
[44.1] Arrival to the Second Test

Cyrus and I climbed out of the carriage after it finally came to a stop. As I stretched, Cyrus handed me a satchel bag which I flung over my shoulder. Other carriages pulled up behind us and followed suit.

Today was the start of the second test, and due to the problems we encountered last time, we were now assigned an entourage from the Royal Guards to follow and make sure none of the contestants met any harm.

I instantly felt irritated at the sight of Captain Lou stepping off the carriage and walking over to us with his arrogant and infuriating smirk.

I whispered to Cyrus, "Why do we have to be so unlucky!? I'm starting to think there's a conspiracy against us!!"

Cyrus calmly responded, "I think we were quite lucky to be assigned Captain Lou. He's one of the most respected members of the Royal Guards."

"But I hate him!" I looked at Captain Lou suspiciously and raised my voice, "I'm convinced he cheated so he could be assigned to us."

Captain Lou snickered at me once he strolled over, "Oh, I personally requested to be placed on your team. How else can I ensure you won't cause trouble? Don't pretend like you don't know what caused that fog last time."

I gave him a nasty look, "Were you eavesdropping on our conversation? How immature and rude."

A vein on his forehead pulsed in irritation as he shouted back, "You were talking loud enough for me to hear!!"

At that moment, Chief Gonza strolled over with an exhausted expression, "Captain Lou. I allowed you to be with my niece to protect her, not to incite her."

I hugged Chief Gonza's arm and looked up at him with puppy dog eyes, "U-Uncle Gonza… Can't you be on our team instead?"

I watched as Chief Gonza received critical damage, but still remained firm, "I-I can't. I have to remain behind to ensure the safety of those inside."

I clicked my tongue in frustration and released him. I turned around in a huff, "Worthless."

Cyrus chuckled and reached out to pat down my ruffled hair.

He was thoroughly enjoying my tantrum.

I allowed him to soothe me, "Ugh… Whatever."

Chief Gonza forced a smile to appease me, "I think your family arrived if you want to go see them."

I nodded in understanding and started walking down the path that he pointed to.

To get to the location of the second test, all of the contestants traveled in a strange march to a faraway village that was inaccessible via carriage. Although it was a tradition for the second test, it felt far too similar to a funeral procession.

As we walked past another carriage, Priscilla and her Royal Magician had already climbed out and made a beeline for us.

Today is going to be a bad day.

Priscilla called after us, "Halt!"

I mumbled under my breath, "We must smell bad since we are attracting all these flies."

Cyrus laughed, humored by my grumpiness. He reached out to give my hand a squeeze.

Priscilla strolled over to us with her nose in the air and with her Royal Magician and Royal Guard following her with exasperation. The other Royal Guard gave Captain Lou a nod and Captain Lou politely nodded back.

I felt irritated again.

Why am I the only one who seems to suffer that man's wrath!?

Priscilla smirked, "Hmph. Did your familiar abandon you for that other woman again?"

I rolled my eyes, "He's not a pet. He has free will to follow whomever he wants."

This response only made her cockier, "You can't even control your own familiar yet you're Prince Cyrus's trusted Royal Magician? Hmph. He deserves someone who is actually capable of helping to run a country."

I frowned at her address.

Since when has she been this respectful to Goldilocks!?

I gave Cyrus a look and he shook his head to signify he didn't know either.

I turned back to her, knowing she was just trying to get a rise out of me.

However, I am just as childish as she expected.

I snapped my finger and a sudden snow pile appeared above her head and promptly dropped down on it.

I turned to walk away with Cyrus as she screamed from the bitter cold snow, "IT WENT DOWN MY BACK!"

Captain Lou stomped after me and promptly started nagging, "You can't behave for one moment, can you!? I knew I was right in following you! You're just going to cause more trouble!!"

I innocently raised my hands, "It's not my fault, I can't control my mana."

"That's hardly an excuse!"

This is the start of a very long long chapter, so I will be posting half this week and half next week. (I need to catch up on my writing/editing)

I hope you enjoy~

Nekorucreators' thoughts