
Chapter 9: Who do we trust?

After being introduced to Jacob, and successful trip to Sadan? Even though King James did say to trust him there on edge cause there not sure if it's really Jacob or is it the shapeshifter creature. There telepathic abilities are still going bonkers. Jacob had said that I have a barrier surrounding Sadan this is to protect everyone in Sadan from Reznor from his mind control, that is why your abilities are not working at the moment. Trust me we are all the same team here. With that in mind Jacob wanted to show all of them around, first question that came out was from Barbara "How long have you guys been here?" Barb is only asking these questions just so she can get some kind feel or something more emotional from Jacob since she can't use her telepathic abilities in Sadan. Jacob replies "We've been here about 3 years but not really counting. We've been holding up pretty well here." Barb ask another question "Why can't you guys use your telepathic here in Sadan?" Jacob's reply is "With the shape shifter moving around we can't tell where he is or isn't, plus we don't have any kind alarm system setup to let us know what's going on the outside of our village." And Barb final question "Is that why you and your people go outside your walls to go patrolling? How would you know if the shape shifter had invaded you village?" Jacob replies "Yes that is why we do patrols outside of our village, In regards to the shape shifter we pretty much monitor everyone here in the village and if anything looks suspicious we investigate it." Ben looks around and is pretty impressed with Jacob being running Sadan and keeping it well under wraps with everyone outside the village. Sarah is feeling better but also still nervous about her knowledge of this dimension and as well as everyone in it including her dad. So it makes Sarah curious and asks Jacob "So how do you know King James?" Jacob answers "Me and King James grew up together as kids and joined the armed forces together, and we went through and won a lot of battles and wars together and I trust him with my life." Now we were going to get together and fight Reznor together until Reznor took over his kingdom. I was working on new weapons until that happened. This weapon will allow one person to be cloaked, and be transported to Reznor's location and sneak up on him and take him out. Cause the biggest problem that we had with Reznor was being to out think him. Cause he thinks that he owns everyone and control all that everyone can do and not do. The catch is that we have to take the fight to him. Or find some kind of way to get him out of his castle and he and only him can come to us. Ben had mentioned that the first thing that we need is a security system to detect Reznor, or the shape shifter. Ben, Barbara, and Sarah had convinced Jacob to put down the shield for certain period of the day, and night. Yes Barbara, Ben, and Sarah are aware of the danger of Reznor, and the shape shifter to get a reading of where there at. Cause right now this is a secluded area no one knows about it except for us, and would love to keep it that way. So Jacob, Ben, Barbara, and Sarah all decided to go somewhere where they can discuss and come up with a plan to draw out Reznor. So Jacob had known a place they could go that is outside the village but also secluded from everyone and everything else. So the four of them went to this secluded place which just happens to be in the woods. So no on could see telepathically exactly where there at. So this place was perfect for everyone. So they went into this hut that Jacob had built there some time ago, and started discussing about this plan for drawing out Reznor. Now also during this discussion their was another member that wanted to join as well. King James himself wanted to participate in this as well. Having this meeting here was another reason why Ben, Barbara, and Sarah wanted it there in this secluded place so James could attend himself. So now let the meeting begin! James wanted to be able to get into Jacob's head as well they can communicate back and forth between each other, to discuss strategy, plans and etc. All this had placed a big smiles on Ben, Barbara, and Sarah faces. "Finally let's put a stop to Reznor! And let's take our kingdom back!! Right Now!!" King James demanded with excitement and joy.