
a legendary Daoist immortal

Man is the spirit of all things, and compulsion is the true essence of heaven and earth. Three views are not correct, the devil is reborn. An old dream from the past, a new work of the same name. A story of a traveler constantly being reborn. A strange world of raising, refining and using parasites. Spring and Autumn Cicada, Moonlight Compulsion, Wine Bug, One Breath Golden Light Bug...

DaoistKZE9LG · Kỳ huyễn
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20 Chs

Verse 14: Hidden in the cracks of the mountain

Wine worm body like silkworm baby, the whole body is scattered with pearl-like white light, a little fat, the appearance is very lovely.

It feeds on wine and can fly through the air. When you fly, you pack up your body, and you go really fast.

Although it is a turn-around parasite, its value is more precious than some two-turn parasite.

If it is used as a natural poison, it is much better than the moonlight poison.

At this time, such a wine worm was attached to a green spear bamboo only fifty or sixty paces away from the Fang Yuan.

Fang Yuan held his breath, did not rush to approach, but slowly retreated.

He knows that although this distance is very close, but really to directly catch the wine worm, for a newly enlightened master of his own, it is extremely difficult, or, the root of the 14th section: there is no hope of success hidden in the gap between the mountains.

At this time, although the eye can not see the appearance of the wine worm, but he was in the dark, feel the wine worm on their vigilance.

Fang Yuan retreated slowly and gently, trying not to alarm the wine worms.

He knew that if the wineworm wanted to fly away, it would not be able to catch it at its own speed, and only when it was drunk and slowed down would it have a chance of catching it.

See Fang Yuan retreat farther and farther, lying on the bamboo pole of the wine worm, the body could not help but stir up.

The strong aroma in front of it, seduced it, attracted it, let it be haunted by. If it had slobbered, it would have slobbered in a puddle by now.

However, the vigilance of the wine worm was still very high, and Fang Yuan had retreated two hundred steps before it bounced back and jumped into the air.

When it is flying in the air, the body into a ball, just like a small white dumplings.

Tangyuan from the air across a round arc, falling into the grass of the Fang yuan dripping green bamboo wine.

Food is in sight, wine worm alert down most, it hurriedly climbed to the flower containing wine, into the head, leaving only the chubby tail outside. Verse 14: Hidden in the cracks of the mountain

It was very hungry, and the bamboo wine was so delicious that it sucked and soon immersed itself in the delicious food, forgetting Fang Yuan to the back of its head.

At this time, Fang Yuan began to approach discreetly.

He saw the tail of the wine worm outside the flower. This tail is like the tail of a baby silkworm, chubby and round, and the loose halo reminds people of pearls.

At first his tail hung out, motionless.

Then, after a while, the tail began to curl up and down, apparently the wine worm was very happy to drink.

At last, when Fang Yuan had approached the distance of ten paces, his tail began to shake from side to side, swinging with a cheerful rhythm.

Totally drunk!

Seeing this scene, Fang Yuan almost laughed out loud.

Instead of moving on, he waited patiently. If he pounce now, there will be a considerable chance of catching the wine worm, but Fang Yuan still wants this wine worm to lead him to the carcass of the wine walker.

After a while, the wine worm retreated from the flower. Its body has gained a circle, its head is shaking, like a drunk, and it is unaware of the existence of the other source.

He climbs on another bright yellow wildflower, perches in the stamens, and feasts on wine and dew.

After this drink, he finally felt full. The body slowly shrank into a ball on the petals, and then slowly flew up, until it rose to a height of about 1.5 meters from the ground, which slowly flew to the depths of the bamboo forest.

Fang Yuan quickly started to follow.

The wineworm was drunk and flying at half its usual speed. But even so, Fang Yuan has to run with all his might to keep up with its figure.

The night is like washing, the young man shuttles quickly in the bamboo forest, chasing a little bead snow not far ahead.

The moon is gentle and the wind is gentle. Bamboo forest such as water empty, hits the green green spear bamboo, in the eyes of Fang Yuan quickly flashed, and fell behind the youth to go.

On the ground, there were green grasses dotted with wild flowers.

There are small stones with moss on them, and bright yellow bamboo shoots in their infancy.

Fang Yuan's faint shadow also moved quickly across the ground, crossing the straight black lines cast on the ground by the green spear bamboo.

He stared closely at the spot of snow, in the faint aroma of wine, breathed the fresh mountain air, and moved his legs closely behind.

Because of the rapid passage, under the eyes of the moon like water, light and shadow frequency, it seems to run in the water covered with water grass.

Wine insects fly out of the bamboo forest, Fang Yuan also rushed out of the bamboo forest. A great mass of white flowers with yellowish hearts flew out their petals in the strong wind around his legs.

A group of dragon ball cricket like a song flow of poetry, happened to flow to the front, square source straight through, suddenly a wow, the eyes of the red glow bloom, scattered a red star firefly.

