
Chapter XVII — Return

There was a palpable silence in the room, with a tension so thick one could cut using a chainsaw.

Dylan noted her hair was the same as it had been the night before; dark brown bun held in place by the same intricate flower hair pin but with loose tendrils framing her face and if he had to guess, the exquisite sheer white sequin dress she wore was from the night before as well, only hidden under that signature crimson red cloak when she interrogated the rogue Raymond Maddock. Her makeup was immaculate still. She stood with regal posture and moved with a fluid grace that was as rare as the colour of her eyes. There was a sensual charm she exuded that was simply irresistibly enticing.

Even without the matebond, Dylan found it hard to tear his eyes away from her and so, he pitied his best friend. Cassandra di Nox was the very definition of alluring.

"Where were you last night?"

She had clearly been busy the entirety of the night. Dylan doubted she even slept considering she hadn't even had the time to change. But there was not an ounce of tiredness in her violet eyes that was sharp and piercing as ever.

There was a pause of silence at Jayden's question before she replied blankly, "The Imperia."


Jayden caught himself. Why what? What would he ask. Why was she at the Imperia? Why hadn't she infiltrated the rogue gathering herself?

None of it was his business. She had made that clear to him.

"To carry out an extraction of a witchling." Her answer, clinical and to the point, caught them by surprise. They had clearly not been expecting one.

"Extraction?" This time it was Lucas whom echoed the question.

"From a blood auction."

And they all knew what she meant — a vampire blood auction. It rendered them shocked and speechless still.

For Cassandra, she saw no harm in telling them.

Jayden chose to bring up another matter, one he found more pressing and had constantly been on his mind.

"The...the experimental facility. The rogues. Raymond Maddock. And seven years ago..."

And for the first time, the three wolves saw her visibly flinch. There was a pause where Jayden hesitated.

"It aligns, Jayden. It can't be a coincidence. Tell her. The recurring dreams." Dylan insisted, cutting in. They had been discussing it prior to her arrival.

Jayden looked at him then Cassandra — the way her thin eyebrows drew together indicated her confusion. He hesitated again before finally nodding and started.

"Every night leading up to the summer solstice for the past six years, I've had recurring dreams of-...being in my wolf form racing through a forest and then reaching a clearing where-...you stood in the centre of it, in a field of white lilies. You wore a long-sleeved white gown. Your back had always been turned and then that's where the dream is broken off but after the day you crossed into our territory, after the day we met, in the dream, you turned. But your hair isn't white, it's-."

"Is your hair dyed?" He had once asked.


Cassandra had paled with every word that Jayden spoke, they could see her pupils tremble, and they tensed as they felt the drastic shift in the air and room temperature, as the shadows in the room elongated and loomed. Dylan and Lucas shifted uneasily, glancing nervously between her and Jayden but willed themselves not to interfere. And when the final word fell from her in a coarse whisper, the string snapped — the entire suite was suddenly plunged into pitch black darkness, one that was unnerving and ominous that it almost felt suffocating.

It was like every speck of light had been engulfed and swallowed by the shadows that responded to her emotions.

There was a split second of silence in the inky blackness before the sound of a door being slammed open hard was heard. The little light poured in from the hallway into the suite was instantly extinguished by the overpowering darkness. At the same time, a blue magic circle took shape in centre of the common area.

"Cass!" Claudius had used his vampire speed to reach the shell shocked black witch but couldn't touch her due to the turbulent force of black energy she, as its epic centre, emitted. And even with his enhanced night vision, he could barely make out her silhouette much less scan her for injuries — it was too concentrated. Instead, he whipped his head and glared accusingly at the pack wolves and snarled. "What did you do?!"

To which the wolves were too flabbergasted at Cassandra's reaction to respond to. Victoria had appeared close behind, hurrying into the room, wide eyes flitting between her leaders and a distraught Cassandra who had a very dark shroud of black shadow energy radiating from her that seemed volatile, trying to comprehend and assess the situation but not approaching any closer.

Valèrie had approached as well, eyes widening at the sight before quickly taking in the situation and moved to stand defensively in front of her fellow Coven sister. She more so than anyone knew the her leader-to-be's control over her magic was barely holding onto a thread. The latter had just managed to contain it — subconsciously — before it could spread beyond the suite, which also means the slightest provocation could off balance it and set it off. She would never risk containing it even if she could.

