

In the quiet embrace of a shared secret and a forbidden love, Emma and Olivia's decade-long friendship blooms into a love that dared to defy the world's expectations.but will they have there happiness in the end , or will her world come crashing down before her ?…

Demi_Wright · LGBT+
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4 Chs

Chapter 4- journeys to healing

As Emma lay in the hospital bed, the sterile environment seemed to warp and twist. The hum of medical machinery became a distant drone, and shadows played tricks on the edges of her consciousness. In the vulnerable state induced by the pills, Emma began to experience vivid hallucinations.

Olivia, ethereal and serene, appeared at the foot of Emma's bed. Her presence was both comforting and haunting, a spectral echo of the past that Emma couldn't escape.

Emma whispered in shock and disbelief " ol ….Olivia, is that you?"

Olivia's figure, bathed in an otherworldly glow, nodded gently, as if trying to convey a message beyond words. Emma, caught between the realms of reality and illusion, reached out to touch her, only to have her slip away like mist.

The hospital room transformed into a surreal dreamscape where Emma and Olivia existed in a delicate dance between memory and imagination. They revisited moments of joy and tenderness, but the undertow of sorrow remained.

"I'm so sorry, Olivia. I never meant for any of this to happen."emma sobbed

Olivia's phantom presence offered no judgment, only a silent understanding that transcended the boundaries of the living.

Meanwhile, the medical team, observing Emma's altered state, worked to stabilize her condition, unaware of the ghostly presence that seemed to dance at the edges of her consciousness.

As the hallucinations continued, Emma grappled with the blurring lines between the tangible and the intangible, seeking solace in the bittersweet reunion with the one she had lost. The hospital room became a canvas for the complex emotions intertwining with the fragile threads of reality and illusion.

Amidst the hallucination, Olivia's spectral presence approached Emma, a gentle hand reaching out to wipe away her tears. As Emma's sobs echoed in the sterile hospital room, Olivia's voice, a soothing whisper, cut through the emotional tumult.

Olivia: "Emma, listen to me. None of this was your fault. It was just an accident."

Emma, eyes locked on the ephemeral figure of Olivia, clung to her words like a lifeline. The weight of guilt that had burdened her for so long began to lift, replaced by a glimmer of understanding.

Emma began to brake down"I thought... I thought I took everything away from you.i promise I wasn't drunk . I swear !"

Olivia's gaze held a warmth that transcended the confines of the hallucination.

Olivia: "Accidents happen, Emma. It wasn't your choice, and it certainly wasn't your intention. You need to forgive yourself , darling …."

Olivia held Emma's face as she kissed her forehead

" my beautiful girl , what have you done to yourself " a tear began to run down Olivia's pale cheek as she tryed to wipe away Emma's tears " you need to let me go , let us go baby girl , please " Olivia begged .

"I.. I can't .. your my everything " Emma looked at Olivia scared

"I know em … I know but this isn't doing you any good , it's braking you darling , your falling apart , look at you …. Your face is so pale , your so skinny darling , I see you fading away , please my love , cherish this life you have " Olivia spoke softly as she examined Emma's body … she longed to hold her close in her arms , kiss her , fell her , touch her .

The emotional release surged through Emma, a cathartic mixture of grief, relief, and acceptance. In that fleeting moment of connection, the boundaries between the living and the echoes of the past blurred into a shared understanding.

Emma whispered, choking on her tears and pain " I'll miss you so much, Olivia."

Olivia sighed biting her lip " I know em …I know …and I'm always with you. " Olivia placed her hand on Emma's beating heart "But you have to keep going, for both of us.im still hear , right hear , in your heart , in your body , I'm always going to be your olive and your always gona be my Lilly okay .but now …i have to go … goodbye darling flower "

As Olivia's apparition gently faded, leaving Emma in a hospital room bathed in the harsh light of reality, the weight of guilt transformed into a bittersweet acknowledgment. Emma's tears, though still present, carried a sense of release, as if the spectral encounter had provided a measure of peace in the midst of profound pain.

