

I roll over, trying to get comfy again when I smell something mouth-watering. 'Is that bacon?' I crack my eyes open and shoot up. I look around and then breathe, remembering where I was. I pat my hair down and slip my phone into the pocket of my shorts Joel gave me last night. Last night, the most romantic night of my life so far. I feel my face break out into a massive grin and blush a bit. I head towards the door and can hear some music playing through it. I open it and quietly make my way to the kitchen. I peak around the corner and cover my mouth as I stifle a laugh. I see vegan bacon sizzling on the stove top, next to some eggs frying. The toaster has red lines showing through the top as toast cooks, and right in the middle of the floor, stand the man himself holding a spatula like a microphone.

    I smile and giggle a bit as he tries to dance, his voice going perfectly with the music. "And when you smile, the whole world stops and stares for awhile cause you're amazing, just the way you are!" I step out from behind the corner and join along. "The way you are~. The way you are~. Cause you're amazing, just the way you are..." He spins around and pulls me into a kiss. "Good morning, beautiful." I playfully punch his arm and start helping get stuff for breakfast. "Good morning, Bruno. Didn't invite me to your concert I see." He laughs and then looks kind of nervous.

    "You didn't see anything, did you?" He looks embarrassed now. "I saw food, heard a beautiful voice, and may have seen some sweet moves." I laugh as he covers his face. "Ugh, please delete that memory." I shut the stove off and began to load up some plates. "Never!" He groans and gets out some orange juice and pours two glasses. "You are lucky I like you so much that I shall allow it." I kiss his cheek and take our plates to the table. "Good, because I will probably hold this against you for a while." I smirk, and he just rolls his eyes smiling. We set the table and sit across from each other.

    "I wanted to make sure you woke up to a great start, so I tried to make something good." I give him a small smile and take the first bite. As I chew, I cover my mouth to respond. "It's good. You could be a chef." He laughs and shakes his head, grinning and cheeks tinted pink. "Oh please, it's just a simple breakfast." I take a sip of my juice and poke his leg under the table. He looks up, and I look at him. "Really, it's good. Don't doubt yourself." He smirks and gives me the 'Oh really?' look. "Says the one that can sing beautifully yet doesn't believe it. I still think that you should make a channel or something showing off your voice."

    This time, I give him the look. "I'll leave the music channel to you for now." He shrugs and takes a bite, giving up for now. He sets his fork down and pulls out his phone, I'm assuming it vibrated. "Hmm, Jonas messaged me. He wants to have a double-date tonight." He looks past the screen at me, and I think for a second. "Sure, it sounds like fun." Joel gives a small laugh and begins to type. "It's all fun and games until Jonas starts being weird."

    I laugh and then point my fork at him. "You know, you aren't completely normal yourself, sir." He acts hurt and points his fork at me. "Oh, I forgot you are the Queen of normal." I giggle and hold my hands up. "That is a claim I never made." He does that bark-laugh and lowers his silverware. "Fine, I call a truce. We are all weird." I laugh so hard I almost choke on my eggs. "Alright, well, we better get me home to get some clothes for later." We get up, clean up, and I wear his clothes as he takes me back home.

    He follows me inside and sits on the couch as I prepare to get ready for the day. I throw the dress from last night into the hamper and find a shirt with some jeans to throw on now. I get a bag and put some leggings and a cute blouse in it for this evening. I add my small makeup bag in there and my charger. I look around and add my perfume and deodorant. I walk into the living room and notice a note on the tale. My sister had decided to head back home and that if anything were to happen, to message her and she would come back as soon as possible.

    We head back out into his car and make our way back to his house. I sit my bag aside, and we find a spot on the couch. "Would you like to watch a movie or two?" I take the remote from his hands and scroll through until I found f/m (favorite movie). "This one!" I hit play, and he gets up to grab some snacks and drinks for us. When he returns and sits back down, I snuggle against his side as he wraps his arm around me.

    'I can't wait for this date tonight. This is going to be so much fun!'