
A day to remember

That was the day that I first met my mother. She wasn't there my whole life..but she could had at least been there for daddy. We all stood there frozen. I heard her say, "Is that you Abigail?" for some reason, it angered me so much to call me by that name. It was the name she had given me at birth. It was the reason why I hated my own name. She was late…She was late by 8 years. She could have visited or something…yet she didn't. She could have done a lot of thing to make daddy feel more happy…Even just by a little bit.

She tried to get closer to me, "Leave me alone!" I screamed. " I tried to hug daddy but he felt very super cold. It seemed like however much I tried to warm him up, it just wasn't working. Everyone in the room had pitied looks on their faces. [Stop! Stop looking at me like that!] I hated their gazes. They all just stood there and watched. "Leave me alone!...Please…Just…leave…me..alone…" I just wanted a happily ever after with my hero; my daddy, without anyone else.

"Who is the villain in my story?" I said, looking towards the adults. I hoped they could answer my question. The room fell silent. They didn't know how to answer. To them, I was just a child asking such a delusional question. I knew it was no-one's fault. I just needed someone to blame. Someone to throw all the fault to because in my heart, I knew it was because of me…

"I'm the villain…" I heard someone say. I wasn't expecting anyone to respond. My blurred vision started to clear up. I turned around to face my…mom. [She was crying?] For a moment, I finally got a good look at her. She was as beautiful as daddy said she was. She was everything he had described; Sleek brown hair with dark black eyes and a sweet voice. "I am sorry for leaving you…I'm sorry for not being there with you. I know I'm the bad guy this time." She looked straight at me. "I'm the villain, not to your father…But to you.." She started to sob lightly. "Can you ever forgive me?"

For the first time in my life….My heart was angry. How dare she ask for forgiveness? I grinded my teeth, "You have the thought to ask for forgiveness? This is the first time we meet and you want to ask for forgiveness? Daddy would have accepted you're sorry due to his kind nature….But I don't need to accept you're sorry. Or more like, I will never accept your simple sorry. " I placed my head down and started to walked out the room without looking at her. I whispered, "You weren't there all those years, don't it makes a difference that you're here now." Those were the words I last said to her before leaving the room.

As soon as I exited the room, I immediately dashed to the restroom. I entered one of the bathroom stalls and locked the door behind me. I closed the toilet seat and sat on top of it with my face buried into my knees. I was sobbing loudly. I couldn't get my cries out of my mouth. It was like it was stuck on my throat, making it very hard for me to breathe. I squeezed the teddy bear in my arms tighter. I feel like it was taking quite a bath.

I didn't know why I was holding it in but I felt that he wouldn't want to hear it. I tried to scream but I couldn't. Nothing came out. It was then and there that I realised that daddy somehow made me whole. It was just me and him against the whole world. I took it all for granted. He was always there….He was always there when I needed him. I never even got to say goodbye…

I should have been more helpful around the house.

I should have taken care of myself so he could take care of himself.

I should have washed the dishes when he was tired.

I could have done a lot of things…yet I didn't do them. Now….I'm unable to do them for him.

"AAAAAHHHHHHH!" I screamed at the top of my lungs.

The hospital staff's reaction, "What was that scream??"

My cries were heard throughout the whole hospital yet he still wouldn't hear them even if I tried.