A quiet mountain stream, paved with pebbles, gurgling its water, reflecting the spring moon in the night sky. Patter, by Fang Yuan wading into the water broken into thousands of silver ripples.

It is a pity that a stream of wind and moon broke Qiongyao.

Fang Yuan followed closely, firmly behind the wine bug.

Moving up the stream, he could already hear the sound of a waterfall, and turning through a thin forest, he saw wine worms flying into a slit in a boulder.

Fang Yuan eyes suddenly bright, this just stopped.

"So it was here." He gasped for breath, heart thumping straight, this stop, suddenly feel covered with sweat, a hot air with the acceleration of blood flow, shaking in the body.

Looking around, this is now a shallow beach.

Pebbles, large and small, covered the ground, and the river was only about a finger above the pebbles. There are also patches of grey boulders, scattered randomly here.

On the back of Qingmao Mountain is a big waterfall.

The flow of the waterfall changes with the weather, and it plummets, crashing into a deep pool. Deep pool, is the white cottage, powerful, and Guyue cottage only strong not weak.

The waterfall also has branches, and it is clear that Fang Yuan faces a branch within a branch.

This beach is dry on a normal day. But recently there was a heavy rain for three consecutive days and nights, which led to the accumulation of a shallow stream of water here.

The source of the water is that huge rock that the wine worms got into.

Boulders lean against the vertical wall of the mountain. A slender miniature waterfall branches off the waterfall, like a silver python falling against the wall, hitting the boulder, and over time, the boulder has been washed out of the center of the gap.

Now the waterfall came crashing down, the water slightly roaring. It's like a rolling white curtain, blocking this gap in the rock.

Through the effort of observation, Fang Yuan's breath is no longer so urgent. With a determined light in his eye, he walked to the rock, took a deep breath, and dived in.

The rock is wide enough for two adults to walk side by side. What's more, Fang Yuan's body is only a 15-year-old boy.

A rush into, the rapid water will Fang Yuan's body down a pressure, while the cold water will suddenly Fang Yuan all over the body drenched.

Fang Yuan carried the water pressure, walked quickly, walked dozens of steps, the water pressure gradually smaller down.

But the gap spacing also shrinks, Fang yuan had to go sideways.

The roar of the water in my ears, the white light above my head, and the darkness deeper into the rock.

What lurks in the darkness?

Maybe it's a greasy snake, maybe it's a venomous gecko, maybe it's the booby trap of a demon wine walker, maybe it's empty.

Fang Yuan turned sideways like this and slowly squeezed into the darkness.

The water running overhead, it's gone. The stone wall is covered with moss, rubbing Fang Yuan's body skin, extremely greasy.

Fang Yuan was completely engulfed in darkness, and the stone crevice became narrower and narrower, gradually making his head unable to turn freely.

Fang Yuan gritted his teeth and moved on.

After more than twenty steps, he appeared to have a red light and shadow in the darkness.

At first he thought it was an illusion, but then he blinked and looked again and confirmed that it was indeed light!

The sight refreshed him.

After fifty or sixty steps, the red light became brighter and brighter, and gradually expanded into a long vertical slit in Fang Yuan's retina.

His straightened left arm suddenly felt the stone wall in front of him empty and bend down.

Fang Yuan suddenly great joy, know that the stone really has space. He took a few quick steps and finally squeezed into the light.

Suddenly, a space of about 80 square meters was displayed in front of Fang Yuan.

"I've walked so far that I've passed the boulder. I should be in the middle of the mountain by now." He moved his arms and legs and stretched his limbs as he surveyed the hidden space.

The whole space was filled with dim red light, and there was no idea where the light was coming from.

The walls were damp and covered with moss, but the air was dry.

On this stone wall, there were still strips of dead vines attached. The vines intertwine with each other, weaving together most of the stone walls on all sides. There are also some withered flower roots growing on it.

Fang Yuan looked at these residual flowers and leaves, feel some familiar.

"It's the wine bag and the rice bag." Suddenly, in a flash, he recognized the dead stems and vines.

There are many different forms of poison. There are ore-like, blue crystal shaped moontrap. There's something like worms, like wine worms like silkworms. There are flowers and grass forms, that is, the wine bag flower poison in front of Fang Yuan, and the rice bag grass poison.

These two kinds of poison, are a turn of natural poison. Only by infusing the true element can it grow. When grown, the heart of the flower will secrete nectar wine, and fragrant rice will grow from the straw bag.

Fang Yuan along the vine root system, moving the line of sight, sure enough in the corner of the dead roots wrapped into a ball, drum into a piece.

The wineworm is perched on this mass of dead roots, asleep, ready for the taking.

Fang Yuan walked past, first took the wine worm into his arms, and squatted down, pushed away the dead root withered vine, and there was a white skeleton wrapped in it.

"Found you at last, winewalker." A smile came to his lips when he saw this.

I was about to stretch out my hand and peel off all the withered vines, just then!

"Will you try to move?" A voice full of murder suddenly sounded behind Fang Yuan.
