
[41.1] Island Vacation!!! (For Work)

I jumped out of the carriage with my hands raised in excitement, "WOOHOO! ISLAND VACATION!"

Zephyr hopped off with me, "WOOHOO! SWIMSUITS!"

Hazel got off the carriage with a forced grin, "Who are you trying to see in a swimsuit?"

Zephyr paused, then turned to her with an innocent smile, "Just you."

She patted his head, "Good boy."

Cyrus got off the carriage after her and frowned, "It's not an Island vacation and there will be no swimsuits. We are here because the first test will take place tomorrow."

I nodded happily, "Yeah, but we will have a few days after the test. That means we have just enough time to have fun!"

Cyrus stared at me in disbelief, "Aren't you nervous!? How can you be thinking of fun?!"

I shook my head, "Nah. I'm a master magician so this will be a breeze. I want to make the best of this situation since it's not often I have an excuse to get out of an entire week of class."

Another carriage pulled up and Felix climbed out before turning to help Priscilla out of the carriage. Another man followed them out, carrying both of their suitcases. He had on a daunting expression and his seemingly tired eyes were hidden under a large-brimmed hat. I recognized him as the magician assigned to Priscilla, but he didn't seem to have much of a personality and stayed more in the background.

Priscilla scowled at us, "I don't understand why THEY have to be here too!"

Felix sighed, "They are staying at the Villa with us. I've told you this many times."

"But why!?"

"Because they needed a place to stay and we have more than enough rooms here. Father approved of it as well."

She stomped in frustration, "But he's our enemy!!! Why would we help out another contestant!?"

Felix forced on a smile, "Priscilla. You don't even want to win. You're only participating because of our family's honor, so why do you care?"

She pointed at me, "Because I hate her!"

I pursed my lips, "The feeling is mutual."

Felix started to panic, "Now, now. Let's not start a fight."

I snickered, "It wouldn't be much of a fight."

She glared me down, "Do you want a repeat from graduation night?! I'm not afraid to fight!"

"Bring it on!" I held up my fists, "And this time we use our fists instead of pulling hair!"

Priscilla went to charge at me but was held back by Felix.

Cyrus also jumped in to grab me and steer me toward the villa, "Let's unpack our things, shall we?"

I allowed him to pull me away from Priscilla and to the beautiful Villa on the edge of a vast lake. However, he couldn't prevent me from glaring her down.

Zephyr and Hazel followed after us and looked around in awe. Hazel spoke first, "It is really beautiful here."

Cyrus spoke, "Felix even gave us rooms with a nice view of the lake. Hazel, Priscilla, and you will all be at one end of the hall. Don't worry, you won't have to share a room, you'll get your own-"

I smiled at Cyrus mischievously, "Oh, but I don't need my own room since I will be staying with you~"

Cyrus went to nod but froze. His voice cracked, "W-What?!"

I wrapped my arms around his waist and put my head against his shoulder. I batted my eyes, "We will be sharing a room together. Duh."

I could see his brain short-circuiting, "W-We can't do that!"

"Oh? Why not?"

He whispered urgently, "Because we aren't married! How could we share a bed?!"

I teased him, "I didn't say we would share a bad. Wow. Where is your mind right now?"

His panicked expression dropped and he turned away from me. He clicked his tongue, "You were the one speaking so suggestively. Either way, we can't share a room if we aren't married."

I giggled, "Okay, so if we get married it's okay?"

His eyes widened, "Are you serious?!"

"Maybe." I shook my head, "Maybe not."

He let out a sigh, "Please stop teasing me."

Zephyr jumped to my side and pulled me off of Cyrus, "Oi! Trashy girl! I will tell the Snowman on you if you try sleeping in his room!!"

Hazel hummed, "I'm surprised the Headmaster even allowed you to come without his supervision. I expected him or Della to stay with us."

