

“Wakey wakey little prince the school bus is coming, it’s speeding speeding speeding up and you don’t want to miss it. The driver won’t wait for you, he is always angry because his own kids missed hi bus. Wakey wakey little prince the school bus is coming. It’s speeding….”

“Oh stop talking” Matilda groaned tiredly, covering her ears with her pillow but the electronic parrot kept singing.

“He is always angry because his own children missed hiiiiisss” the electronic parrot hissed on the floor after Matilda attacked with her shoe which she threw at it.

“Gross” she sighed heavily, climbed down from the bed and headed out of the room barefooted. Scratching her messed up hair, she headed down to the dinning.

“She’s out, she’s awake” Steve said slowly as Matilda was approaching the family.

“Mum, I didn’t tell you anything” Will whispered to their mother.

“It’s okay darling, I got this”

“Mum” Will simpered slowly.

“Hey sweetheart, are you…did you just come out of your room barefooted?” their mother asked, staring at her legs.

“It’s Will’s fault, his parrot can’t stop singing some Will’s kindergarten rhymes” Matilda yawned.

“You killed her with your shoes?” Will looked at her.

“What do you mean ‘Her? it’s my shoes and it didn’t’ kill it, it’s still breathing or maybe choking” she replied.

“Matilda!” Mrs. Brooks breathed out heavily.

“Mum what…? I’m still inside the house, I didn’t go outside bare-footed”

“That’s a bad habit” Steve joined.

“What the fuck is bad habit?”

“You killed Will’s parrot with your shoes and you came out of your room on bare foot, that’s a bad habit. What if we had a visitor?” Steve asked.

“Fuck anybody visiting this house this early morning”

“Language Matilda” Mrs. Brooks called.

“Yes mum” Matilda winked.

“That was your brother’s favorite pet”

“It’s an electronic parrot mum, it was constructed by a hand, not like it’s a real parrot. Only real animals are called pets”

“It was constructed by me, I made it myself” Will said slowly.

“Oh!” Matilda stopped talking.

“Apologize to him Matilda” Brooks looked at Matilda.

“Pssst I assume” Steve chuckled.

“Fine, I’m sorry for breaking your precious parrot but don’t you ever leave that in my room again”

“Good morning sunshines”

“Hi dad” Matilda smiled to her dad who was climbing down the stairs. Knotting his tie.

“Oh my…Matilda are you on bare foot?”

“I’m gonna go to the bathroom and clean my teeth” Matilda smiled weirdly, heading out.

“Clean up fast, you and Steve are staying at the Café today” Mrs.Brooks said.

“Fine’ Steve replied angrily.

“Jesus! Today is gonna be the worst day of my life” Matilda sighed.

“Hi son?”

“Hi dad” Steve replied.

“What’s with the long face Will?” Brooks looked at Will.

“Matilda broke his parrot” Mrs. Brooks said as she was helping him with his tie.

“That’s not good, why don’t you just…

“What are you trying to say?” Mrs. Brooks whispered to him.

“I was gonna promise him that we will both fix it when he is back from school” he whispered back.

“Okay that’s a great idea” she agreed.


“Okay go on and tell him that” Mrs. Brooks whispered and Steve scoffed.

“Ummmm Will, I was gonna say, why don’t you go to school first and come back, then we will talk about it. Maybe I can aid you in fixing it back”

“Really” Will smiled.

“Off course off course yeah! Really!” Brooks smiled too.

“Thanks dad”

“Two minutes till the bus arrives, come on honey, let’s go wait for you angry driver” Mrs. Brooks said, grabbing Will’s back-pack.

“Mum are you gonna come by at the café?” Steve asked her while she was leaving.

“I don’t think so, I’m meeting with your dad at a different café”

“A different café? Are you guys going on a date again?”

“I think so…yeah” she replied and headed out with Will.

“Oh come on you both are married for Christ’s sake” Steve groaned.

“And who told you that couples don’t go on date?”

“Couples don’t go on date dad”

“Welcome to the twenty-first century son”

“It’s illegal, it’s totally illegal”

“Who said it’s illegal?” Brooks chuckled.

“It should be illegal, it should totally be illegal” Steve scoffed.

“Welcome to the twenty-first century again son, your life your rules” he chuckled again.

“Be at the café with Matilda? She’ll use me and do the whole serving work” Steve complained.

“You both will get along very well today, I assure you that. After all she is your sister and she knows that you are her brother too” Brooks said leaving the house.

“Dad she has a date today, she won’t stay with me” Steve said out loudly.

“You will tag along, I promise. I better go catch my own bus before it’s too late”

“We have a car dad” Steve added slowly.

“Take it with you to the café, I’m boarding today” he replied and banged the door. Steve sighed heavily.