"What happened?" She asked, warily and grimly. Internally, she was just as shaken to the core, she had never seen her Coven sister lose control nor her composure like this before.

At her question, Dylan snapped out of his stupor and opened his mouth to answer but stopped when the sound of a distinct poof followed by soles clacking on the floor was heard from down the corridor and even those without advanced hearing turned to demanding presence that made its appearance at the entrance of the suite.

Paying no heed to the others in the room, he headed straight for Cassandra and stopped directly in front of her, seemly unaffected by the intimidating black mass as well.


Within the haze she was trapped in, a wave of emotions washed over Cassandra, and she slowly blinked her glazed violet eyes and they locked on stormy grey ones that seemed to pierce right through the black shadows to her, the pupils of the former no longer trembled as she saw the message in the latter.

What do you want?

Whether she wanted to disappear and leave them without answers, or for them to forget it all, he would make it happen. Whatever it is that she wished, she knew he would respect her decision and standby her regardless. It has always been like this, him putting her first, like nothing else mattered but her choice in the matter, only what she thought and wanted. There was no questions asked nor a shadow of doubt, and simply, if he could, he made it happen. And never in a way that would make her feel indebted either. There was no sympathy nor empathy that would have made her sick either — no, that wasn't like Lucifer in the first place. No, all he had done for her, was out of one thing and one thing only — love, in its rawest and purest form.

And with that, the storm in her stilled, at once allowing her to regain her control over herself and she found her words.

"The girl you saw in your dreams is...highly likely to be Catherine di Nox. My twin sister."

Her answer was clinical in its form but thick with emotion, husky. There was no stutter as she said it, and even when those that jolted at the name and whipped their heads to stare in shock at her, she spoke directly to Jayden. By then, all present in the room could see her clearly, night vision or not, especially that of her startling violet eyes that seemed to not lose its lustre.

"Catherine had been investigating a string of incidents relating to the experimental facilities when she...vanished seven years ago. Though, I am uncertain the connection between that and your dreams much less what it even signifies."

The concentration of shadows dissipated. Light and bright vision returned to the room but everyone took no notice.

"Facilities? As in more than one?" Victoria caught, asking in disbelief.

"There are three known locations of such experimental sites in the world. Other than the one in the upstate of New York, there is one in the Town of Delphi, Greece and another in Chongqing, China. When you return to Lilium, do as you see fit, but be wary. Reach out to only those whom you trust. And look for Bryan, he may possess some of the answers you need.-" She paused, seeming to hesitate before continuing like nothing.

"Meanwhile, I'll be returning to the Covens and will see you at the Quinquennial Summer Decathlon in a month's time."

"Wait a-"

Having said what she wanted, Cassandra turned away from her audience and faced her Prince who had been waiting. Their eyes met again and slipping her hand into his and they both disappeared in a poof much like the first time before the rest realised she had said her piece and had a chance to stop her.

And just like that, the last of the oppressive atmosphere was gone, simply leaving behind an awkward-filled tense air.


He had taken her away once again. And normally, Jayden would have felt the blaze of anger and jealousy that usually fanned its flames. Instead, this time he stared numbly at the spot where she and him had vanished from, hand in hand yet again — unable to feel anything ever since hearing the name Catherine di Nox caused an electric shock to travel through him. There was a wave of inexplicable feelings that crashed over him, like a realisation that had always been there but dawned only then at that moment; of emptiness and of yearning and of something long-lost.

Dylan watched his best friend's reactions from the beginning since it unfolded. As a matter of fact, he had watched everyone's. Undoubtedly, he was just in as much disbelief and astoundment at what Cassandra had revealed and very much bewildered. But he had so far managed to keep as level-a-head as compared to the rest in the room whose emotions are running high and all over the place.

Valèrie LeBlanc had a shell shocked and troubled expression written all over her faces ever since the name of Cassandra's twin sister had been dropped like a bombshell. Dylan noted the disconcerted look and how very deep in her own thoughts, as if her mind was racing to come up with possible explanations and answers her Coven sister had left unanswered.

