
Chapter 1: eyes

Waking up, all I see is a bright light, I feel the warm sun beating against my pale white skin. As I wake, I open my bright blue eyes. My hands would shake. As my dark brown hair would be tangled. Standing up, looking around, noticing my surroundings. Green grass, big brown trees, sounds of birds. And a pair of green, glowing eyes, staring in my direction. As it crawls out from behind a big brown tree, it sits. The fluffy ears twitch, the long tail, flows with the wind. Brown wolf? Won't it eat me..? I back away slowly. I walk away and enter a big skin made tent. It follows me in. Go somewhere else, I'd say. The wolf would tilt her fluffy head. I turned around, And the wolf looked off. Her ears were longer, like a foxes ear. Her tail was fatter. And.. two lumps on her back, near her shoulder..