
A Mafia story: My Father's Debt

"I'm obsessed with your body Zola" he whispered into my ears, his hot breath brushing against my neck. He rubs both my nipples in between his fingers as the cold water run down our body. " I'm going to fuck your brains out" he whispered… and I could feel the goosebumps all over my skin. Love blooms in the most unexpected places. Zola gets abducted by Joseph, a Mafia prince. Her beautifully crafted body features lures Joseph's trusted sidekick Andrew and Joseph himself as secrets after secrets unveils. What happens when Joseph is caught by a secret assassin agency? Will Joseph's love for Zola die after he realizes she was paid to get his secrets for his arch rival and enemy Tobais? This union births another stunning young lady Enora Smith. Here's her journey with her prince charming from enemies to lovers

Jay00 · Thành thị
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16 Chs

First real talk


" Hmmn, what do you think it's going to be like with you as a dad?" I asked, hoping that would buy me time but apparently that wasn't exactly a smart question at the moment.

"I don't plan to have kids though.." he murmured, sliding his sweatpants up his legs." Wait, what ? Does that mean you aren't on pills? He asked.

" Uhmm I am actually, I'm an adult and I got them the last time I went out with Alfred" I said, nodding. I don't remember the last time I went out with him.

" Hmmn your fluffy?" He hummed.

" Ouuu yeah" I replied, hoping this wouldn't get more awkward.

" Hmm" he shrugged while picking up his laptop while I looked around for something free and comfortable to wear.

" Why don't you want to have kids though?" I asked, packing my hair into a high messy bun.

" Uhmm.. I think that uhm, ahem" he cleared his throat, he seemed nervous. " I don't think I'd be a great parent, of course no one is great at parenting but.. ahh" he sighed and ran his hands through his hair. " I have a messy path that I'd have to clean up for them. I feel like I'd be too busy trying to provide the best life I could possibly give and I don't want them running and watching their backs their whole life because of the choices I made," he said.

" Like me," I whispered. " There are good parents out there Joseph, I don't mean they are perfect of course they are still humans but they try and their kids love them and understand, just like my dad." I concluded.

" He got you here," he reminded me.

" Of course, I remember. But firstly, he took us out of America to keep us safe, to keep me safe. He tried and yes I Know he didn't have a good Job but he did all he did for me and I know I'm here today but that's fate and you aren't going to kill me are you?" I asked sarcastically, smiling.

" I still don't think I can do parenting or can I learn it?" He asked.

"You didn't exactly have a great relationship with your parents right?" I folded my legs and cuddled it with my chest.

" You should be a Psychologist " he said and we both laughed.

" There are good parents Joseph, you don't learn parenting, it's a bond you form when you see the life you created." I said, crawling my fingers towards his hand casually resting on the bed. " When you are so conscious of how bad of a parent your parents were, you'd make the same mistake they did. You don't have to be scared and I'm sure you'd make a great dad" I concluded, squeezing his hand a little. And we both smiled, his dimples denting in. I'd die for a dude with dimples.

" If I ever have a daughter, I want her to be as beautiful as you" he said, holding my hand in his.

" When your wife is pregnant, ask her to cross over my legs," I said.

" What's that?" He squeezed his face, confused.

" It's an African thing" I whispered and he started laughing.

I tucked the loose strands of my bun to the back of my ear and climbed down the bed, strolling casually out of his room. Thinking about it, we just had our first real talk.


" Hey! Hey! Hey!" Joseph said, waking me up from my sleep.

" What do you want Seph!" I growled, turning to the other side.

" Get up, we have to go RightNow!!" He yelled, searching for something from his drawers.

I opened my eyes and they fell on the pile of junk food I munched on last night before going to sleep. My sleepy brain just processed what he said.

" Go where?" I mumbled, yawning.

" Just get up" he said, turning towards me, his hands in his pockets. He was dressed in black jean pants, a gray shirt and a fancy white and gray jacket and some shiny boots..damn! The corner of my lips curled into a smile.

" Will you quit checking me out and let's leave? Now!" He said l.

" Joseph!!!... Come on, where are we going and I haven't even had my bath or brushed my teeth or had breastfast…" I said in between smiles and he just stood there, staring at me weirdly.

He walked over to me and picked me up, swinging me over his shoulders and just stormed out of the room. I don't remember ever being lifted but I think I love it. The situation got tensebaa we walked outside the house and Joseph's boys greeted him like the strict boss he was of course.

Ohh shit! I said to myself as I locked eyes with Andrew the moment we got outside, I immediately looked away, burying my face into Joseph's back. He carefully placed me down and we walked into an Audi, I randomly smelled my breath and oh gosh I need to brush my teeth.

"Where are we going?" I asked for the one hundredth time.

" A very fun place, you will see… but for now, Alfred '' he called. " Get us to the nearest cloth store, '' he added, going back to his Macbook.

Alfred nodded and we locked eyes through the rearview mirror but I looked away, I feel bad I'm not going to lie.

" Stay in the car, you are not …well… you can't appear in public looking like that " Joseph said as the car stopped in front of a cloth store.

" Can you get me a toothbrush?" I asked and he laughed, I was serious though. I watched him and Alfred walk into the store before sinking into the car chair, sighing heavily. I'm sure my eyes are swollen from sleeping late and waking up so early.

" Hey," I said as they walked back into the car a few moments later.

" Don't worry, I got your toothbrush" he said and we both smiled.

The car started to drive again but this time I didn't know where it was heading either. Alfred knows so much about Joseph, I know Mafia's don't share their location just anyhow, They either kill or get killed.

I locked my hands in his and cuddled up, attachment is something I have never experienced my whole life. I don't know why I get a feeling that it's happening right now.

We arrived at a fancy hotel and booked a room while Alfred lifted all our stuffs up. This is a loft I'm not going to lie, the bedroom is clean, well furnished and luxurious, I'm privileged.

" Go take a shower, we have to be somewhere… well two places but right new we have to be somewhere".

"I'm starving" I complained.

" Zola, I'd order something for you to eat. Ohhh also I got you something in one of the bags, actually everything in the bags over there is yours but there's a new phone, for games and pictures."

" Then I'd call my mom and run away" I teased, smiling.

" I'm not stupid Zola, the phone has zero internet access and I'm sure you don't want to leave me as well." He said, turning and walking away, picking up the hotel cellphone.

I walked into the bathroom to brush my teeth and take my bath, I stayed in shower longer than usual because I just loved the smell of the bathing soap and the bathroom. I was so ignorant I asked Joseph to help me turn on the shower.

" Are you going to sleep in there?" I heard Joseph's voice as he stepped into the shower stack naked.

"Hmmn, you miss me." I smiled.

" Seph.." I whimpered, his hands sliding down to my core.

" Can I tell you something?" He asked, His forefinger in my mouth. I was enjoying this but he sounded serious.

" I have a brother… Well, I have a sister too and parents but … I have a brother, the only family I talk to." He concluded.

" Hey, relax. What's his name?" I asked, turning around.

" James.. ahem" he cleared his throat.

" Wait, shit! … Don't tell me he is your twin" I said, squeezing the water out of my hair.

" He is, we don't look alike though" he added. What is wrong with this man.

" Why don't you speak to your family?" I asked, turning off the shower and grabbing a towel. I turned around and he was staring. " What? I asked a question" I said glaring back at him.