A story about a loser ending up in one of his favorite WebComics after dying and His struggle to the top. Growing up Alec was always considered the odd child due to his eccentric way of thinking and was only able to find comfort in reading but who would have thought that same habit would be what killed him.
"ARE YOU KIDDING ME !!" shouted Alec after realizing just how ridiculous the situation he found him self in was.
'Okay, Calm down Alec this situation isn't that bad, I'm not just some random nobody that can be done in by the 4 Big Crews and Charles Choi' thought Alec internally after remembering his current identity.
'Now then what should i do? Should I allow the original plot of the manwha to happen or should I use my knowledge of the plot to make the expansion into South Korea easier and faster' wondered Alec after finally regaining his bearings.
"Sigh, I'm Getting ahead of myself, I need to first figure out at what stage the plot currently is at before making a decision"
'My head hurts, this day just keeps getting more and more hectic. I really need to call James and have him look into Daniel Park' thought Alec now deciding to call his family butler who has been there since the day he was born looking after him.
'Ahh, who is it that could possibly be calling me this late at night' I wondered while getting up from my bed to answer the phone.
'Hmmm , Its the young master but why would he possibly calling me this late in the night' I wondered while answering the phone worried that something could have possibly happened to the child that i considered to be no different from a grandson.
"Did something happen young master? You've never contacted me this late before"
'Ahh ! , I'm really sorry for contacting you this late James but i need you to look into someone for me by the name of Daniel park"
'How odd, this is the first time the young master has ever asked me to investigate someone for him'
"Forgive me for being a bit blunt young master but is there really anyone in North America that you can't find with your level of skill?"
" It's Okay, The person I am asking you to find isn't from North America but from South Korea"
'Huh !!' Why would the young master be interested in someone from South Korea I wondered.
"Very well then, It will take a while to track down the person you want to find though, do you by any chance have a photo that could be used in our search"
"Yes, I will send you two different drawings later of what the subject should look like"
'Should look like he said? How does he plan on drawing someone if he has no idea what the person looks like?'
"Very well then young master is that all you wish to talk about?"
"Hmm, yes that is all for now James and as I said before sorry for waking you up so late at night"
"No worries young master, if that is all you wish to speak about then Good Night young master.
"Good Night James"
'How interesting'
'Okay now that I have James helping me investigate Daniel I need to spend some time organizing all the memories i received earlier' what a headache I thought while walking towards the dining table to finally eat.
<20 mins later>
'How troublesome' i thought while walking towards my bedroom realizing that if I plan to interfere with the plot i'll need to be able to defend myself. Don't get me wrong while I might have a large amount of theoretical knowledge regarding how to fight I've never actually been able to apply it before due to my weak constitution so I have zero idea how i'm gonna go against monsters like Gun, Goo and Johan.
'Guess I'll need to get a coach to help turn all that theoretical knowledge into experience if I don't want to get my ass kicked' I thought to myself while deciding that i'll leave that problem to the future me as the present me is too tired and needs to sleep.
'huh, where am I? thought Alec after waking up inside of swirling blue nebula that seemed to stretch for infinity'
'No wait!! , Something is wrong i'm reacting far too calmly as if almost all my emotions are being suppressed'
"HELLO" came a booming voice that seemed to be the only thing that existed in this place.
"WHO ARE YOU !!?" Shouted Alec now feeling the most primal fear a being could possibly feel even with his emotions being suppressed
"How amusing"
"I guess you could say I'm the entity responsible for you being reborn"
"WHAT!! WHY !?" Shouted Alec at the voice that seemed to be coming from everywhere but nowhere.
"Why you say?"
"Yes, Why me? I doubt there is anything outstanding about me that could possibly interest a being such as yourself" stated Alec after calming down.
"Ohh? , Your quite an interesting human"
'A lot more interesting than i originally thought'
"Hmm , That is not something that you need to know at the current moment. Well then now that i've made sure that there are no problems with your reincarnation I shall take my leave" Stated the voice as it began to slowly fade away along with the surrounding nebula.
"WAIT !! DON'T G-" shouted Alec before everything returned to nothingness.
{Authors Note/ Don't worry this wont affect the story too much, but the importance of this conversation will be shown later on down in the plot and will serve as a connection to other Fanfics I plan on writing considering I plan on creating a type of franchise later. There wont be any super powers or incomprehensible abilities for this fanfic, it would just ruin it.}
'What the hell was that? A nightmare? but why can't I remember anything that happened' Wondered Alec as he waited for his headache to go away.
'Sigh!, I guess i really wasn't dreaming about being reincarnated' Alec thought after opening his eyes to see the room he was in.
" I guess this isn't that bad, I finally have a chance to put all those martial art books i've been reading to good use" He mused to myself remembering the time he tried to beat up some thugs harassing a girl only to get stomped on due to how weak his body was.
"That being said this situation is still quite odd, hopefully i'll be able one day figure out how i ended up in this universe and in a body with the same name as me"
' I guess i should go make some breakfast and then call James to look into hiring a combat instructor for me' he thought while walking out of the bathroom after taking a shower and brushing his teeth.
(POV Change ???)
"I'm confused, what's so special about that human for you to reincarnate him"
"Do you expect me to believe such a horrible lie"
'"Hahahaha !! , No "
"Is he gonna be one of your champions then"
"Maybe, but as he is right now he simply isn't worthy but i believe he will be once the plot starts"
"What do you mean"
"Secret ! , So just sit back and watch the show with me"