

I got back to my place and locked the door. I removed my jacket and sat on my bed. My face was soaked with tears. I felt like a complete idiot. Joel had welcomed me into his home, offered me singing lessons, and even took me out on a planning thing. I didn't think this would be how I met my idol. I go to the bathroom and stare in the mirror. I stare into my eyes, and they overflow with tears once again. 'You are such an idiot! Why are you so stupid? Can't you see that you can't do shit right? You should just stop while you're ahead. Just stop...'

    My phone vibrates, and I break away from my own gaze. It's him. I unlock the screen and nervously check the message.

J: Hey, would you mind coming over? I know you just left, but Jonas is here, and he would really like to meet you :D

Y: Yeah, I'll head out in a few minutes

J: Alright, I'll see you soon :)

Y: :)

    I quickly wash my face and fix my mascara. Throw on my jacket and grab my bookbag. I lock the door and rush down the street. Once I reach the end of his road, I slow my pace and try to calm my breathing. I reach his door and knock. It opens, and his smile makes my knees weak. "I'm glad you could make it back. Did I bother you?" I shake my head, and he steps back, letting me enter. "No, not at all. I wasn't doing anything." I fake smile, and my brain judges me. 'Liar...'

    We head back to his studio, and Jonas is sitting in a chair. He stands up and takes my hand. "It's a pleasure to meet you, Y/n." I smile and honestly feel so happy that I can be in this moment right now. "I'm glad to meet you, Jonas." He lets my hand go and looks to Joel. "Joel here was telling me how great of a singer you are. I would be honored if I could maybe hear you?" I rub my arm, and Joel sits down in his chair from earlier. He doesn't seem to mind the fact that I was here less than an hour ago, crying and looking ridiculous. "Uh, sure. Anything in particular?"

    "Whatever you're able to sing, I'd be glad to hear it." Joel types in some karaoke music, and I point out one I like. "Let's do Talking to the Moon by Bruno." He nods, and they watch as I back up some and try to keep my cool. I take a deep breath and close my eyes.

    "I know you're somewhere out there, somewhere far away. I want you back, I want you back. My neighbors think I'm crazy, but they don't understand. You're all I had, you're all I had. At night, when the stars light up my room, I sit by myself, talking to the moon... trying to get to you... in hopes you're on the other side talking to me too, or am I a fool, who sits alone, talking to the moon? Oh-oh..."

    I hold it out, then stop. Joel pauses the music, and Jonas nods, impressed. "That was absolutely amazing. Joel, where did you find this artist?" I giggle, and Joel smiles. "I was out on a walk, and I heard singing down the road, so I followed the sounds, and it led me to a dark alley-way. When she stopped singing, I knew I had to say something. Then, I offered her some voice lessons." Jonas laughs. "Are you sure she isn't teaching you?" Joel does his famous laugh and shakes his head. "Honestly, I'm not sure now." I smile and can't believe all the praise I'm hearing.

    Joel stands up and excuses himself. Jonas points to the chair, and I sit. "So, Y/n. Do you find my buddy here, interesting?" I feel my face warm up, and I begin to play with my fingers. "What do you mean?" Jonas smirks and crosses his leg. "Do you have any feelings towards Joel?" I freeze and don't know how to feel about his question. "I mean, he's a cool guy. I've been a fan of his work for a few years now. So, yeah, I like him. He seems like a great person." Jonas smiles and shakes his head.

    "Y/n, my man has been single for a while now. I can tell how anxious you are around him, even if it's just anxiety. He told me about the diner thing and how you were nervous. If anyone is to make my boy happy, I would like it to be you." I smile and can't help but feel honored that Jonas would love me to be the one to make Joel happy. Joel returns and holds up the money I left an hour or so ago. "What's this?" I shrug and look down. "Gas money from the ride. I felt bad for not being able to drive myself."

    He puts it down on his desk and pulls a chair over. "That wasn't necessary, but thank you." Jonas looks between Joel and I, smiling evilly. "Does he always do this?" I ask. Joel smirks and chuckles. "Sometimes when he's planning something. Hopefully, it's nothing, but you can never be too sure." I look at him, and he just beams like nothing is wrong. He turns to Joel and crosses his leg again, trying to look menacing, I guess.

    "So, Joel? Have you found anyone yet? I know you've been looking for a girlfriend here recently." Joel blushes and looks away. 'Please don't tell me you like someone.' Joel shrugs and glances my way before looking at Jonas. "I don't know. I've just been enjoying the single life, you know? Waiting for the right person to come into my life at random. They say that's when you meet them." My heart leaps but then sinks. What if he isn't talking about me? Jonas nods slowly, then turns to me. 'Oh please, no...'

    "Y/n? Are you currently seeing anyone or interested in finding someone?" I jokingly roll my eyes. "No, I am not seeing anyone, and I'm not sure about dating. Past things have made it hard for me to trust people. I'm just trying to wait for 'the one'. I know it sounds stupid, but I don't want to waste my life with people who aren't right for me." He nods and looks to Joel. Joel doesn't seem to understand his intentions.

    "Joel? Would you ever think about taking someone like Y/n out on a date?" Joel looks at me, then back to Jonas, and it seems to click. His eyes grow wide, and his face is a slight shade of red. "Oh, I don't know. We just met, and we don't know much about each other." Jonas seems to notice how uncomfortable I am and decides to talk about something else. "Okay, different topic. Any plans for today?" Joel shrugs, and I shake my head. "Honestly, I was going to use my days off to just watch videos. Or now, practice singing with Joel." Jonas looks to Joel, who just nods. "Other than lessons, I was just going to hang out."

    Jonas nods and stands up. "It's getting late. I should probably head home soon." Joel looks at his watch. "It's not even four in the afternoon." Jonas gives him a look. "I'm an old man. I need to eat early dinner and then sleep." I laugh, and so does Joel. "I better head home. I should do some laundry. I'll text you later. It was nice meeting you, Jonas." I grab my bag and wave goodbye as I head out the door. I head down the street and can't help but smile. Jonas thinks I'd be great for Joel. Then, I frown. Joel is unsure about it. 'What am I going to do...?'