
A lost fairy (op reader

"Hey Y/N" "Yeah Erzie" "We'll always protect each other right" "Of course" This was the last conversation Y/N had with Erza before both girls joined Fairy Tail. They were running away from a very corrupt island, both very tired and exhausted. So in response to this Y/N summoned the Lightning God, Raitoningu, and he carried both girls while they slept. They were scared sure but when going under the Fairy tail roof, Erza and Y/N felt a feeling they haven't felt in a while. That feeling being safety and love. But before all of this happened, and before Y/N met Erza, Y/N was put on a boat that sent kids away to work at the age of 3. Her parents did this because they could not even look Y/N in the eye. Why? Well because Y/N had eyes that could make anyone run away. They looked like a dragon's, so dangerous and demonic, and yet when she met Erza and the other children at the Tower of Heaven they didn't seem to cower away from her. Anyways, when Y/N was on that boat it caught on fire and everyone had to jump off to the side to get on the boats. All the boats were filled and their were no more boats. So what did Y/N do? She swam until she got tired and washed up on an island. There she met a dragon, one with the same demonic eyes as her. The dragon looked at her with such angry eyes. Y/N wasn't scared, she had another feeling. That feeling was despair. The dragon then said, "Go away before I kill you." "Go ahead and kill me. It seems like the world rejects me anyway. So please just let me wrote away." The dragon looked surprised. What events could leading to such a little girl feeling this or even think such a thing. At that moment the dragon looked at her with pity in his eyes. He agreed in his mind that he would teach this girl super strong magic and take her in as his own. But after years of bonding with him, he left for no reason and the island Y/N lived on was stormed by soldiers looking for the strong magic that was there. The soldiers took the girl and made her work without any breaks and barley any food. There she meets a lovely bunch of people who helped her through this pain because they are going threw the same thing as her. But when the slaves decide to escape only Erza and Y/N are able to escape with big injuries. While Y/N flies her and Erza away from the island, Y/N lands on land being to tired to walk, and you know the rest from their. Anyway come on a journey with Y/N while she makes so many people fall head over heels for her. See you there. Also Y/N love to sing and sings in private. She has a band with her friends form other guilds. That's all and enjoy the story. Bold means talking Ittalics means thoughts Normal means narrations And talking will be like this for example Y/N: Hey Some character: Hi I also made a mistake that there were 20 Gods and goddesses keys, I ment it to be 13

Karma_is_sadistic · Tranh châm biếm
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5 Chs

Chapter 2: Being dragged into more despair

Y/N's Pov

*Time skip two days after Agnologia left*

After Agnologia left I was never the same. I changed back to when I was alone floating in the ocean. I mean I wasn't alone and I know-how to hunt, I just wanted to be with Agnologia forever, and yet my wish never came true.

Right now I was training with Cotton's help, but I was getting tired.

Cotton: Hey Y/N, are you ok? Do you wanna rest?

Y/N: Yeah let me just lay here.

As I finished my sentence, I collapsed on the floor becoming unconscious. I woke up to Cotton cuddling up next to me and the sky was a beautiful baby color. The stars twinkling as if blinking down on me as if they were watching me.

I then heard people's voices. They seem to be coming from the other side of the island. I was scared, and yet I ignored it. I was still on alert, but I was laying down on the grass. I started to close my eyes until I felt something grab my arms.

My eyes shot open and I realized they were soldiers. I tried to fight back.

Cotton: Y/N quiet down I'm tired.


Cotton: Huh, Y/N where are you? Y/N!!

3rd Pov

Cotton sprang up and started to fly down the beach. She noticed Y/N being dragged on a boat. Y/N was trying her best to resist the people. When Cotton was going to help, the boat was being departed.

Cotton tried to catch up but she got too tired and started to fall. When she landed she sat and started to cry. Cotton cried because she lost her only friend, the person who took care of her. Cotton fell deeper and deeper into the despair.

She flew back to the cave and packed stuff in a mini bag. Cotton then left to look for Y/N.

