
[24.5] The Pieces that Burn

[WARNING: This chapter contains mentions of death and arson that some readers may find traumatizing.]

Della pulled back from our hug and wiped her eyes, "By the way… What's that in your hands?"

I forced a smile, "I was going to make you a flower wreath, but for some reason, the flowers got burned."

"Ah, well… Let's just make a burnt wreath then?"

I nodded, "I would like that."

The days that followed were the most peaceful ones of my entire life, past and present.

I missed my Uncle, but I was happy to finally have a person I could call a mother.

It was more than I could ever ask for.

I did anything to make Della happy. If that meant acting more like a child so she could feel like a mother, then that's what I did. I found myself accepting my place in the world and embracing my childish tendencies.

I no longer cared if I was in the body of a child.

I no longer cared that I was in a new world.


Those nightmares became more and more frequent the longer the days went on.

Each dream was the same.

I couldn't see anything.

My eyes burned and stung until I could no longer keep them open and smoke filled my lungs until I could no longer breathe.

I would collapse and desperately try to crawl, but eventually, my body gave out.

The only thought I ever had was…

-I have to protect it-

Each time I would wake up from those terrible dreams, Della was at my side rubbing my forehead with her icy hands. It calmed my heart, but the dreams kept happening.

Eventually, I started waking up to smoke permeating the room and Della trying her best to air it out. Each time I asked about it, she would say she accidentally burned something.

But there was something odd going on...

I just couldn't figure out what.

One morning, Della was airing out the smoke when she nonchalantly asked, "Do you ever miss your other world?"

I paused, "...What?"

"Your other world. You had an entire life there, but you never talk about it… You never even try to see if you can return."

I scoffed, "Return? There's nothing for me to return to."

I politely excused myself and left her in the room to ponder my words. As I walked downstairs to the kitchen to eat some food, Della's concerned eyes followed me out of the room.


A large painting hung on the wall in front of me.

I stared at it with eyes of admiration.

The lights slowly started to dim…

Smoke crawled into the room…

I could no longer see that beautiful painting.

I pulled it from the frame carefully and rolled it up.

-I have to protect it-

Smoke filled my lungs.

Tears stung my eyes.

-I can't breathe-

But I still have to protect it.

I collapsed to the ground and pulled the painting close.

Tears covered my cheeks before drying up from the endless heat.

I'm not ready…

I'm not ready to leave.


I don't want to leave!

Not yet…

Not like this…

But the flames didn't listen.

They covered my body, singing my hair and burning my skin into embers.

It was so hot I wanted to scream.

But I had no voice.

My eyes sprung open, coughing and choking on the smoke filling the room. I had woken up from another nightmare to see an uncontrollable fire all around me. The bed snapped in half, sending me rolling through the flames.

I had expected it to hurt, but all I felt was the uncomfortable heat on my skin.

I didn't have time to process what was happening.

I have to escape!

The house is on fire!

I coughed violently as I forced myself to crawl through the flames and smoke, eventually making it to the stairs.

My hand slipped, sending me rolling down the stairs.

With a large thud, I landed at the bottom.

I managed to force open my eyes to see the flames consuming the walls.

It's even on fire down here?

How could this happen?!

Did someone set fire to our place while we slept?!

Was it the priests?

Did they find us!?

Just what is going on?!

I tried to peer through the smoke to see the cause, but because of the smoke, I couldn't see anything other than the flames.

I gave up trying to find the answer and quickly I crawled towards to door, forcing it open with my remaining strength. I rolled onto the grass gagging for air. Smoke billowed out of the open door, darkening the night sky.

The fire started attracting the attention of neighbors who raced outside. So many voices shouted, "The fire is out of control!"

"How did it spread so fast?!"

"We have to stop the flames!"

I forced myself up and looked at the crowd.

A man ran over to me, "Is there anyone inside?!"

My eyes shrunk back once I realized my mother was nowhere to be found.

She's still inside.

I croaked, "Mummy! Mummy!"

I forced myself up to my feet and went running back into the building completely engulfed in flames, but was held back.

I cried as I reached out, "My mummy is still in there! Please!"


Please I beg you!

He held me back, "Relax, kid! Let us use our magic!"

As the water poured from their wands, the fire only grew more ferocious.

"How is the water not helping!?"

"What kind of fire is that!!?"

"It's like the water is feeding it!"

"No one could survive a blaze like that!"

I fell to my knees in defeat.

…No one?


Then how did I?

The Royal Knights finally arrived, but soon encountered the same problem as the townspeople. Only with overwhelming power and suffocating the flames by other means, did they quickly put out the fire. Once the flames died out, only a crumbled-up building was left. My thoughts had been racing the entire time, but I couldn't force myself to stand up.

The Royal Knights walked into the building, then walked back out…

On a stretcher was a body covered in a white sheet.




I cried out in agony, "MUMMY!!!"

…Even though I survived the blaze, my life ended that day.

Goodbye Mummy~

Nekorucreators' thoughts