
Chapter 5: The Escape

So Sarah and Ben are standing there in shock not sure what think. Barbara is starting to slowly calm down but still wanting to leave the hospital. And Barbara is now talking calmly. She explains that there is something in this hospital that is out to get us. She couldn't explain exactly what it is but she knew it was going to hurt us all including Sarah's dad. So they had to come up with some kind of plan to do this. So Sarah went out to get food for the three of them. Ben googled a map of the hospital that they were in. So the three of them sat and planned a escape route. They also had to walk around the hospital as well to map out where all the security cameras in the hospital. So they found out the easiest way to get out was through the emergency room exit but also the riskiest as well to sneak out of because of the security around that area. Now the mysterious man had heard all this and is now going to use this to his advantage. So walking through the emergency room they just happened to be a couple of EMTs rushing through with a couple of patients that just happened to be involved in a car accident. So the mysterious man took the advantage as well. All the security cameras went out in the emergency room area. So the three of them had escaped with no problem. So Ben, Sarah, and Barbara were now on there own in regards to what they were going to do next. Ben, and Sarah both knew they couldn't go to their homes cause the cops would follow them their. So they all went to Barbara's place. Taking Sarah vehicle to Barbara's house, Barbara started having another migraine headache again. Telling Ben and Sarah not to go to Barbara's house. Instead get on the highway with no real destination. So following Barbara's direction they all ended up on this trail in the middle of nowhere. When they had stopped there was a hole already dugout for them. There was a note right next to this hole telling them to "jump". No one knew what to think of this other than Barbara. Like she had someone in her head guiding them there. So all three of them had jumped into the hole. On the other side of this hole. It was like they had all of a sudden jumped into a different dimension where everyone had some kind of

Physic power or something where everyone could do things with their minds. No one really spoke to one another. It was kinda like this whole dimension was in silence. Barbara comes out to say "Welcome to my world my children." Trapped inside of a dungeon shackled up against a dirty brick wall within a castle Ben, and Sarah we're now freaking out like what in the hell did you get us into Barbara? And now right when all that had happened the little ball of light now comes out of Barbara to present itself to all three of them. This ball of light transforms into a man. Dressed in green slime like cape like some kind of warlock. And he spoke with a voice box that he carries around him everywhere. He is a god here in this dimension. And everyone here calls him "Reznor". He felt very glorious over how his plan that worked like a charm to get all of them here in his world. He told them his plan was basically to trap Ben and Barbara and force them to come back where they belonged according to Reznor. They were his servants for life. Now before all this did happen there was a king that had ruled this dimension as well. His name was King James but what had happened was he was struggling with the two dimensions he was living in ruling a kingdom in one, and then being a happy family man and caring husband and father in the other. And at this time Sarah had just realized this was why I played at a part in this game. And for you Barbara "Did you think I was just going to let you just slip underneath my fingers?" "You cannot run or hide without me knowing something about it, I'm always watching." light transforms into a man. Dressed in green slime like cape like some kind of warlock. And he spoke with a voice box that he carries around him everywhere. He is a god here in this dimension. And everyone here calls him "Reznor". He was glorious over how his plan worked like a charm to get all of them here in his world. He told them his plan was basically trap Ben and Barbara and force them to come back where they belonged according to Reznor. They were his servants for life. Now before all this did happen there was a king that had ruled this dimension as well. His name was King James but what had happened was he was struggling with the two dimensions he was living in ruling a kingdom in one, and then being a happy family man and caring husband and father. And at this time Sarah had just realized this was why I played at a part in this game. This was a clue that Barbara wanted to keep in mind the entire time when it comes down to dealing with Reznor. Just when Reznor left the cell that they were all in. Barbara started to use telepathy for a communication link between the three of them. For Barbara and Ben that wasn't a problem but now they have to teach Sarah how to do it as well. Not like they didn't have the rest of the night to get Sarah to learn but yet they didn't have too much time in the next few days.