
Chapter 14: Kiri Delegation

Groaning slightly, I turned over, feeling my face land on something soft. Gradually opening my eyes, I realized I was laying in Anko's arms. Looking up at her face, I smiled when I saw her sleeping peacefully. I gazed at her for a few moments before gently lifting myself out of her arms. Hearing her grumble and trying to find the warmth that left her, I covered her with a blanket. Looking around, I noticed Kurenai slumped against the bed, shivering slightly. Smirking at her, I lifted her up before placing her carefully next to Anko. Feeling the familiar warmth of a person again, Anko wrapped Kurenai in a hug, and Kurenai snuggled closer to her. Smiling, I made sure the blanket was properly covering them before looking around the room. It was a simple bedroom, a bed in one corner with a dresser against the opposite wall. It was tiny but it wasn't cramped. I noticed two doors, one next to the dresser and the other on the wall in front of the bed.

Moving to the door next to the dresser, I peeked outside, sighing in relief when I noticed it was a small washroom. Grabbing my clothes, which were thankfully clean and devoid of any signs of our... battle, I walked into the washroom, thanking the Sage that there was a barrel of water in one corner. Sniffing it, I smiled happily when I realized it was fresh. Grabbing a small bucket that was sitting in one corner, I filled it before sitting down, wetting a cloth and slowly cleaning myself off. It took awhile, but eventually there was no evidence of our heated time together. Throwing on my clothes, I gently opened the door, noticing that both of my girls were still sleeping soundly. Grabbing the Kubikiribocho which was left leaning against the wall like some common blade, I carefully slipped out the door.

Wandering around the ship, I eventually found the staircase leading to the deck. Stretching as I made my way to the railing, I heard someone coughing behind me. Turning, I saw Kakashi, his ears deep crimson.

"You... All of you need to realize... Well, everyone could hear you three!"

"And? I'm sure most of the sailors were thanking us for the material. After all, it's much better than some smut book."

Saying so, I gave him a coy smile before leaning against the rail, enjoying the gentle breeze. I looked towards the horizon, noticing that the sun was just... rising? Setting?

"Is it morning? I thought the journey from the Harbor to Busan was just a few hours?"

Kakashi looked away, as if seeing me reminded him of the screams of pleasure from a few hours ago. "It's morning. We couldn't dock since this boat wasn't scheduled to return to Busan for a few weeks. They take their schedules very seriously; apparently that's how they've managed to avoid having pirates invade the town via sea. A guard boat stopped by an hour ago, and said we could dock soon."

I nodded, before taking out a nutrient pellet and swallowing it. "Any idea who is coming from Kiri?"

Kakashi shrugged, before saying "Might be another swordsman, or just a few Jonin. Try not to rile them up; the Shinobi from Kiri are quite... murder happy. They only let those they deem 'strong' enough become shinobi; by murdering their classmates. Hah, the talent wasted because one or two kids were simply too strong. They are the weakest village, and this Fourth Mizukage isn't helping, what with his Anti Clan policies."

I scoffed, agreeing with him. I mean, how idiotic do you have to be to willingly kill a majority of your potential Shinobi? This is why no one really cares for Kiri, and especially not now, with their crazy ass Mizukage. They had so few Shinobi during the last war, and were hard pressed to do anything other than sit still. Not that I'm complaining. Konoha was able to focus on the actual threats, being literally everyone else.

Of course, Kiri is still a major village, and they specialize in assassination. Trying to protect someone who is known to be hunted by a Kiri ninja is much harder than protecting someone from any other village.

I tapped my finger on Kubikiribocho, before looking back at Kakashi. "So, why not just 'accidentally' drop the blade in the ocean? Aren't most of their swordsman rogues anyway? Quite easy to lie and so Juzo chose suicide over being killed by someone, and making sure the blade would never be found."

Sighing, Kakashi shook his head. "Sadly, the political battle that would happen would be terrible. While Konoha could survive without the help of the Fire Daimyo, Kiri would starve. They would resort to plundering our Eastern Border, which could cause a war between our villages. And with the threat of Kumo and Iwa..."

Sighing, I nodded my head. Yea, last thing we need is to piss off the mountain men and rock fuckers. Both are so stubborn and annoying to deal with. Thankfully Suna is currently suffering because... well their Wind Daimyo hates the current Kazekage, and is currently starving his military force. Smart, right?

