
A Way To Hell

“Ok fine, I am fed up already” Molly exclaimed, packing her purple hair with a purple rose bow.

“They have gone for a long time now” Dustin stared at her, standing at akimbo.

“They? Matilda’s been kidnapped and you… who are they actually… you are talking about?” Steve turned to Dustin.

“My mum, my past mum”

“She’s fine. Even if she… she’s… she’s just fine”

“Time travel is crazy” Molly added and sighed slowly.

“Where are your parents after all?” Molly asked and stared at Steve.

“Ion know” Steve answered weakly and relaxed comfortably on the sofa.

“Tired of this shit… no video games?” Dustin asked Steve.

“Lemme check” he stood up from the sofa and headed to one of the rooms in the house.

“I’mma… follow him and go check something with him… maybe a clue or maybe ummmm…”

“Whatever” Molly said and interrupted Dustin who was standing and ready to follow Steve.

They got to one of the closed rooms and Steve opened it’s door.