*Back to Y/N*

Y/N's Pov

I was dragged away from Cotton, and being forced into another slave work. It was similar to the one I ran away from. I was put in rags and I was not allowed to have anything with me. Thank God for the necklace Agnologia gave me and for my requip magic.

He also taught me four other kinds of magic which were elemental dragon Slayer magic, elemental God Slayer magic, angel slaying magic, requip magic, and Celestial magic. The Celestial magic she would learn later.

Anyways, when I was done getting into the rags I walked out on the deck of the ship. There were no landforms around; it was just ocean. The deep blue water was mesmerizing to watch. I wish I wasn't being taken away or this would actually be nice.

I was still hoping Agnologia would come back; that he would come and save me from these terrible people. I didn't fight back because the people threatened to kill Cotton. Apparently they saw her trying to save me.

The boat then stopped abruptly and I noticed that we were at an island with a huge tower. I was being dragged into the tower and then the men stopped in front of a cell. I had my head down, my hair was covering my eyes and my hands being held aggressively by two men.

I noticed in the cell that there were other people, but the ones that stood out to me were the six children and the old man. Then out of nowhere one of the men opened the cell and threw me in. I fell on my side and all the people in the cell looked at me, but I ignored the stares they were giving me and brought my hands to my chest.

That's where I would hold Cotton when I was sad or just needed comfort from someone. As the men were about to leave I got up and ran to the bars.

Y/N: You'll regret this! He's gonna look for me, and he's gonna kill you all until he finds me! And he's gonna show no mercy! I-I know he will. H-he p-romised."

I choked back tears and the men just looked at me as if I was crazy, but then the men looked horrified. Why/ Because I have them the most creepy state I could. They ran away and I went back to a corner of the cell to lay there.

I just let the tears fall and I started to son quietly. I just wanted to be with Cotton again and run around the field of flowers making flower crowns. I wished I didn't get taken away and I did fight back.

I then heard the kids talk amongst themselves.

Simon: Should we help her?

Milliana: I wanna know what her name is, should we ask?

Jellal: Just leave her be. She was talking about someone, mabey a powerful wizard or something.

The kids kept talking and didn't seem to notice the tiny footsteps patter on the solid, cold ground. I felt tiny hands shake my side gently. The voice was tender and soft.

Erza: Are you ok? Do you want to talk about it?

I looked up to see a red haired girl with the sweetest looking brown eyes; she also had fair skin color. She saw my tear stained face and her worry intensified. The talking between the children stopped talking and looked down at me with the same worry.

Jellal: Erza how could you ask that. Let her calm down.

Erza: I'm sorry. I just wanted to ask since she is going through the same thing we are.

Y/N: I-It's fine. I-I don't m-mind. Um yeah I'm fine I just really miss someone right now.

Milliana: Mind telling us your name.

Y/N: U-Uh can you tell me what yours are first?

Erza: Well my name's Erza Scarlet.

Jellal: Jellal Fernandes

Milliana: I'm Milliana

Simon: My name's Simon

Sho: Name's Sho

Wally: Wally

They pointed to themselves while saying their names so I knew who was who. Jellal had blueberry hair, dark green eyes, pale skin, and a red mark on his right eye. Milliana had brown hair, dark brown eyes, and ran skin. Simon has brown hair, very dark brown eyes, and olive skin color. Sho had yellow hair, dark green eyes, and brown skin. Wally had black hair, very dark brown eyes, and fair skin.

I just nodded. They all looked at me expectantly. I forgot I was supposed to introduce myself and say my name.

Jellal: So aren't you gonna tell us your name

Y/N: Oh sorry, I'm Y/N.

Erza: Do you have a last name

Y/N: I can't remember anything about my family other than them giving me away.

Milliana: Why would your family give you away?

Y/N: I...I don't know, but I think it's because of my eyes

Erza: Why your eyes? What's wrong with them?

Y/N: People thought they were scary. Like when the guards were terrified.

Jellal: Hm...No last name. You're just like Erza.