I closed my eyes, just enjoying the peaceful morning. I could hear Kakashi pull out his book, flipping through pages. Time passed slowly, with me dozing off and Kakashi reading.

However, all good things must come to an end...

Feeling someone grab my cheeks, I opened one eye, frowning at Anko. Not caring, she gave me a deep kiss before being pulled away. Kurenai also gave me a kiss, while Anko glared at her. Pushing them away, they glared at me, before I raised my eyebrow at them, daring them to try something. Anko looked away while Kurenai fiddled with her hands, looking like a child who just got scolded. Giggling, I pulled them both into a hug, gently swatting Anko's roaming hand.

Hearing Kakashi cough, I looked at him and winked. He decided to turn around and walk away.

Before I could fall back into the bliss of being in the arms of my two lovers, we heard a bell go off. Moving towards the other railing, which was overlooking the docks, we could see a small boat making its way towards us. A few moments later, that trader guy who owns the boat... Gan? Jin? Whatever his name was, ran outside, hastily buckling his pants up. He shot us a glance, and I could see the lust in his gaze as he saw us, which was quickly covered by fear as I shot him a large smile, releasing a bit of bloodlust his way. Scurrying towards the railing, he waited until he could hear the Guards, who shouted something to him. They communicated, though I couldn't concentrate due to having to constantly ward off the roaming hands of both Anko and Kurenai. When they brushed hands trying to grab my ass, they glared at each other, which prompted me to swat the back of their heads. Sage help me. They want me to have kids but they act more like children than I care to admit. The idea of raising a kid while dealing with them...

Well, I was equal parts happy and worried.

Eventually, our ship docked, and when we got close enough I jumped onto the dock, Kakashi following me. Looking back onto the boat I could still see Anko and Kurenai glaring at each other. Sighing, I took a kunai and attached a chakra string before tossing it in between them, before pulling the kunai back into my hand. Both jumped back, pulling out their own kunai and looking around warily. When they saw me looking at them dryly, flipping the kunai in my hand, they both looked guilty, Anko scratching her cheek and Kurenai looking down at her hands. Quietly making their way down to me, I sighed before looking at Kakashi, who gave me a look filled with pity. Gesturing for him to lead the way, he nodded before walking into the town.

The buildings here looked very similar to the newer buildings back at the Harbor. Following Kakashi, I decided to ignore everything, not enjoying the lavish lifestyle around me. It was kinda annoying to think that these people had more money and influence than me, while also remaining extremely weak. I risk my life on missions, and while I have some money saved up, it can't compare to what some of these people make in a year.

Eventually we reached the designated meeting area, as it was surrounded by various samurai from the Lands of Fire, Water, and Tea, as well as some shinobi who were raised here in the Land of Tea. Walking into the building, I noticed it was rather quiet, with only one group of people occupying the restaurant. Sitting at a large table in the middle, four shinobi in the traditional Kiri garb sat next to some older people, calmly sipping tea even as the Kiri shinobi were slowly getting agitated, tapping their various blades.

Only one of the Kiri shinobi seemed calm, and it was someone with a eyepatch over his right eye. His grey-blue hair was like a brush, pointed towards the sky. Two hanafuda earrings depicting waves were swaying gently as he rose. He was wearing a deep green kimono, a grey flak vest, typical of Kiri shinobi, over it.

Kakashi walked forwards, taking a seat. "So Kiri sent out Ao the Byakugan Killer to meet with Konoha Shinobi. Smooth."

Chuckling dryly, the man, Ao, stared down at Kakashi, shaking his head. "Well, when we heard from a little bird that the Copy Ninja was to be meeting us, I was sent here to make sure nothing happens."

Saying so, he turned towards me, his eyes narrowing as he saw me casually holding one of his villages treasures. Smirking at him, I stood behind Kakashi, chuckling as I saw the Kiri Shinobi fidgeting and trying to hold themselves from unsheathing their blades and taking the Kubikiribocho from me.

Anko and Kurenai took a seat, Anko lounging before gulping down the proffered tea, while Kurenai sat elegantly, taking small sips.

Ao turned back towards Kakashi, a strained smile on his lips. "Now let's just make this peaceful, yes? The Water Daimyo and the Fourth Mizukage have already sent the payment over. These nice people here will show you where it is. Just... hand over the blade."

So, mission almost over. Then we resume our slice of lem... i mean slice of life esque story. Yup, just nice and peaceful...

Ketsueki_Hasucreators' thoughts