"He couldn't come because he had work to do. Mummy didn't come because she said it was time I started to act like an adult… Even though I'm pretty sure I have been all along."

Cyrus snickered, "That's debatable."

I gave him a look before turning back to Hazel, "The Headmaster thought he could still supervise me without me knowing."

Cyrus tilted his head, "Is he having Caldwell report back to him?"

Caldwell pursed his lips, "Young Master… How could you think I would ever betray you?"

Cyrus nodded, "Yeah, I suppose you're right."

Caldwell beamed as he nodded happily, "I'm your most trusted-"

Cyrus continued, "-He would never trust you since he doesn't even think of you as an adult."

Caldwell deflated.

Cyrus turned to me, "So how is he supervising?"

"He's sent his minion." I pointed to Hazel's shoulder where Belle was sitting, "Although I think he forgot I can see her."

Belle raised a middle finger, "Shut up, evil human."

Hazel giggled and poked Belle's cheek lovingly, "She's so cute! I love her little voice~"

Belle allowed Hazel to poke her and even grinned, "You're lucky you smell good or else I would bite you."

The three boys all looked at Hazel's shoulder but saw nothing.

Zephyr clicked his tongue, "Is she really there?"

Hazel abruptly stopped poking Belle, "You can't see her?"

Cyrus stared at Hazel with an unreadable expression, "You can?"

Belle rubbed her cheek on Hazel's, "Of course, she can. Why are humans always so blind? Can't they tell that you are-"

Hazel cut her off, "-Reika can see you too."

Belle pulled away with a sour expression, "Ugh! I hate even being in her presence!"

My face twitched in annoyance, "I can hear you too."

She glared at me, "Good."

I forced myself to ignore her, "Also, my Uncle is going to be at the competition tomorrow and he promised to keep an eye on me."

Caldwell perked up, "He's coming!?"

I nodded, "He is. He will be staying here too, so you'll get to flirt all you want."

Caldwell cheered, "Oh! I'm definitely going to show him just how good of a house husband I can be!!!"

I ignored him and spoke to the group, "So since we got here at a good time, what are we going to do first? Go for a swim? Suntan?"

Cyrus shook his head, "Neither. We have to wake up early tomorrow for the first test. We can't have fun tonight. We have to prepare."

I groaned, "Oh come on! Why would we travel this far and not enjoy it!?"

Cyrus gave me a look of disapproval, "We came for the test. Not for fun."

I pouted, "But… We can at least have fun…"

Cyrus's expression softened. He averted his gaze, "We will be here several days after the test, so we can do something after."

I cheered and threw my arms around him in a hug, "Yaay! You're the best!! How can I ever thank you?"

He coughed to hide his smile, "I-I can think of a few ways."

I snickered, "Naughty boy."

His expression stiffened, "Not that."

I let out a dramatic sigh, "What a shame. I was totally going to do it."

His face lit up, "Really!?"

I skipped ahead, "But now you'll never get to."

He rushed after, "Wait! Let's at least discuss it!"

Once inside, Felix had the workers of the Villa place our things in our rooms. I went into my room, checking out every nook and cranny.

Eventually, I sauntered up to the large bay window and sat on the windowsill.

Wow! A lakeside view. It's so beautiful.

I bet the sunset will be lovely.

I heard the door open and glanced to see who entered.

Zephyr ran in and jumped on my bed. He stretched out, "Oh yeah. This is the life. These humans know what a good bed is."

I frowned, "Why are you getting comfortable in my room? You have your own room."

He transformed into a fox and shook his head, "No way. I haven't slept alone my entire life and I don't intend to start now."

I plopped down on the bed beside him and let out a yawn, "Whatever. I don't really care."

As I closed my eyes and listened to his rhythmic breathing, I started to drift off to sleep.

I think…

I won't be able to fall asleep alone ever again.

Hello! I'm back! Please enjoy these chapters as I recover from snowboarding last night.

Nekorucreators' thoughts