
A Mafia Woman is a Mafia Wife

Bianchi was tired, so very tired. It would cause her to go to a bar and meet the world's greatest hitman in one universe. It would give her an idea, and because Bianchi was smart, she would follow it. After all, what type of suitable donna would chase a baby all around the world. What would that mean for the don? For her husband. After all, if you aren't the leader of the Giglio Nero. A don can't be a woman. You also can't just be a Mafia Woman because if you are a Mafia Woman, you are a Mafia Wife. That is what you are raised to be, and that is what you will become. In this universe, though, as she was walking to the bar after killing her last target. She gets an email. She was to be married off to the underboss in a month. It looks like her dear father finally chose his heir. She knew him. He was cruel, cold and calculative. He would take what he wants without regard for what happens to anyone else. She feels like breaking down, but she can't because a mafia woman always keeps their composure. In this universe, she gets back to her lodging and breaks down crying. For her future, for her dreams and for what she could have been as a leader. She gets one more email from the Vongola themselves.

CutePanda7002 · Tranh châm biếm
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4 Chs

Where is she?


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As soon as Tuna awoke, she was suffering from a splitting headache and an aching body. It was hazy in her mind, and she did not have a clue what led her up to this point in the first place. The only thing she recollected was playing outside with an orange ball, then nothing followed.

The whole time, something was screaming in her head. It was warning her that there was something wrong, but she couldn't quite put her finger on what it was. Ignoring the feeling was the only thing she could do. She did not want to focus on what had happened. When she did that, it caused her head to go fuzzy and for her mouth to become dry.

Tsuna let out a whimper and opened her eyes that she had previously been kept closed shut. It was her tou-san's face that she saw as she looked up and found him looking down at her with a slight smile on his face. Her hair was being combed by his fingers while he ran them through her hair.

Tsuna was very bewildered. She sat up slowly and looked around while taking a few deep breaths. She was in a car? There were plenty of tinted windows in that car, as well as being immensely long. It had a lot of brown seats, all connected to each other.

Tsuna suddenly realized that there were other people in the car after she heard a chuckle. Among those present was a tall, dark-haired man with silver eyes and brown hair. Something in her mind was whispering, lightning, stern, protective. It was then that her Nonno caught her attention. There was a sense of amusement in his eyes when he looked at her. She smiled at him a moment before focusing on a person who appeared to be of a similar age as Nonno. The hair on his head was silver, and the eyes on his face were browny red. Her mind whispered Storm, Strict, Stern, Strong.

Her mind seemed to catch up with her, and she realized that someone important, her Kaa-san, was missing. Tsuna quickly turned her head to her tou-san "Tou-san, where is Kaa-san?" She quickly blurts out.

There is a conversation between the four men using the curious words that Nonno and Tou-san used during their visit when they conversed with each other.

Her tou-san looked at her before saying, " Prim, you will be staying with me for a while. Don't worry about Kaa-san. She is safe." Her mind reared up before supplying her with an uncomfortable truth. She relaxed again at that because truth means true. Kaa-san is safe. She ends up leaning against her Tou-san. Though she is perplexed, why is tou-san calling her prim? Where is she? Who are these people? Where are they going?

So she asks, " Why did you call me prim tou-san? Where are we? Who are these people? Where are we going? " Before she can ask any more questions, like what are the funny words everyone keeps using? Her tou-san's hand quickly but gently comes up and covers her mouth.

He looks at her for a tense second. The other people seem to be watching the interaction intensely, looking for something her mind seems to say.

" We are in Italy; we are going home. I called you Prim because your name is Primrose di Vongola. You are asking too many questions. You will need to learn not to do that. A good daughter of her family will speak when spoken to. Do you understand? Will you be a good girl?" Tou-san said in a stern tone.

Her tou-san hand slowly came down from her face. She felt a little bit of panic. She upset her tou-san and his flames.

Her flames that the memory of coming of having was so fuzzy. How did she have them? What were they? Why were they upset? Why were they important? Reared up at that and said nonnonononono to the fact that she upset them.

It was terrible that she upset them, and everything was prickly inside. She didn't want to upset her tou-san, so she resolved to listen. Tsuna no Primrose responded, " My name is Primrose, I understand, and I won't ask any more questions. I will be a good daughter." She finished with a nod of her head.

Tou-san then got a pleased smile on his face and said, " Good girl. "

The others seemed to relax after her response. The man with silver hair and browny red eyes started talking. " My name is Coyote Nougat, Primrose." The one with brown hair and silver eyes then said, " and my name is Turmeric Principessa."

Tsuna was hit with curiosity about what the word Principessa meant, but she wanted to be a good girl, so she didn't say anything.

She was then given pleased smiles from the men in the car. She leaned back on her tou-san. His fingers found their way to her hair again, and she leaned into his touch. His touch made her feel warm and safe. Too warm. Something said, but she pushed it away. She liked this warmth; her mind was being silly.

The car suddenly pulled into a stop, and her tou-san said, " Looks like we are home."


Hey, please comment and let me know what you think? Any feedback is greatly appreciated!

What did you think of the interactions Tsuna had with everyone? What perspective of the car ride do you want me to do next?

Or would you prefer no more perspectives of the car ride?

Let me know in the comments! Thanks for reading!

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