The pureblood vampire's reaction was not that far off either though Dylan supposed that it wasn't a completely unexpected reaction, seeing as if he had been close with Cassandra since childhood, then he had to have been acquainted with her twin as well. Victoria had been too preoccupied with the pureblood's reaction to pay attention to anything else but the far away look she had told Dylan enough.


"Claudius told me what happened at the auction. Nevermind the costs and the Clan, are you alright, Cass?"

The questioner asked not because he didn't believe in her capability to deal with the situation but rather out of genuine concern for the other party.

The emotions that shone in the red eyes of Nicholas von Steins, reflected her own whenever she looked in the mirror broke down Cassandra's defences as she dropped her guard and nodded, offering a weak smile.

"Thank you, Nicholas." The voice that came out in a whisper, was soft, melancholic and had albeit of lassitude and huskiness seeping into it but full of gratitude nonetheless.

"But nothing makes sense. It just feels the more that is discovered, the more questions there are." She shook her head and stared out the plane's window to her right.

Nicholas didn't — couldn't ask her to stop; never could because he knew just how much she needed the answers and just maybe because deep down, he also knew he needed them too just as desperately she did. So who was he to stop her?

Comfortable silence nestled.

"You know Claudius would have been on the same flight back had it not been the few loose ends left to be tied up..." Nicholas comment offhandedly and hesitated, "It's true a she-wolf of the Lilith Pack has found her mate in him, by the name of Ms Victoria 'Ji-Yeon' MacKenzie? She's of Korean descent and is a Pack Doctor-in-training."

And at Cassandra's quirked eyebrow, the red eyes twinkled in teasing mischief that he shared with his brother but rarely allowed it to show as he was the elder, more responsible one. Her reaction also informed him the hunched guess that he had for long quite some time was spot on. He continued.

"While we may not have access to the Pack family registry records, we do however, have sufficient connections with various hospital institutions and organisations in the medical industry that it's not hard to gain access to databases containing records of medical professionals — or one that's still in training. When a request came from Hugo to Gabriella asking to check for open vacancies for residencies in the hospitals we funded, it was easy to put together she was a medical student in her final year. It wasn't difficult to find her either, when she's as brilliant as she is — on the fast track to graduating the top of her class this summer where, I heard if not for the change of plans, she would have been starting her residency in the Medstar Washington Hospital Centre."

"But what a pity she had turned down Claudius's offer. She would have been a great asset to the main hospital or any of its branches, regardless of whichever specialisation she's going to choose. A loss of a great talent I tell you."

The wistful shake of his head as though in true disappointment and sorrow at letting a talent like Victoria MacKenzie slip through his fingers, earned a melodious laugh from Cassandra.

And that caught the ears of the children who were playing in the other cabin with Valèrie but had been distracted by the sounds coming from further down the spacious hallway of the private jet, and were occasionally sneaking glances.

Irfan tucked the sleeve of the black witch's dress and because he looked like he wanted to share some sort of a secret with her, Valèrie bent down such that her left ear was at the level where he could cup his hands and whisper into them, but even then the five year old boy had to tiptoe.

"Her laugh is so pwetty."

His breath brushed her ears and it felt ticklish, coupled with the lisp in his words, it took Valèrie everything in her self-control not to coo at his cuteness. When he was done and she stood to her full height and looked down at him, she had to resist the urge to pinch his cheeks as well.

Both of the children had long since gotten over their excitement of being on an airplane for the first time and contented themselves with asking questions about whatever held their curiosity at the moment.

"Is the mister she's talking to a v...vampire?" Amira asked curiously, only hesitating slightly at the foreign word, as she looked up at Valèrie for an answer.

Valèrie in turn peered down at her and internally thought to herself, 'She's startlingly astute'. And the black witch recalled how quick the child before her was able to perceive and assess her situation.

"I...I'm a witch."

The 'like you' part at the end was left unsaid and although she had phrased it not as a question but a statement, nonetheless, Cassandra had nodded to affirm it.

Valèrie had been impressed by the little girl's ability to hold Cassandra's stare much less the maturity and pace she was at accepting the situation she was in, with all that's happened to her.

