
A Secret Lab

Doctor Peter giggled at them and frowned at the same time. Mrs. Brooks was shivering slowly while Molly and Dustin were trying to hide their face from their father’s stare.

“Hey Doctor Peter, I…we are really sorry for invading like this but trust me, we are not invaders. We are just some fellow scientist who have heard about you and came to see what we heard” Brooks said slowly. Doctor Peter looked at him and brought out the smile again.

“Well…you came at the right time” Doctor Peter smiled at them and they all returned the smile.

“Follow me and I will show you around my secret lab” he continued and headed into one of the rooms of the house. Mrs. Brooks looked at Eunice slowly and said to her. “I’ll explain later, I promise”

“He didn’t recognize us?” Molly asked Dustin.

“Don’t be convinced yet, you and I knows how tricky he can be” Dustin replied.

“He didn’t recognize them?” Steve asked Matilda.

“Something is not right, I can feel it”

“Can’t we just terminate our already terminated plan and go back?” Steve suggested.

“We can’t give up, we are already there” Mrs. Brooks said.

They arrived the bedroom and Doctor Peter went towards his closet and pushed the closet away. To their surprise, there was a lock door with an electronic code button attached beside the hidden door. He inserted the password and Matilda looked closely when he was putting in the password.

“I welcome you all to my very own laboratory lady, gentleman and kids” Doctor introduced as the door was opening.

“Wow” Steve and the rest were amazed by the sight of the beautiful lab.

“Dad has a secret lab?” Dustin was surprised.

“I always knew that there is something behind this closet” Molly groaned.

“Things like this existed in 2003?” Matilda asked.

“Men In Black came out in 2001. Didn’t you see the fancy machines and equipments in that movie?” Steve replied.

“This is where all my life experiments and duties live. This is actually why I was born” Doctor Peter chuckled.

“Yeah…so how is it going?” Brooks chuckled nervously.

“Very fine I assume. My plans are always working out perfectly for me. Always working out” He chuckled again.

“O boy” Matilda sighs.

Still discussing, Mrs. Brooks drew Eunice back with the babies.

“You have to know something, something really important”

“Do you have another lie to tell me?”

“No…maybe yeah later but right now, no”

“Who are you?”

“We actually came here for that clock”

“What?” Eunice chuckled.

“Yes. This is gonna sound crazy but you have to believe me”

“I can’t trust you neither can I give you the…what? I told you that he still wants to go and get the clock” Eunice responded.

“Yeah and I want you to steal it from him once he gets back and bring it to the address I will give you” Mrs. Brooks and Eunice chuckled after a short stare on Mrs. Brooks face.

“Wait..are you stupid? Why would I do that?” Eunice chuckled.

“It’s gonna sound crazy and you might sense me as more than a crazy person”

“Try me”

“See those two kids over?” Mrs. Brooks pointed towards the kids who were busy admiring the fancy equipments in the lab.

“The girl with purple hair and the boy with white hair? Their names are Molly and Dustin Wilson, does that ring any bell to you?” Mrs. Brooks said to her. Eunice looked at Dustin and Molly and returned her eyes to the babies on her arm.

“Are they my…”

“Yes they are”

“The clock brought them to the past?”

“Yes it did and only same clock can get them back to 2022”


“Yes, look how sweet they are”

“What about the ones on black hairs”

“They are mine. The girl is presently the one in my belly right now. Her name is Matilda and the boy is Steve” Mrs. Brooks explained.

“You believe me now or are my still crazy” she added.

“We need a plan”

“When is he leaving for 2005?”

“In ten minutes” Eunice replied.

“We have time and…wait wait wait why is that door closing?” Mrs. Brooks asked when she noticed the closing door.

“Oh My God, he found out” Eunice said, rushing towards the door.

“Honey wait...” Eunice yelled and the door went shut.

“Too late Eunice, I already got them” Doctor Peter said. Brooks looked at the closed door and brought his stare back to Doctor Peter.

“Molly and Dustin, how was the future? I bet I changed” He asked, staring at them.

“Oh my fuck” Matilda breathed out.

“He’s found out” Steve was shocked.

“Perfect timing, my plan always works. I love science” he chuckled happily and annoyingly.