
[28.4] Astra: The Sleepy One

[Author's note: This part is back to Reika's perspective. Our Queen hath returned to tell the story once more.]

I lay among bubbles in the most luxurious bath as gorgeous, topless men catered to me.

I knew I was in a dream, but I had no complaints.

The foot and shoulder massage even felt real!

I noticed the little girl standing in the doorway with a shocked and tense Cyrus standing behind her.

Oh wow! The demon girl really did a good job making him. He even acts the way Cyrus acts!

I leaned over the bath and pointed to the fake Cyrus in the doorway, "Oi! Girlie! Have this hottie take off his shirt too! I've always wanted to see what was underneath."

The girl laughed as she bounced over to me, "Astra! My name is Astra!"

I nodded, "Right. Right. My darling Astra. Could you get him to take off his shirt?"

She giggled, "I can ask him, but I can't force him."

I raised an eyebrow, "Why not? You created everything else."

She beamed at me, "Because he is real!"

I froze.

"Um. Huh?"

"He's real!" She repeated as if proud.

I stared at Cyrus with my mind completely blank.

Aren't I…

Only covered…

In bubbles right now!?!

Astra tilted her head mischievously, "Although I think he would take off his shirt if you'd ask."

"STOP LOOKING!" I screamed at Cyrus before diving under the water.

Cyrus abruptly turned around, blushing profusely as he tried to hide his embarrassment.

Astra looked between us two with a confused look on her face.

Cyrus cleared his throat, "A-Astra… Could you… Could you please have her put on her clothes?"

Astra asked innocently, "Do you not like it?"

He shouted in a shrill voice, "I-I don't! I don't like it at all! There's nothing to see! Why would I like it!?!"

My head slowly emerged from the bubbles with my eyes narrowed in anger. I clenched my jaw in irritation, "Nothing to see?! There's plenty to see! LOOK!"

I jumped out of the water, splashing bubbles and water all around. I shouted as I grabbed his sleeve, "THERE'S PLENTY TO SEE!"

He snapped his eyes shut and refused to turn around. He cried out, "Please put on some clothes!!"


He cried out louder, "PUT SOMETHING ON!"

Astra giggled, "Adults are funny."

I realized there was a child in my presence and suddenly felt embarrassed. I attempted to cover myself up, "Um… Astra… Could I get something to wear?"

She nodded and two of the men came over and put me into a bathrobe. I cleared my throat, "I'm good now. You can turn back around."

Cyrus slowly turned around, but now the embarrassment was replaced by jealousy, "I didn't know you were into these kinds of men."

I laughed and winked at him, "There's no need to be jealous. I would be happier if you waited on me topless."

His cheeks flushed pink and he looked away. He cleared his throat, "Can we go now please?"

I smiled softly at his response.

I'm glad he's fun to tease.

I looked down at Astra, "Astra, can we leave now? I don't think it's good to stay in a dream for very long."

She pouted, "But Astra doesn't want you to leave her…"

I grinned, "Then just live with me."

Cyrus looked at me in shock, "Reika! She's a demon!"

I stuck out my lip, "So? Look how cute she is!"

I squished her cheeks as she giggled.

Cyrus frowned not convinced by her adorable act, "She could be manipulating you."

I shrugged, "I don't think so. She seems sincere."

Astra spoke with a soft smile, "It's okay, Momma. I can't live among humans anyway. I suffer from narcolapy."

I furrowed my brow, then my eyes lit up in understanding, "Ah! Narcolepsy."

She nodded, "Yeah! That. Because of narcolepsy, I collapse without warning and am too vulnerable. I can't ever maintain a human form because it makes me so tired. I'm better off keeping my older brother company."

I let out a sigh, "I understand…"

She laughed, "I hope that one-day demons and humans can live together everywhere."

I smiled softly, "I hope so too."

Cyrus furrowed his brow and looked down at his sword with conflicting emotions.

Astra pointed and a golden door appeared, "Until next time."

Cyrus spoke, "Let me go first to make sure it's safe."

He walked out, disappearing into the light. I turned to leave, but before I could, Astra grabbed my hand.

I turned back to her and noticed a strange expression on her face.

I tilted my head, "What's wrong?"

Her voice had a tinge of desperation, "Please don't let Brother Zephyr near that scary woman. He's going to get tricked again."

I raised an eyebrow, "What scary woman?"

She went to answer but paused. Then she forced on a smile, "Momma… Not all friends are genuine."

My eyes widened slightly.

Is she trying to warn me of something?

But why is she speaking so cryptically?

Ugh. Why does no one ever just EXPLAIN?!

I'm tired of these mind games.

She removed her hand and took a step into the receding darkness, "Evil is closer than you'd think."

The darkness consumed me as I finally awoke from the dream. I sat up rubbing my head and looked around for Astra, but I couldn't see her anywhere. "Where did she go?..."

Cyrus was already awake, but he didn't know where she went either so he just shrugged.

Captain Lou eventually sat up with a pale face, "M-My family…"

I raised an eyebrow, "What kind of dream did she show you?"

He suddenly realized where he was and snapped out of his stupor. He stood up in a huff, looking around as if wanting to start a fight, "Where did that d*mn demon go!? I will teach her a lesson for hurting my family! Dream or not!"

Caldwell checked Cyrus over, "Young Master! Are you hurt?"

Cyrus shook his head, "I'm fine. Did you see where that little girl went?"

He looked guilty, "I… I was too preoccupied with you to notice she walked away."

Cyrus sighed, "We should return back home and think about how we should move forward."

Captain Lou frowned, "You two can return. I'm going to look for that demon."

He left us behind, but we didn't really care. I was too busy pondering Astra's warning while I walked back to the group. Cyrus glanced at Caldwell, "Why weren't you affected by the dream?"

He shrugged, "I don't know."

I spoke up, "Maybe she wanted to make sure someone could watch over our sleeping bodies."

Cyrus clicked his tongue, "You really want her to be innocent."

I shrugged, "I can't help it. She's just too cute."

Once we made it back to Felix and Hazel, I looked around. "Where is Zephyr?"

Felix spoke, "We saw him sprint past us looking like he saw a ghost or something."

Hazel added, "I think he was running home."

I pulled out my wand and gave it a wave. An ice chunk appeared, raising me into the air, much to the displeasure of everyone around me. I looked down at them, "I'm going back."

Cyrus looked at me sternly, "You can't just-"

I sped off without waiting another moment. My mind was churning as I thought back to what Astra said. I was confused and probably wouldn't be able to figure out her meaning…

But if anyone had any ideas it would be Zephyr.

The two of them seemed to know each other very well.

Yaaay! You met my other favorite character: Astra!

She's a childlike demon who manipulates everyone with her cuteness~

...Can you guess her relationship to Zephyr?

Nekorucreators' thoughts