Simon: Yeah your right

Y/N: But Erza has a last name

Erza: I do, but Jellal gave it to me. He gave me the last name Scarlet because of my red hair. *Touches hair*

Y/N: That does make sense. Your hair is pretty; it reminds me of the roses I saw back at home. *smiles up at erza with closed eyes*

All the kids: *Blush insainley at the adorableness*

Erza: *flustered* U-um it i-isnt that p-pretty. I mean yours is too.

Y/N: *looks down at her knees and mumbles* Yeah but not as pretty as yours.

Jellal: Anyway, how about we think of a last name for you Y/N.

Y/N: O-okay.

As the group thought about a last name for me, my mind wandered off back to my home. I was worried about Cotton, and what she was gonna do. Knowing her , she'll probably go look for me, get side tracked, find a new home, and have other people help look for me.

Jellal and Erza: I've got it

Y/N: Huh

Jellal and Erza: How about Tenshi

Y/N: But that means Angel in japanese. I'm not an angel, I'm a demon disguised as a human.

Sho: Who told you that

Y/N: People

Erza: But we think you look like an angel. Your eyes seem like you're nice and a protector of people you care about. *sits down next to Y/N and smiles*

Y/N: *blushes* Thanks. The way you put it then I like the name.

Jellal: Do you really?

Y/N: Yeah, if it means I get to live up to what Erza said then yeah. Also call me N/N when you want

After that day I stuck to my promise to live up to what Erza said. I always protected the group and kept them out of trouble from the guards. And the group always protected me.

We all had each other's backs. That place made everyone there other than the guards work, and they even tortured us if we did not do a good job.

I did meet one other person in the cell. His name was Rob and he was quite old. He told me and Erza all about wizards and guilds. I loved the stories and I think Erza enjoyed them too. He always talked about this one guild called Fairy Tail and how he used to be a wizard there.

Y/N: Hey Erza, when we get out of her go you wanna join Fairy Tail and become strong wizards with me.

Erza: But how are we gonna get out?

Y/N: I sense we will soon.

From that day we both waited for our chance to escape. It was a while but eventually we both forgot about it. We still worked and when we were on the field Erza collapsed and the stupid dog started barking at her. Erza started to cry, so I ran to her and hugged her.

Erza: I'm scared N/N.

Y/N: Shh. Don't worry okay. It'll all be fine. Just stop those tears and smile.

Erza: O-okay. *forces a smile

Y/N and Erza: *goes back to work*

After a while of living in this hell, the seven of us had finally had enough. We were all going to escape. All of us came up with a plan and we tried it, but unfortunately the two guards caught us all. And within a second we were all surrounded. I stood tall in front of the cowering and crying group in a protective stance.

Guards 1: Did you brats think you could get away that easily? You're all going to be punished big time for trying to pull one over on us.

Guard 2: Now now. Normally I'd agree with you, but we can not afford any more construction delays on the R-system. If you tell us who came up with your escape plan, we'll just take them and leave the rest of you alone. That's pretty nice of us, don't you think?

Y/N: If you think that's nice then you're wrong. All your doing is making you seem like monsters.

Guard 2: Oh. Then we'll take to with us and the one who came up with the scheme. Now who did it? *grabs Y/N's arm and holds her back*

Guard 1: Speak up Which one of you was it?

Erza: I was-

Jellal: It was me

Everyone: *shocked*

Jellal: I came up with our escape plan. It was all me.

Guard 1: Oh?

Guard 2: Well aren't you brave, but I know it wasn't you. It was the red head.

Erza: *scared and shocked*

Guard 1: Take them away.

Jellal: No it wasn't her. I swear it was my idea, and Y/N didn't mean what she said. They didn't do anything

Simon: Yeah let them go.

I couldn't hear what else was going on because they took us too far away. I admit I was scared, but not for me but for Erza. I loved her like a sister and I didn't want anything to happen to her. I was farther ahead than Erza and yet I wasn't scared.

