
Chapter One: The Discovery

A young woman in her mid 20's sits at home, Staring out of her window, in misery due to her losing her job that she had for 2 years, and a boyfriend that she had for 3 years. She's sitting wondering in tears "Whatever I do or say will never be good enough for anyone." She means mostly her family and friends. Mostly her boyfriend that she had for three years. Now the relationship she had with him was a abusive one. Her boyfriend was a very narcissistic man. He was so full of shit that he even believed his own lies. Made his own world in his head where he was king and she was his servant. He even made her live with him in his very expensive condo that he owned. So after the break up and the humiliating firing at her job. She returns to her boring dull apartment that she rarely spent anytime in. After having a shower where she cried her eyes out. She got out got dressed and sat in front of her tv now watching a lot of shows that she had missed on Netflix. So she was lonely and wasn't feeling any better, so she started searching the internet on her phone looking for someone or people she doesn't know to talk to. So she went onto Facebook and looking to see what her friends and family were doing for tonight. She didn't find any posts that was interesting to her or even cared about to like or even commit on. So after getting off of Facebook and her phone she decides to go to the kitchen to make herself something to eat. So while she was in the kitchen her phone starts going off. A notification had came through her phone. And the ringtone that she assigned to it just happened to be a song that her and her ex boyfriend had liked a lot. The ringtone had made stop for a few seconds cause she had just realized that this was there favorite song and she started to burst out in tears. So after she got herself together she finally made it to her phone to see the notification. And it was a Facebook notification letting her know that the ? Group had accepted her request. So she sits in her chair in the kitchen eating her food trying to figure out what is this group on Facebook called ?. So she starts looking into this group, the description simply said: all your questions can be answered here. So she asked her first question. Which just happens to be "Will I find another job?" Which she already knew the answer to. " Of course I will" sarcastically she said. She didn't give a shit at this this time of night. So she just threw that question out just to see if she would get an answer. So after an hour or two she was starting to give up on this group. When she finally got an answer, of course she knew the answer which was exactly like she said it was "yes". So she was getting tired and bored so decided to ask one last question before she went to bed. "Will I ever find love again?" So after she asked her question she waited a few minutes to find out if she was going to get a quick reply. After about five minutes no reply so she went to bed. So while she was sleeping she was having dreams of someone calling her name. "Sarah,Sarah,Sarah" she couldn't make out who it was but she knew it was a male's voice that she heard. But wasn't sure if it was an older gentleman or even someone that's around her age. So awkwardly being awaken by an urgent text from her mother. Sarah's mom had texted her to tell her to come to the house immediately it was about her father. So immediately after reading the text she gets the voice coming back to her again in head "Sarah, Sarah, Sarah" that's when she realized that it was her father calling out to her. So she proceeded to get dressed and head to her mom's house to find out what's going with her dad. Sarah arrives at her mom's house "Mom what's wrong with dad?" Sarah asked. Her mom said "Your father had an diabetic episode. The paramedic had said that his blood sugar was extremely low to the point where he had went into shock." So Sarah and her mother got in Sarah's car and proceeded to go to the hospital to see if he going to be ok or not. After arriving to the hospital and getting her mom to calm down and be patient and wait to see when they both can go back and see her dad. Sarah let's her mom know that she is was going outside to smoke a cigarette. Walking outside shaking and scared and nervous about her dad, she lights up her cigarette about starts reading her cell phone. She looks at her email that she hasn't read in months something just told her to check out her email. And when she did she found a few thousand emails all from Facebook with notifications all from the ? Group which she apparently joined but doesn't remember doing. So all these emails all say "help, help, help" she had no idea what was going on. So she looks at the responses to this post. And there was at least one thousand comments to this post. So Sarah starts looking into these comments trying to make something out of it. After arriving to the hospital and getting her mom to calm down and be patient and wait to see when they both can go back and see her dad. Sarah let's her mom know that she is was going outside to smoke a cigarette. Walking outside shaking and scared and nervous about her dad, she lights up her cigarette about starts reading her cell phone. She looks at her email that she hasn't read in months something just told her to check out her email. And when she did she found a few thousand emails all from Facebook with notifications all from the ? Group which she apparently joined but doesn't remember doing. So all these emails all say "help, help, help" she had no idea what was going on. So she looks at the responses to this post. And there was at least one thousand comments to this post. So Sarah starts looking into these comments trying to make something out of it. The comments here were all asking questions like: "Who are you?", "Where are you at?" And the common question was "What's wrong?". And all these comments never got a reply to them at all. Also while she was sitting there smoking her cigarette a gentleman came over to sit with her, and asked her for a light for his cigarette. She kindly gave him her lighter, he took it lighted up his cigarette and gave it back to her and said "thank you" And got up and went back into the hospital to talk to her mom about her dad. So after staying with her mom for about four hours they both having long conversations with her dad's doctor about what was going on with him. They found out that her dad is now in a diabetic coma for seriously not taking care of himself not listening to his family doctor. He's had these problems for about two years now and nothing seem to be working or her father refused to listen to his doctor on how to take care of himself. So with all that being said, and what was done to him now. Sarah and her mom couldn't do anything but wait and see. After dropping her mom off at her house. Sarah was really concerned about her mom's well being cause she didn't look like she was ready to alone right now cause Sarah was afraid of what her mom might do to the house or even worse to herself. Her mom kept refusing to have Sarah stay with her, so Sarah left her at her house. While she went back to her own house. Sarah started having little flashbacks about the man she gave her lighter to earlier in the day at the hospital. Now at this time she couldn't figure out why this gentleman was so important for her to remember him. So she kept replaying this memory of him specially his voice over, and over again. All this was going on in her head like a broken record. So after awhile she started to read a book to get her mind off this gentleman. While doing so she fell asleep, and during so this repeated image came to her again now in full swing. So now she's starting the dream the same scene from the hospital the gentleman sat down next her on the bench, and asked her for a light. She gave him the lighter and then he gave it back to her. So instead of her getting up and going back into the hospital waiting room. They decided to have a conversation. Sarah had told him that she was there with her mother worried about her dad. He had said that he was there for his sister whom was in car accident. They were both waiting

to see if there love ones were going to be ok or not. He kept saying to her "please lord help me through this crisis." Sarah sat there kept talking to him reassuring that everything was going to be ok. And he did the same for her as well. He also introduced himself by saying " Hi my name is Ben, What's your name?" Sarah said " my name is Sarah." So Ben had asked her a personal question "Can I send you a friend request on Facebook?" She had kindly said yes. And after all this in her dream she had woke up. And she checked her phone. To find out there was a friend request sent to her from someone named Ben with no picture or a last name to go with it. While yet there is also a email that went with it from Facebook from the ? Group. The email said please respond. All this flew Sarah into a very emotional loop wondering what in the hell is going on.