
Chapter 4: A little ball of light

So the little ball of light started its second part of its which was to use Barbara and get Ben and Sarah out of the hospital along with herself. So Ben was calming Barbara down a little and get her to relax and calmed. Ben is telling her "that we have to see what the doctor says first before we can do anything first cause according to the doctor you are suppose to be here for at least a month before even thinking about you going home." The doctor is scheduled to see Barbara within the next hour to a hour an half from now depending on how many others he had to attend to first. So with that being the little ball of light goes searching for a clip to find out who her doctor is. Now this little ball of light seems to be moving with a bit of intelligence. The question is: Is this ball of light moving on its on or is there something or someone behind all this? In a little room far away from everything and everyone there sits a man who watches everything this little ball of light does. And controls everything as well. Now that the ball of light finds who Barbara's doctor is now it's on the lookout for the doctor. Now with this information the man now scans the hospital with the little ball of light to find her doctor. He didn't have to search long and far the doctor just happened to coming to see Barbara right as he started to search for the doctor. But right before the doctor has a chance to get off the elevator, the little ball of light popped in his head. Right when the proceeds to go see Barbara. The doctor was surprised to see Barbara up and talking right away. The doctor shakes Ben's hand and sat down on the bed with Barbara. Now Ben starts talking to the doctor to find out what's going on with Barbara well he said" This is quite a surprise to me and didn't even expect for Barbara to be up and willing to move around like this already." And now the little ball of light starts shaking around in the doctor's head and the man that is controlling this little ball now is controlling the mind of the doctor and the doctor now said that "If Barbara is up and willing to move around and perform her normal things that she does then I don't see a reason why she can't go home. But also I would like her to stay here for at least another week so we can still evaluate her to make sure that everything is fine." Ben and Barbara both looked at the doctor with great surprise on their faces. So Barbara is already talking about what she's going to be doing once she leaves the hospital. Ben is still shock and wondering is the doctor making the right decision for her.

So Ben is really overwhelmed here so he decided to text Sarah and see if she was willing to meet with him in the cafeteria of the hospital to speak with about what he should do about Barbara while also see what's going on with her dad. Sarah texted back to him saying that she would meet up with in the hospital cafeteria to get something to eat and talk as well. Fifteen minutes later they both meet up in the hospital cafeteria. They both had been through a whirlwind of events. Ben told Sarah about how the doctor said Barbara could go home after a week of being in the hospital. While another doctor told Sarah that her dad wasn't going to make it within a month of being under observation in the hospital. She also said that her mom totally lost it and gave the doctor a piece of her mind. Sarah had told Ben that she had to calm her down and told her to go home and she will talk to the doctor and what this is all about and she will talk to her later. Now the two of them are trying to figure out what in the hell is wrong with this doctor he seems to really want Barbara and James to leave the in one way or another come hell or high water. Ben gets a text from Barbara telling him to come up to her room right now quickly. So Ben and Sarah both go upstairs to Barbara's room to see what's going on. When they get there Barbara is on the floor screaming her head off talking about how someone is out to get her. Ben keeps asking in frustration "who is out to get you?, who is out to get you?" She can't give an answer other than "He's out to get me." Then she starts screaming "I gotta get outta here, I gotta get outta here."