"Forgive me, Master…"

"Just stop doing it. As for him, his body is stable as long as I am in control of it."

I covered my mouth in a panic.


I knew something was wrong!

That fortune teller was right!

There really is a demon in my house!

I grabbed my appearance-changing jewel and ran out of my room, going straight to the carriages waiting outside. I threw back the door of the closest one, causing the driver who was reading a newspaper to jump. I shouted to him, "Take me to the market! Quickly!!!"

"Y-Yes my lady! Right away!"

The carriage yanked forward, quickly leaving out of the gates. Once we made it to the city center, I didn't even wait for the carriage to stop before tossing the door open and hopping out.

"E-Eh?! My lady! Wait-"

I ignored the driver and rushed to the fortune teller, pushing through the crowds of people. I saw the red fortune sign and ran inside, even neglecting to push the curtain aside so it flapped around instead.

I ran into the dark room where the woman in the cloak was already waiting.

I slapped the table, "I want a Holy weapon."

Although I couldn't see her face, I could tell she stiffened up. Her harmonious voice answered, "What makes you think I have one?"

I threw out a large bag of jewels, "These jewels are infused with mana. You can replenish your own with them."

The woman took a jewel and tested it. Once she ensured it worked, an evil laugh echoed at the back of her throat. The woman took out a small knife, engraved with flowy designs.

"Here. Use it wisely."

I grabbed it slowly, staring at my reflection in the blade. I looked at her suspiciously, "Is this real?"

She gave a carefree shrug, "Only one way to find out… Just be warned. If you use that, you must be prepared to face the consequences."

I bit down on my lip, anxiously staring at the knife before hiding it in my sleeve and leaving.

She called out to me, "Remember to aim for the right spot. The demon in your house has a preexisting wound in his abdomen. If you stab him there, he will surely die."

I stopped to give her one last glance before rushing out.

The woman rubbed her hands together, "Well that should solve that thorn in my side."

After making it back home, I went straight to my room, checking out the knife in closer detail.

It's real.

It's really real.

I can feel it.

Just having this in my hand makes it feel like my skin is tingling. Holding it is enough for me to tell how dangerous it is.

So how should I find out who the demon is-

*knock knock*

The knife fell out of my hands as I jumped from the sudden knock on my bedroom door. I quickly hid the knife in my desk and turned around, "Yes?"

My brother's voice called out behind the door, "Priscilla? Can I talk to you for a moment?"

I smoothed out my hair and opened the door, "Of course, come on in."

I sat down on the couch and pulled him over. He looked at me with concern, "Priscilla… How have you been feeling lately?"

I blinked innocently, "I've been good."

"Really? Because you haven't been leaving the house in a while… I checked at the Academy and they said you turned in your resignation."

"Oh… Um. Well, the Academy has been too stifling. As for not leaving the house, I just have been working on a new flower… Maybe I can show you sometime?"

He gave a weak smile, "Yeah, I would like that. But are you sure there's nothing wrong?"

"I'm fine, brother Felix."

"Are you sure you're okay after the incident in the tunnels?"

I hesitated, "I-I haven't even thought about that."

He studied my face for a moment before reaching out to hold my hand, "Priscilla. Your older brother is here now. You can tell me anything."

I stared at his hand for a moment before whispering, "Do you remember what you used to call me when we were younger?"

"You… Remember that I had a nickname for you?"

I nodded hesitantly, "Yes… I've been having dreams where you called me it… Do you remember what you used to call me?"

He studied me in silence and I dared not raise my head to see his expression. Eventually, he spoke, "You mean 'Scilla?"

He knows it!

He continued, "Wasn't it because I couldn't pronounce the P?"

I let out a sigh of relief, "It's not you."

"What isn't me?"

I shook my head, "Oh, nothing."

He stared at me in confusion, "It's really nothing?"

I leaned my head on his shoulder, "It's nothing."

"That's a relief." He patted my head, "However, if you are having any nightmares, please come see me. When you were younger, you had trouble with them as well so I made a medicine for you. Do you need me to make it again for you?"

I smiled at him calmly, "No, my nightmares aren't so bad. I hardly remember them after I wake up."

His eyes peered into the depths of mine as if he was assessing my soul, "...If you ever need to talk, I am here to listen."

"I know big brother."

Seeing that I wouldn't say what was on my mind, he changed the subject, "So will you be coming with me to the parade today?"

I paused, "Oh… I think I will stay home…"


"I-I just don't feel like being around that many people."

"Are you sure? I'm going."

I nodded, "I'm sure."

He stared at me for a long time that I thought he had figured out what I was hiding. Finally, he spoke. "Okay. I'm not sure if I will be home or at my villa. If you need me, just send a bodyguard."

"I will."

Priscilla: I can't act suspicious to tip off the demon!

*immediately starts acting suspicious*

Needless to say... Priscilla isn't the best detective.

At least she tries?

Nekorucreators' thoughts