When we got there they punished us for being disobedient and for coming up with the plan. We were tied up to a pole next to this big crystal. I was still alive and awake but Erza had fallen unconscious. I wanted to break free but I couldn't

After a while I was looking for hope again. I thought we were going to be stuck here forever but then I heard fighting from outside the door. My stomach sank as I looked at Erza. I struggled but eventually the cuffs broke and Iran in front of Erza. Who came was unexpected.

It was Jellal. My hope shot up and I was so happy I started to cry. I ran up to him and engulfed him into a bone crushing hug. He looked shocked that I wasn't chained up like Erza, but he returned the hug. After that we both went to Erza.

I used a little magic to unbind the cuffs and as Erza fell Jellal caught her. I went to the two and looked at Erza. I was shocked as I saw that Erza's eye was hurt. I looked bad but I couldn't heal it or else I'd put both Erza and Jellal in danger.

I hugged both of them with a lot of reassurance and hope knowing that we'd get out of here. Jellal began to rant on about the guards hurting Erza and me. It was sweet of him to be worried. I got off from my spot and went to sit next to Jellal and brought Erza's head on my lap.

I knew this would take us being killed or injured but I had to do it. I brought my hand on top of Erza's hurt eye and it started to glow.

Jellal: What are you doing

Y/N: It's not much but I stopped the bleeding and anything serious. I couldn't heal it all the way but at least it's something.

Jellal: How did you do that? Where did you learn it?

Y/N: I can't tell you or he'll be in danger and I'll be taken away.

Jellal: Oh. Well I'll make sure you're safe and Erza too.

Erza: Y-Y/N, Jellal?

Jellal: Well there's no turning back now, we are gonna have to fight.

Y/N and Erza: We have to fight.

After we said that, red magic circles appeared and out came the magic soldiers. We tried to fight back but we failed and the soldiers took us away. Jellal was taken to where we just came out of but Erza and me went back to the cell.

Sho: Sister, N/N

Simon: Erza, Y/N Wait a minute where is Jellal?

Rob: Don't upset them anymore. We should just be happy they've come back to us alive.

Simon: But Grandpa-

Rob: I can only assume they've chosen to keep him in their place.

Sho: *Sobs* I can't take it. I can't take it anymore.

Soldier: Quit your crying kid

Simon: Calm down Sho.

Rob: There's no need to cry. Everything's going to work out just fine.

Guard: Shut it you little brat

Sho: Leave me alone!

Y/N: P-Please just leave him alone. Please *whispers* please.

Just at that moment Jellal's words rang in my head. Just as they did I shot up and punched one of the guards in the stomach so hard he spat blood out of his mouth. Erza took on the other one. Everyone was shocked and stunned.

Guard: Mutiny.

I summoned a spear and Erza grabbed a weapon. She must have thought the same thing I did. The other kids questioned our actions but I ignored them.

Y/N: Grab a weapon. We can't escape and these monsters aren't going to let us free. We have to fight to get out so who's with me.

When I said that everyone looked stunned but when I finished they all cheered. We all started to fight back and we were winning. We overpowered the soldiers and we fought like we would die right after if we didn't win.

We fought so much that the tower started falling apart. I used the training that Agnologia put me through and it knocked out a bunch of soldiers. I think some of the slaves were impressed that such a little girl knew martial arts.

Y/N: We have to free everyone in Sector 8 today.

Erza: That's right we can't wait.

Simon: No we can't. We could never take down all those guards.

Y/N: We have to. That's the only way to save Jellal.

Erza: Yeah we can't leave him behind, I can't leave him behind.

After Erza said that, Wally and Simon had a little conversation of their own. It was about Erza liking Jellal or something. Then Simon asked a hilarious question.

Simon: Erza, Um do you...You don't have a crush on Jellal do you? And the same with you Y/N you guys don't like Jellal right?

Erza: What? Why would you ask me something like that right now? We need to focus. *mumbles* And plus I like someone else.

Y/N: Erza's right we can't worry about feelings right now, we need to worry about other people's lives. That includes Jellal.

Simon: Sorry. But I wanted to make sure because-

Just as Simon was going to finish his sentence a huge bright light blinded us all. Then a huge explosion rang out and hit us all. I was still standing because it takes more than that to knock me down. I ate all the flames and that made me full.

