
Chapter 10: Bringing the fight to Reznor

So after spending part of their day partying in celebrating of the new alliances that were just made. That finally calmed down to discuss a plan and strategy to win back the kingdom and possibly kill Reznor or at least get rid of him which one comes first. So the first order of business to discuss what weapons to use during the attack. Jacob said that arrows are the best very quick, silent and you can't really see it coming. And the idea is quickly move between location to look location in the blink of an eye. So Reznor can't get a fix on any of us. James asked Jacob can he conjure up portals that we can use to go back and forth between different locations? Jacob said that he will look into it and he will let James if it can be done. And the next order of business is, how are we going to travel? Jacob mentions there are four towers that can be used for teleportation. Each tower will teleport you from one tower to another. Ben says that he likes the plan so we can corner Reznor in the middle of the field, and attack from almost anywhere. Ok Sarah jumps and says "Ok so we have how we're going to trap him but we haven't answered 1. How are we traveling there? 2. How are going to get him there?" Sarah seemed to be getting a little pissed there hearing everything except for those questions she justed asked. James chimes in with "You guys are going to our horses in Jacobs stalls in the village. And getting him there is simple. We will use our telepathy to get his attention and then draw him into the location so we can do the plan." Ok so everyone had agreed and liked the plan that they all came up with. So know it was time to put it all into action. The little thing they that didn't count on, was the fact that they still had to deal with shape shifter as well. Now that the shape shifter was sitting in the woods listening in to what the plan was then the shape shifter rapidly left the scene and automatically told everything I that it heard and told Reznor everything. When the shape shifter left Barbara had got a strange feeling and then heard something moving in the woods. Then she noticed that something was in the woods probably listening in on their plan. And with that in mind that all had to act quickly and come up with another plan before Reznor gets wind of what we have planned for him. Now everything is a counter attack now they have to plan for what Reznor will know it's no longer a surprise anymore. They now know what ever they plan now from here on out Reznor, and the shape shifter won't know. So now that Reznor will know that the plan is to get him to the teleportation towers. The plan is now to just sit and patiently wait for him to arrive and then attack him and the shape shifter together since they're be there together. And just open up on them both at will. But also they would also need the help of everyone at the village as well. The villagers are needed to attack the kingdom while we attack Reznor and the shape shifter. So King James had telepathically ask and requested the villagers to help him take back his kingdom so they stop being hidden and be free. So the villagers agreed to help the king take his kingdom back. The group had decided to go right to the teleportation towers, and make themselves battle ready by painting their faces, and bodies in mud and leaves to help blend with the forest around them. Five minutes here comes Reznor and the shape shifter to the teleportation towers location. And Jacob had kept his promise to the king and opened up the teleporter of his own and sent his villagers to Reznor's kingdom and they will fight the guards and everyone to overrun the kingdom and make King James kingdom again. Jacob secretly closed the portal at the village, and brought his focus back at the teleportation towers and defeating Reznor and the shape shifter. Reznor looks around with confidence and the shape shifter starts to walk around the area looking for who ever is hidden in the bushes. And not finding anything, the shape shifter has a short temper and is easily getting frustrated. And in the background by the towers the group is moving in and out around the bushes but yet away from Reznor and the shape shifter. Turning invisible Ben walks behind the shape shifter and grabs the creature and opens up the teleporter and threw it in there. Not exactly sure where the creature will end up but knows he won't be around to cause or make any trouble to them, and Reznor won't know where he is either. So instantly Reznor knows that now he is alone and was slightly worried. Not exactly sure what to do specially not knowing what is going on cause Jacob is using a spell where Reznor can't read no one's mind so he is confused even more. One by one Ben, Barbara, and Sarah had appeared in front of Reznor telling him that his reign is over now. Reznor is trying to get his hands on them, and yet still can't read anyone and now he is very frustrated and he's feeling scared of not having any control over anyone. The three of them walk closer and closer to Reznor he gets scared and vanishes. So reappearing back at the kingdom Reznor feels even more surprised at what he sees he can't believe it that everyone that he had enslaved was now out of their cages, and Reznor's servants were now in the cells that his servants were in.

Crasping for air Reznor can't believe or understand what is going on. Now from coming through the teleporter comes Jacob, and King James himself in the flesh. King James comes over to Reznor to tell him "that his reign is over you have nowhere to run or hide." And Reznor tells him "that he was wrong, and he would see him again at another time when he's not expecting it." Reznor vanishes, he was gone. James can now take his kingdom back as planned. Ben and Barbara are very happy again that everything was back to normal for them again. Sarah was extremely excited and happy that she helped her dad get his kingdom back, but now has to go back through the portal to her world to help her dad in the hospital. Sarah had asked Jacob if he can her go back to her own dimension to help her dad in her dimension. And he said "most definitely my princess." That caught Sarah by surprise but she loved it. It had a nice ring to her, Sarah also asked Ben and Barbara if they could go back with her to help. Ben said very exercited "yes my princess!!" Sarah committed "Please don't do that when we get back." She chuckles. Barbara was a little hesitate at first but she came around and said she will back with them. King James said that he wanted Ben and Barbara to go back anyway to help him and Sarah while his other body was still in a coma in the hospital.

Jacob had came up with a mirror that they all can use to go back and forth between dimension when need be. The End?