Amira's eyes had flitted to Claudius again after that like it repeatedly had for the past few minutes they sat across each other. Something was holding her back from inquiring what she wanted, or maybe she just didn't know how to without offending them or maybe it was the fear and reluctance of finding out the truth of the kind that was behind the kidnapping her and her brother, seeing as she was having a hard time meeting those blood red eyes. That was what Valèrie had thought.

"He is a vampire."

Cassandra allowed Amira to digest the weight that the statement held for a brief moment before she herself spoke in the girl's native language.

"Amira, the powers that you possess is dangerous if left alone. But there's an Institute of Magic in Romania where girls as young as you are educated in the art of magic."

"I'm not leaving Irfan." Amira said resolutely.

"While he will not be allowed onto the Institute grounds, you have my word that I'll see to it that you are to taken in by the same guardian, and hence will be allowed to visit him on weekends and school breaks, depending on circumstances. As for his education, he will first be homeschooled much like yourself and it will be seen to that he is admitted into a mortal school eventually."

Amira cast a skeptical look at both the black witches. It was obvious that she was doubtful as all that was offered sounded too good to be true. Hence she asked, "...why are you doing this?"

"Amira, as you have said you're a witch; you have the potential to become a very powerful one at that. However, in order for that to happen, the magic needs to be nurtured, the Institute is where all witches are trained to do so with the best guidance one can get. Furthermore, as a witch, you are one of us and it is our duty to do so for you. The Covens never turns their back on a fellow Sister."

"...will I be able to protect my brother if I do?"

Something flickered in the amethyst eyes, but it was gone in a blink.

"...That depends on you."


Claudius studied her intently and she fought the urge to squirm under his gaze.

"My aide Hugo has prepared a list a hospitals in Europe where you can finish your residency. You can pick one and it'll be arranged for you to be transferred over from the Medstar Washington Hospital Centre. You may indicate your chosen field of specialisation and any preferred mentor to Hugo. It'll be seen to-."

"Are these all hospitals that the von Steins Clan are shareholders of?" Victoria asked, looking up at him after scanning the document handed to her.

He gave a nod.

"Thank you, but I'll handle my own affairs."

He studied her, not saying anything then simply nodded taking her rejection to his offer into stride and continued.

"We depart in a week. I reckon that will be sufficient time for you to get all your affairs in order.-"

A nod of ascent from her and a pause before he added.

"-Let Hugo know if you require anything."

Another nod from her and there was a tense silence as they held each other's stare, not saying a word. The first to break it off was Claudius as he turned to leave with the quiet Hugo trailing behind him.

It wasn't until a full minute had passed after that Victoria let out a shuddering breath. But it was getting harder and harder to reign in the carnal instincts of her wolf.


The doors to the council chamber burst open, causing every head in attendance at the round table to turn towards the frantic attendant at the door. The direct superior of the latter was less than pleased with the arrival of his underling which had disrupted his speech midway.

The attendant flinched at the scathing look his master had directed at him. However, even under the pressure of the powerful stares on him, the attendant still managed to steel himself to make his report.

"F-Forgive me, Council Elders. There's urgent news from Washington D.C."

"What is it?" The master snapped, his impatience apparent. This caused the attendant whom bore the news to sweat even more profusely, as he nervously attempted to phrase it.

"There has been an intervention at the rogue gathering held in D.C.-"

At this, several eyebrows were raised or pulled together.

"What sort of intervention?" The question came from another voice seated at the table, clipped and stern. The Council Elder had a posture that was rigid and her angled face beset with fine lines of age as well as a puzzled frown which did nothing to marre the beauty she must have retained from her youth. Her enquiry made on behalf of the group present.

"A raid by the Demons of the Underworld."

A beat of silence followed by, "A what?"

"A raid, sir, by the Legions of Hell. It was overseen personally by the first Prince's right-hand."

The first Prince — Lucifer. At that, every Elder present stiffened.

And the specifics of the incident was pouring out of the attendant by now; out of the nervousness and due to the growing pressure of the tense atmosphere in the chamber taking a turn for the worse from the news.

"There's been bloodshed and the groups are scattered. Many have not been accounted for — either dead or missing — but among the unit leaders, there are three believed to be captured."


A hand slammed on the round table and a chair flew back, leading a screeching sound to follow the bang as one of the Council Elders stood up abruptly.

The attendant shriveled at the blazing outrage that was Krustos Machados.