Everyone: Y/N!!!

Y/N: I'm fine. Are you guys okay?

Wally: Where'd that come from?

Milliana: *points up at the sky* Look, up there. Magic Soldiers

Wally and Milliana: *runs to Simon*

Wally: Simon!

Milliana: He's hurt. What will we do?

I ran to Simon and kneeled in front of where he was lying. I brought my hand to his forehead and it started to glow.

Milliana: Y/N what are you doing?

Y/N: *concentrating*

Wally: I think she's trying to heal him.

Y/N: *pants* Sorry I couldn't do much but I did stop the possibility of him having any further injuries. *weakly smiles*

Milliana: *blushes* It's fine you did what you could

Just as I finished the Magic Soldiers summoned large explosions and blasted away a bunch of the slaves. People started to run away in fear.

Y/N: No we can't run, we have to fight! You can't just give up!

Erza: We have to fight to be free!

Just as we said that someone knocked me off my feet and I saw an explosion coming for me. I braced for the impact but it never came. I looked up and saw Erza covering me and she got hit instead of me.

Y/N: Erza why did you take the hit for me?

Erza: I wouldn't be much of a big sister if my little sister got hurt while I was here *thinks* And I would never let you get hurt because I love you too much.

Y/N: Thank you

Just then the magic guards aimed their magic circles at us. Ipushe Erza off of the way and stood tall to take the hit while Erza was behind me. Then out of nowhere dust waved about an hour of nowhere Grandpa Rob stood in front of us.

Y/N and Erza: Grandpa Rob!

Rob: My magic may not be as strong as it used to be as strong as it once was, but it's still enough to protect my friends. I will not let you take the lives of two innocent children.

When Rob said that, he summoned flames and they made a circle. I went to protect Erza but she pulled me down and hugged me. We both watched as Grandpa Rob's flames blew away the magic soldiers and a huge explosion rang out.

Everyone was impressed with Grandpa Rob's actions. I was happy that he was okay and that Erza was too. Erza squeezed me tighter and held my head close to her chest. She let go and we both ran to Grandpa Rob's side to make sure he was okay. His skin was cracking and he looked green.

Y/N: Are you okay.

Rob: Yes. I may be a decrepit, old man, but deep down I still have some fight left in me. As a wizard my magic has always been intertwined with the very essence of my life, but I didn't realize how much so until I lost it and found myself in this sorry state. Don't end up like me, Erza and Y/N you two have so much potential, don't let it go to waste.

Erza and Y/N: Grandpa

All of a sudden I had a flashback of when me and Erza were talking with Grandpa Rob.

*Flash Back*

Rob: You'll find it deep in your heart

Y/N and Erza: In our hearts?

Rob: Yes, the only way you can believe in something is if you feel it in your heart. Think about this, magic in its truest form is very similar to religious faith, fortune telling, healing, and even prayer. You see all of these things work in miracles that can only be experienced in believers.

Y/N: So we just have to believe?

Rob: That's right. As long as you believe in it's power, have faith in yourselves and strive to love in harmony with nature. You'll both be able to use magic. That's what it takes to become a wizard. Doesn't seem so hard now does it?

Erza: I want to use magic. It sounds like a lot of fun. What about you Y/N?

Y/N: Huh? But I can already use magic see? *All the elements spear floating around her*

Erza: Wow so cool can you teach me someday?

Y/N: Sure Erzie.

Erza: *Grabs broom and tries to ride it with Y/N behind her on the same broom* Grandpa, if I become a wizard, does that mean we'll be able to fly through the sky on a broom?

Rob: I can't guarantee that. But you will gain magical powers of some sort.

Erza and Y/N: *Looks at each other than nods then looks back at Grandpa Rob with big smiles* We promise we'll give you a ride on our broom some day.

*End of flashback*

Rob kept taking every hit for us. He then chuckled.

Rob: Your beautiful smiles are the only thing that's kept me going while I've been stuck in this wretched place.

Erza: You're hurt aren't you?