In the aftermath of the hallucination, Emma's tear-streaked face reflected a mix of emotions. The hospital room, once a canvas for ethereal reunions, now anchored her back to the tangible reality of medical equipment and subdued lighting.

As Emma slowly woke in the hospital room, the vivid presence of Olivia beside her vanished, leaving only the sterile hum of medical equipment. Panic seized her, reality crashing in like a tidal wave.

Emma got up frantically "No, no, where is she? Olivia!"she cried

Sophie, who had been sitting nearby, exchanged a concerned look with the nurse looked at Emily "Emma, it was just a hallucination. Olivia's not here, please calm down."

Emma's breath quickened, her hands trembling as she grappled with the disorienting transition from the comforting illusion to stark reality.

Sophie got up out her chair walking towards the door "I'll go get the nurse, okay?"

As Sophie left the room, Emma's mother entered, her expression a mix of disdain and impatience.

Mother: "Emma, what. The fuck is going on now, why have I been called here, don't you understand I was at work, you know my job, you better have a good explanation for this young lady?"

Emma, still agitated, tried to articulate the emotional turmoil within her. shocked and in disbelief, she looked at her mother,

"m.. mama? ,I'm .well…I thought Olivia was here, please tell me she's here. Please tell me it was all just a dream please mama It felt so real. It has to be real. She has to have been here, please mama ."

Emmas mother, scoffed as she sat down beside Emma " right young lady, You need to get a grip, Emma. This drama has gone on long enough. you and Olivia was never meant to be you killed her in a childish act, thinking you were all big and strong except that you killed your girlfriend and fucking move on. " she placed her bad on the floor angrily "Stop .. just stop dragging everyone else down. You're causing this family to be depressed, don't you understand what you are causing this family bring shame to us and embarrassment"

Sophie, returning with the nurse, witnessed the strained interaction. The nurse, noting Emma's heightened distress, approached with empathy.

Is everything okay here? Ladies , please madame Emma needs rest. Please do not stress her out any more than she already is , the nurse angrily looked at Emma's mother , distrusted in what she had just heard " now then …Emma, we understand this is tough for you. But we have came through a decision and have decided that We believe a psychiatric ward would be the best place to help you heal."

Kendrick, Her mother sighed angrily " she doesn't need that , she's being fucking silly , she's doing this to make every one feel sorry for her"

Emma's eyes widened indisbelief and fear as the weight of those words sank in and her mother's words sting .

Emma: "I'm not faking this mum!, nurse please ! I can't go there. I'm not crazy, I spoke to Olivia. I saw her with my own two eyes. I swear she was here, she told me I had to get better. I can't live in a psych ward. Please, I'm begging you nurse, please don't make me go, mother, help!"

The nurse, maintaining a calm demeanor, and explained the intention behind the decision calmly, and clearly

Nurse: "It's not about being 'crazy,' Emma. " she takes a deep breath and sighs "It's about providing you with the support you need to navigate your emotions and heal. It's a step towards recovery."

desperation etched across Emma's face, as she continued to plead with the doctors as they discussed the psychiatric ward placement.

Emma: "Please, I can't go there. I promise I'll get better, just give me a chance."

Emma's mother angrily looks at Emma " this is why you don't make up silly things "

" Please madam , your daughter is not lying , , she is severely ill ,she has dealt with severe trauma this past year which has caused a overdose , please understand your daughter needs medical attention to reduce the risks of this happening again."

She looks at Emma , understanding the fear and resistance Emma was expressing.

"Emma, darling ,please understand it's not punishment. We believe it's the best environment to help you heal hunny"

"Please I don't want to do this this " Emma sobbed .

"Why can't y'all listen ! ,She's just doing this for attention. Always seeking drama."scoffed her mother.

