

Just the cool wind stop flowing.

3 of them just get up after having a peaceful sleep and rest.

They just packed up theirs camps and get rrady to search the people.

They just decided to move into the house to look up the conditions if any one there in the house.

They just slowly started walking towards the house.

But there till now dozen of the houses had been searched but its till now had been disappointing them.

No one is those house all were just empty and they till now searching those house from which people had been missing.

They just had hope that they would be there.... But its just empty.

Hours and hours are just passing on but till now they had not found any single human beings in thier search.

All building and houses just come to an end of searching no one was there.

Then they just started walking towards the wood just to find them.

But as they were tired and the cool wind again started flowing with snow they just set thier camp and had a wait till it gets end.

They were just having gossip and some snacks.

Suddenly something breaking sound was there in the woods... (Thud...! Thud..! Thud....! Thud.....!)

They just stop there gossiping and tried to have a clear sound and there was something like wood or rock breaking sound..... They just saw each other face and got happy.

Slowly the cool breeze stops and the snow fall too... They just packed up thier thing and started walking in the woods.

But the sound slowly decreases as they just get in the wood and gradually stops... In case they won't miss the sound they just started running towards it but just get meesed up there and didn't find out any one or any cut on the trees.

Rozy-:Is anyone there? We are here to rescue you please come out. Don't be afraid of us.

But there was complete silence no answer from any where.

They just get tired and seat down there in between the woods.

But suddenly some just crossed them with a quick speed as it was animal.....they all just got scared.... And look here and there.

But no one was there.....

Till now no signal of any missing people..... all houses empty..... will they able to survive or they will be stuck there till death.