Y/N: Please move Grandpa. I can fight them off so please let me heal you.

Rob: Remember this, your freedom lies within your hearts, children. Follow your hearts and your dreams of becoming wizards will come true.

A huge fire was coming toward Grandpa and I tried to reach him but it was too late. We got blown away by the blast and Erza held my hand.

Y/N and Erza: Grandpa NO!

Wally: Erza, Y/N We got to retreat. Hurry up.

Sho: Sister, N/N come on

Millianna: Erzie, N/N

We ignored the calls of our friends as we cried. We just lost Grandpa and I was so mad. Erza and I screamed out of despair and two magic circles appeared. One around Erza and one around me.

All the soldiers seemed shocked and we both started to glow. All the weapons started floating and so did I. Erza pointed the weapons toward the guards as I flew for them at such speeds.

(Wings above where the video is)

I knocked out a bunch of soldiers while Erza blew them away. The weapons fell as I floated down to the ground. All the people around us were amazed at our abilities. I floated to Erza and hugged her

Sho: Wow they used magic.

We stood there for a while as Erza clenched her fist. Erza grabbed the sword next to her while I summoned a huge sythe.

Erza and Y/N: We have to fight for our freedom! Follow us!

Everyone: *cheers*

Me and Erza walked in to where the two guards were. I was on the right and Erza was on the left.

Guard 2: Let's not do anything hasty

Guard 1: It's not our fault. We were just following orders.

Y/N and Erza: Out of our way.

Erza: *slashes guard in green*

Y/N: *slashes guard in blue*

After we did that we ran to where they kept Jellal. I was so relieved to see he was okay.

Erza: We're here to save you. *slashes cuffs*

Y/N: *helps Erza steady Jellal* Everythings okay. You're safe now. We fought those monsters just like you said we should.

Erza: Everyone was so brave. *puts Jellal's right arm over shoulder while Y/N did the same but with his left arm* Simon ended up getting himself hurt pretty bad and Grandpa Rob saved both mine and Y/N's life but he didn't make it. But we beat them. We fought for our freedom and we won.

Y/N: Come one, we got to meet Wally and the others. They found some boats so we're going to leave this place for good

Jellal: *Wraps both arms around Erza and Y/N* Erza, Y/N. There's no reason for you to leave the tower. Because true freedom is right here with me.

Erza: But I thought you wanted to get out of here too. This is our chance at freedom.

Jellal: Don't you see? There's no freedom in this world. Those fools who built this tower may not hold you prisoner anymore, but you two haven't experienced true freedom. Because that can only be found in Zeref's world. *rips shirt off* Now I understand why they made us work so hard on this tower. They believe they can use it to resurrect Zeref. *looks at guard* You claimed to be such devout followers but you couldn't even sense your God's presence here, could you? This tower belongs to me now. I will finish it's construction and bring Zeref back to life. *starts making guard float and crashes him onto the ceiling*

Erza:That's magic.

Guard 1: Somebody please help. *crashes into wall because of Jellal*

Y/N: Stop it, you're hurting him Jellal.

Jellal: So what?

Erza and Y/N: *grabs both of Jellal's hands*

Jellal: Why do you both care? I thought you both hated them.

Erza: You're right. We do, but you're being cruel.

Jellal: If you want to sense Zeref's presence, you have to focus on your hatred. *killed green guard*

Y/N and Erza: *gasp and bring hands to mouth*

Jellal: *laughs*

Y/N: You killed them. What's gotten into you?

Jellal: I haven't changed one bit. I'm renaming this place the Tower of Heaven. *walks in broken hall*

Erza and Y/N: *Follows him*

Jellal: Erza, Y/N. Both of you will stay here with me and we'll finish it together.

Erza and Y/N: *shocked* What?

Jellal: Once it's completed we'll resurrect Zeref.

Erza: Why would anybody want to stay here. When we finally have a chance to leave.

Jellal: *left eye glows red and pushes away Y/N and Erza with wind*

Y/N and Erza: *Gets blown into the sext room*

Jellal: Fine if you want to leave so badly then I'm not going to to stop you but you two will have to go alone.