Emma, fueled by frustration and the weight of her emotions, snapped at her mother angrily slapping her around the face .causing her mother to become furious.

"What do you thi- ", Emma quickly cut her mother of .

Emma: "It's not for attention! I'm depressed! Do you have any idea how much it hurts, losing Olivia?"

Her mother, unmoved, responded with a callous tone."You always find a way to make everything about you. Don't you realise the stress and embarrassment you bring ,I'm tired of your drama , I'm tied of all this … this nonsense and thi.. this childish behaviour !, oh I'm soooo depressed , I'm so heartbroken , I'm gona cut myself for attention , grow the fuck I'm Emma !."

Emma looks at the nurse shocked and hurt" h..how could you …", tears streaming down her face, as she shouted at her mother in anger and an attempt to convey the depth of her pain.

"You don't understand. Olivia was everything to me, and now she's gone. I can't handle it alone.maby if you were a decent mother you would understand my pain , I wake up every fucking day tired ,hopping it's my last , missing my girlfriend , missing the life we could have had , the memories …the things we had planed , I wasn't drunk that night mum! The police told you that , they did the tests mum ! You fucking saw them, you saw the agony I was in burying the love of my life , how much that broke me ! Yet all you have done is be a selfish fucking cunt !. I hate you so fucking much this is the reason why no man ever want to be 10 feet near you, you're narcissistic, behaviour and abuse is too much for me, I fucking hate you. I fucking wish you died and not Olivia.!"

Her mother stood the shocked , unwilling to empathize, she hurled hurtful words at Emma one more time , before making it clear she did not care for her daughter,before storming out of the hospital room.

"Pathetic. You're just like your father – a burden. I'm done with this.good bye Emma , let's hope your next attempt works , I don't need a daughter like you especially one, that's a gay freak and cuts herself for attention." she scoffed

" M.mum! " Cried Emma

Left alone, Emma grappled with the sting of her mother's words, the isolation of her pain intensified by the rejection from the person who should provide comfort. But instead wished death upon her and failed to acknowledge the pain Emma was in .The impending move to the psychiatric ward loomed, and Emma faced a turbulent intersection of emotional despair and the harsh realities of strained familial relationships.

Alone in her hospital room once again, Emma wrestled with the torrent of emotions that threatened to drown her. The nurse, witnessing the heartbreaking scene, she began to walk over to Emma's bed and hug her tightly as she stroke her hair becoming a comforting presence , Emma hung onto the nurse, sobbing into her shoulder as she begged for help.

"Emma, I know this is difficult, but the psychiatric ward is designed to help you. It's not about punishment; it's about support. I promise it's not bad if anything this is good. It's a step closer to recovery ,come on stop crying now wipe them tears. " she gently wiped Emma's tears away "Let's prove that your mum is wrong and prove to her that you're more than just someone who is ill"

Emma's voice turned shaky, as she nodded through the tears, acknowledging the difficult decision the medical team had made for her . As she prepared for the transition, the weight of her mother's harsh words lingered, a stark reminder of the fractured relationship that had added to her emotional struggles.

In the psychiatric ward, the structured environment provided a mix of therapy, counseling, and group support. Emma, though initially resistant, found solace in connecting with others who shared similar battles with mental health.

Days turned into nights, night turned two weeks and eventually weeks turned into months, the journey toward healing continued as The psychiatric professionals worked tirelessly to help Emma navigate the labyrinth of grief, guilt, and depression that had consumed her.

Meanwhile, whilst in the care of the psychiatric hospital multiple attempts were made to bridge the gap with her mother, but the wounds ran to deep. Emma's mother, still unable to grasp the gravity of Emma's emotional turmoil, remained distant.

As Emma faced the challenges of therapy and introspection, the hope for rebuilding a shattered sense of self flickered like a distant star in the night, sky ,The psychiatric ward became a cocoon of both vulnerability and resilience, a space where Emma confronted the depths of her pain while reaching for the possibility of a brighter tomorrow.