
Chapter 3: Trying To Put It All Together

So endlessly trying to find something about Ben was coming up as a dead end. She couldn't understand why according to her "Google has all the info on anyone and anything so why can't find anything on this man!!" So after wasting 10 minutes more than she needed to in the cafe searching for Ben she finally gets up and leaves the cafe to go meet her mother at the hospital. Ben sits next to Barbara in her hospital bed. He is endlessly going through his mind about what should he do about this problem that puts him and Barbara in danger. While all this is going on there. There is this small ball of light that is so small no one can notice it with the naked eye. Coming down kinda like a shooting star coming down from the sky. And lands on Barbara's head and she absorbs it in her head. The light goes down and down as far as it can go and then it attaches itself to one of Barbara's organs in her brain. Ben peacefully trying to communicate with her telepathically but he is not having any luck. He decided to stop trying cause he thinks that she is too weak to do that right since she just got out of surgery yesterday. Sarah is outside smoking a cigarette and check it out her Facebook page not seeing anything interesting, so she decides to check out and more information about the ? Group on Facebook. She looks at the last message that she got from the group and it said "I'll find you." So immediately she believes this is Ben. So goes to check the members page of the group. Now when she clicks to it. She couldn't find anyone on it other than herself. She's still not understanding what in the hell is going on here? Ben receives a message from the ? Group on Facebook which he also is apart of. The message said "Come Back I miss you." Ben looks at the message realized who it was and shook his head in anger. Sarah still trying to wrap her head around this ? Group on Facebook. She noticing that this ? Group is the only one of its kind on Facebook. She had asked some people that she was sitting with while she was smoking if they had heard of this ? Group on Facebook. And no one didn't know what she was talking about. While she continued to smoke her cigarette and little ball of light had started to fly around her. Like it was checking her out seeing what little information could it get. Then after a few minutes it flew away. The little ball of light did get what it needed which was information about Sarah. This little ball of light started its mischievous activity. The little ball went to find Ben after getting into the room. And immediately went to Ben's cellphone. The light went inside Ben's cellphone and started to go off a little more than normal. Ben went to check it out and found out that it was Sarah texting him. Sarah had asked what he was doing right now? Ben was shaking his head and said "this woman knows that I'm here visiting my sister in the hospital!" So Ben responds back with "I'm at the hospital visiting my sister." And sent his text off. Now the little light flew out of Ben's phone, and went straight out to Sarah's phone. Went inside Sarah's phone and then she gets a text from Ben asking her the same question. "What are you doing?" And now Sarah is confused as well "What?" "He knows that I'm at the hospital visiting my dad with my mom." So she texts Ben back saying "I'm in the hospital visiting my dad." She also asked "Is there anything wrong?" The light stayed in Sarah's phone and the responded text said "meet me by the front entrance of the hospital it's very important!" Then the light left Sarah's phone and went back to Ben's phone. And now Ben gets a text back from Sarah saying to meet her in the front entrance of hospital as well she had something important to tell him as well. So after a half hour later they both took separate elevators down to meet up in the front lobby of the hospital. So they both walk up to each other and both asked "what's up?" They both said that they got texted by each other and they both denied each other that they didn't text each other. So with the awkward moment happening now they both didn't know what to say to each other. So finally Ben did come to say that he did have to tell her but he couldn't do it there at the hospital. So he asked her out for a date at his house. And Sarah accepted. And with Ben brighting Sarah's day they both went back up to their rooms to see their love ones. When Ben came back to Barbara's room. Barbara is now sitting up with this crazy look on her face. But yet also very happy to see her big brother. And the first and main question that she keeps asking is "When can I go home?"