
chapter one : abby

I was sitting in English having a bad day because it was my first day at a new school and I have no friends. This was my fourth school in my schooling life. I just want to stay in one place for a while but I have two years left of school. I was sitting next to someone who is cute and shy.so I started writing my book and he asked what you are writing I said back a book I have been writing for years about fucked up love and relationships. He replayed back cool. I asked what your name is? he said J and I were in a better mood from just look at him then I was feeling weird. Then it was lunch and I started to pack up and then I dropped my notebook which had my story in he picked it up and I couldn't say anything because I hate talking to new people because I have a lot of mental health issues.

People hate my crazy and weird as a person and my dirty minded but he didn't mind about any of it. I was happy but I ran out of the room and ran to his best friend. I see them together all the time. I started to read while walking then he comes up to behind me I jumped, He started laughing. I said what and why? He said first what are you reading and it's funny I said back the city of bones and not it's not funny. he asks what you are going to do at lunch. I said I'm doing nothing but reading why do u ask? He said back do you want to hang out with us? I said yeah sure thing.

I sat down and pulled my book and started reading, he said you're really like to read, don't you. I said yea I do, I think a book really tells me about other people's personality like a murder or horror or maybe romance. For me when I read this book it means I like puzzles and unique love story. I asked J a random question have you ever meet a person who is themselves J? Yea I do really like people who are themselves he said, okay Thanks but now we have class I said he asked do you know what class we have. Yea it is maths yay so happy for this class. The one class I hate but maybe he will make is fun, I sat down with my book and the teacher said put that away this is not English. So, I did and he was late in class and the only sit was right next to me so he sat down and I looked at him like alec look at Jace I got this from Shadowhunter novel.

We started doing work and all so writing notes just about random things like where I came I told him Brisbane which is a long story and why do I read a lot, I wrote I'm really not a people person that is the reason why I read. After that a few more notes. I looked at my timetable to see what my next class was it was my singing lesson but I didn't want anyone to know because they have coming up is the is a showcase and they might ask me to do it or even google me. I had to change my name to this and where I am. I got out my songbook and started to try and put this song together but I am having so much trouble with this song. This song is about my ex-boyfriend cheating on me and I found out before I left Brisbane. This is what I have so far but I can't put it together.

Love's always seemed to hurt,

Love will always be hard to find,

Fall in love with a jerk,

Love will never be kind.

Love always seemed to fade away,

Love never seemed to stay,

Love always made me so afraid,

Love always seems so grey

Love is like a storm,

Ready to wreck life in its path,

Into an electrical storm,

Love ends up being a bloodbath.

Love had a course in my heart to break,

But when I thought it was new it ends up being a feud,

No matter, what he will be always rude.

The thing I hate the most about love is that which I don't love,

Not even close,

I hated believing true love,

But not even a little bit,

My hate of,

Love is like not even at all.

I was in love with him but he cheated on me with my best friend for ten months. Right now, I hate both of them, I have not talked to them since I found out. All I can think of why they do this? I just don't want to know but she was like my sister. Why would she do this to me? But yet she did and she hurt me and I thought I would never be able to date again or trust again. But when I met J, it was like love at first sight, maybe it's meant to be. Sorry to sound cheesy but it thinks I can trust him later on but right now I think it is a good idea just to not trust anyone or is it maybe I made the wrong choice but is my mistake to make.so I go off to my lesson, J said see you after music I will meet you at our table. You really want me to sit with you I said. He said yes! You are fun to hang out with. I said thank you, I don't have many friends but I better go to class. He said to have fun in class but not too much. I was thinking is he the one, but I'm not too sure. I will have found out soon maybe. if I don't let my heart trust again I will never know if I don't try.

Yay it's finally lunch time and by this point, I wanted to go home I was done with school all of J's friends are an asshole, so I got up and walked off because I don't deal with jerk very well as I'm a blunt person. So, I went back to reading my book and J ran after me but I was too pissed they were bullying me about reading and they said only people with no friend. I yelled at him and told him to fuck off.

I have been bullied most of my life I wish this school was different but no it's not so I went down to the oval and read until I had to go to form great. I have to see J I hate him right now. I just can't talk to him. I walk in and on my table is a box of chocolates where the hell did these come from and I looked at the card and it from J saying I'm sorry about lunch and my friends but why? Maybe I will never find out why he put them on my desk.

But I feel different after that maybe he is the one or maybe not. I'm not too sure about it I think it just me going crazy. I want to go home but yet I have one more hour then I can forget about life until tomorrow then I have to do a thing all this again wishing that I could just talk to him about anything but yet I can't and I don't know why?