
The Clock

Matilda was at the café with Steve, both wearing the designed apron. Matilda was at the counter pouring the tea while Steve was busy serving the customers. A skinny teen about her eighteen and his brother who was same age with Steve came into the café and sat on the table beside the door. The boy was carrying a blue back-pack

“Two cups please” Molly said, after a soft yawn.

“Coming here is not a good idea Molly, we discussed that we are going home straight” Dustin said to Molly.

“We won’t waste much time, just a hot coffee” Molly said to him.

“Relax, nothing is ever going wrong, we are at a safe place. I don’t even trust that clock”

“You don’t believe it?”

“It’s not real until I see it happen”

“Molly, I told you that it can only work if...”

“Hey!” Molly interrupted.

“Coming” Steve said, heading towards Matilda.

“Theirs?” Steve pointed at the cups of coffee in a little red tray.

“Yeah, for the two kids” She groaned.

“I’m leaving” Matilda added.

“What? You are leaving for the boring date? Who’s gonna assist me here” Steve chuckled.

“I don’t know and I don’t care” Matilda replied, taking off the apron from her body,

“Matilda, dad said that you gonna...” a loud electronic echo sounded loudly in the café and stopped Steve from talking.

“What was that?” Matilda asked Steve who was searching for the root of the echo. Matilda and Steve watched Dustin as he was bringing an old big clock from his back pack.

“Shit!” Matilda groaned and headed to them.

“Hey, this is a café and not a construction or mechanic shop, I hope you knows that?” Matilda said angrily to Dustin.

“It was a mistake, I didn’t mean to, it was just…it just”

“Cut it off Dust, why would you apologize for that? It was just in your back pack” Molly interrupted.

“Seriously” Matilda said and chuckled.

“Are you shocked?”

“What kind of clock is that?”

“None of your fucking business coffee man, I’m outta here. Come on Dustin” Molly said, getting up from the chair.

“What about the coffee you ordered for” Matilda asked.

“Drink it yourself” Molly replied.

“Uhmmm! Why is the clock shinning that brightly?” Steve said, staring at the clock on Dustin’s hand. Molly, Matilda and Dustin stared at the clock.

“It’s glowing” Molly smiled.

“It’s beautiful” Matilda joined.

“What date is that?” Steve asked.

“Says 9:33, October 7th 2003” Dustin replied. Steve looked at his wrist watch and stared at the clock again.

“It’s 9:33 now and today is October 7 but why 2003 instead of 2022” Steve looked at Matilda.

“Past’ Dustin sighed, still staring at the glowing clock.

“Strange” Matilda scoffed.

“Guys I think we should be going, thank you for acknowledging our beautiful clock and now we gotta go” Molly said with a nervous chuckle.

“Did you see that?” Dustin asked

“See What?” Matilda asked him.

“Oh my God” Molly groaned.

“Beside the date hole” Dustin continued

“Is that a countdown” Matilda said, looking closer.

“Yeah six seconds remaining” Dustin added.

“Guys?” Steve said slowly, leaning back slowly.

“Listen, is there a way to turn that clock off? Cause trust me, I don’t think any of these makes any sense at allllll…..” Molly screamed after the countdown went off and a huge echo accompanied with a strange strong wind blasted the table where the teens gathered.

“You okay Molly?” Dustin said weakly, struggling up from the floor he landed on.

“Yeah I’m fine, I’m fine” Molly replied tiredly.

“What the fuck was that?” Matilda groaned slowly, dressing back her hairs.

“Steve?” she called out slowly. Steve was standing in front of the transparent door, facing the road.

“Hey! Everything okay?” Dustin asked but he kept quiet.

“Steve?” Matilda called again.

“Something’s wrong”

“What do you mean? We are still in the café we were a minute ago” Molly said to him.

“Yeah we in the same place but I feel like something changed” Steve replied.

“You mean something changed just a minute ago? Ya funny” Molly chuckled.

“I think we had a…”

“Look Steve, nothing happened. It was just a minor problem. We can fix this” Matilda interrupted Steve.

“I think we had a time travel” Dustin looked at Steve. Matilda and Molly were shocked.

“What? What do you…what do you mean by that?” Matilda chuckled and looked at her watch.

“It’s still 9:35 and it’s still October 7. What the fuck are you both talking about?”

“Year” Dustin and Steve said in unison.

“I think we in are in 2003. I think that clock took us back to past” Steve added.

“Stop thinking please, just-just stop it and get me the fuck out of here” Molly sobbed.

“Where’s the fucking clock? It should be our only way out” Matilda said

“Can’t find it. I think it didn’t come with us” Dustin said

“What do you mean it didn’t come with us? It was right here, glooming with us” Molly said to Dustin.

“Jesus Christ!” Matilda placed her hands on her head.