Erza: What do you mean?

Jellal: There's no way I could finish the tower's construction by myself so I'm going to keep the others here with me but don't worry. I promise I won't mistreat them. I'll make sure everyone's fed, clothed, and they get plenty of rest between their shifts. I'm sure Zeref would prefer I build more hatred by ruling with an iron fist, but weak and unhappy people don't make very good workers.

Y/N: They're not going to agree to that. Everybody's on the boats ready to go. They're just waiting for us to join them. There's no way you can convince them to stay here and work for you now.

Jellal: Oh, I don't think I'll have any, probably convincing them because I'm going to give them a purpose. Once they learn of Zeref's power they'll happily work to resurrect him.

Erza: But none of them would willingly become a sacrifice.

Jellal: It doesn't matter. Zeref told me sacrifices aren't necessary. He's such a benevolent God, isn't he

Y/N: Please Jellal, you've got to try to come to your senses.

Jellal: *Summons a magic circle* I could ask the same of both of you.

Y/N and Erza: *Get wrapped up a red and purple cloud thing*

Jellal: I don't need you both anymore, but since you took care of the fools who were in my way I'll let you girls live. Enjoy your newfound freedom, but I have some rules for you before you go.

Erza and Y/N: *struggles* I can't breath

Jellal: I demand you never tell anyone of this place If the government found out about the Tower of Heaven, then I'd be in serious trouble. *brings both girls up to him and holds their chins* If word were to get out, then I'd have no choice but to destroy the tower and everyone inside it. Both of you are forbidden from ever returning here again, set one foot on this land *Brings head in between both girls head next to ears* and I'll kill your friends. I'd figure Sho would have to be the first to go

Y/N and Erza: No, you wouldn't


Jellal let us go and I grabbed Erza's hand. We both ran out of the building and twoard the egde of the beach

Erza: How are we gonna get away from here?

Y/N:Just grab on to me. Ill fly us away from here.

Erza did what I asked and my wings came out. I started to fly and before you knew it we were of the island.

*Time skip*

After a while it became dark. I held Erza tightly so she did nto fall. I was becoming tired and I think Erza noticed.

Erza: Y/N are you ok? You seem tired.

Y/N: Yeah Im fine.

After a couple more minutes I spotyed an island and began to dive for it. We landed roughly and we toubled but my wings protected us both from the sand and dust. I just lay there tired and with some subtle injurys.

I then remebered about the necklace an brought it out. I put it on and summoned my keys.

Erza: Y/N what are those?

Y/N: These are special gate keys. They help me summon spirits and they fight with me. I have other magic to but Ill explain later.

Erza: Okay. Do you think one of the keys can help us.

Y/N: Yeah great idea. *grabs yellow key* Upon the lighting of the sky I open the Olympus gate and call upon thee, Raitoningu.

The key was in the shape of a lightning bolt. It was a bright yellow but where the lighting bolt ended had a key shape. In the moonlight it gleamed as magic radiated off of it.

After the chant out came a teenage looking boy with blood messy hair. He wore jeans, a blue jacket and a black shirt.

Y/N: Hey Raitoningu, can you carry me and Erza out of the woods until we gain back our strength.

Raitoningu: Of course Y/N. No hop onto my back.

Erza: Hey Y/N

Y/N: Yeah Erzie

Erza: We'll always protect each other right

Y/N: Of course

After we both said that we ended up falling asleep and I started to heal both mine and Erza's wounds. My next thought was trying to find Cotton and making her befreind Erza wehter she liked it or not.

Cliff hanger. Yeah sorry I need to do one last back story chapter then we can get into the action. Im also going to be piling up chapters so you guys can read more and i can have more time to myself and not worry about staying up so late into the night. This took awahile cause I wanted to get the dialouge word for word and it took a while to find the episode i needed, but anyway next time on Chapter 3: Joining Fairy tail and making new friends. Come join Y/N as she meets the other guild members and finds two people. One being an old freind and the other a copletely new one. See you there.