
Chapter 11

The next time the bottle was spun, it faced Gabriella.

"Truth or dare?" Liam asked.

"Truth..." Gabriella replied waiting for what Liam would ask.

"What did you discuss with James before we came" Liam said with a byserious tune and look.

"He only complimented how I look and we spoke about what we are expecting our result will be this term." Gabriella said looking at James. She new Liam will get mad if she actually said the truth, James could only sigh in relief. At least he won't have to face this guy. When Liam looked at James, he gave him a 'thank your stars' look..

When Gabriella spun the bottle, it faced James.

"Hmmmm.... Truth or dare?" Gabriella said with a smile.

"Dare" James replied with a mischievous smile.

"Dare You to take off your socks and put it in your mouth" Gabriella said. James looked at her with a surprise look, like what the heck is wrong with this girl? 'So cruel like her brother' James said inwardly as he did what she asked him to do.

Cassandra just sat there gaping at everything that was going on. When James spun the bottle, it pointed at Cassandra.

"Truth or dare?" James asked.

"Dare" Cassandra said without even knowing what she said. Before she realized what she said, James spoke.

"Turn to the guy sitting next to you and look into his eyes for ten seconds." James said winking at Liam. Liam was speechless he could only glare hard at James.

Cassandra took a deep breath and then turn to look at Lia. When he faced her and their eyes met, her heart beat hasten. 'One, two, three....' Cassandra counted inwardly and then turn to face the other side immediately. No she just can't. How could she of all people be feeling nervous? What is all this?.

"Are You serious? Like just three seconds... Cassandra, could be that you are having a crush on Liam that's why you can't maintain eye contact for just ten seconds?" James said with a mischievous smirk.

"No... I'm not..." Cassandra replied immediately. She felt so embarrassed at the moment.

"Enough of this nonsense James." Liam said with a cold voice. James swallowed hard, he dare not say anything or else....

"Take Gabriella home. I'll send Cassandra back home." Liam said with a serious tune and James could only nod in agreement.

"Let's go Cassandra..." Liam said and started walking away but halted in his steps. "Be very careful" he added looking at James over his shoulder.

"Bye Cassandra, see you tomorrow" Gabriella said after giving Cassandra a hug.

"Good night" Cassandra replied and left with Liam.

"Your brother is unbelievable" James complained like an old man as soon Liam and Cassandra are out of sight.


"Sorry for what happened...." Liam apologized as the hop into a car.

"Hey.... We were only playing a game... It's nothing" Cassandra replied with a sweet smile making Liam to fall into a dazed state. Damn... This girl is driving him crazy... She will definitely be the death of him... Gosh she is always turning him into a total mess....

"Liam...., are you ok?" Cassandra asked when she noticed that he seems to be lost in thoughts.

"Y... Yes I...am very fine" Liam stammered.

"Oh... I thought something is bothering you" Cassandra said.

"There is nothing wrong" he replied flashing a reassuring smile. Both of them could not think of anything to start a conversation with so the remained silent till the car halted in front of Cassandra's house.

"Thank You Liam... Good night" Cassandra said as soon as she stepped out of the car.

"Cassandra..." Liam called out to her and she halted in her steps, immediately she turned, he dragged her and hugged her. Cassandra was confused for a while, what's going on?. Liam pulled away and stared at her for a while.

"I'm sorry... Actually.... I... L... Just wanted to give you a good night hug that's all" Liam said.

"It's ok... I can give you another hug if you want" Cassandra said playfully, but surprisingly, Liam pulled her in for another hug.