
Chapter 2

DAMIAN WANDERS THE FOREST, THE SOUNDS MAKING HIS EARS TWITCH, the smells making his nose tingle. His giant wolf head turns as he looks around. Hunters were spotted in the area and he was searching for the culprits and hopefully silence them once and for all. He loved the chase the hunters gave once their weapons were gone and were left with just the clothes on their backs, but the female hunters are the worst. Once they realize that they were going to die, they would try to seduce themselves out of the situation. Granted, werewolves do have a strong sexual appetite, but Damian made it his mission to only mate with the one the moon goddess paired him with, and so he would tear into the flesh of the hunter, no matter female or male.

He hears a vehicle pull into the forest and he hides within the shadows and watches. The headlights turn off and a female climbs out of the truck. He growls.

***Great, another female. ***

******" Oh, quit your whining, perhaps this one won't be so bad,"*** His wolf remarks. ***

*" I doubt this will be an easy encounter," Damian replies. *

He inches closer to the truck and watches the female take out camping gear and food. He watches in interest as she sets up the camp and builds a fire.

***This one is not a normal female hunter that's for sure. Not once have I seen a female hunter rough it out here in possible werewolf territory. This will be an interesting kill. ***

Four hours have passed and the woman retired into her tent and Damian waited for her heartbeat to slow down before approaching the camp. Once it has, he began to step through the camp. He finds her bag and begins to sift through it.

Unknowingly, the girl begins to stir and she sees the giant shadow beside her tent. She reaches for her dagger. She slowly slips down the zipper, the creature stops. She stops and stay completely still and watches the creature raise its head and sniffs the air. The creature comes to the front of her tent and she watches it poke its nose through the tent flaps. It brings its head more into the tent and that's when she swipes its snout with her knife. It struck the creature along its nose, causing him to jump back. She jumps out of the tent, armed with only the dagger her father gifted her. She finally sees the creature, a huge wolf humanoid with fur as dark as coal and eyes as blue as a freshly carved flawless sapphire. The eyes zero in on her and begin to turn slightly hazel as the creature snarled at her. She smirks and slowly reaches for her bag, pulling out a handgun. The snarls get louder.

" I suggest you back away and stop the snarling, unless you want a face full of silver."

She shows the bullets, which gleam in the moonlight. The wolf stops and stares at her. She smirks and speaks.

"Now I suggest you be a good little doggy and let me kill you".

She armed the gun and just as she was aiming at the wolf, the wolf jumped onto her and snapped its jaws, causing her to drop the gun. The wolf stares at her with anger, it's growls getting louder and louder. She swipes at its nose with her knife, striking it on the face, leaving a nasty cut in its wake. It climbs off her and rubs the spot with his paw. She climbs to her feet and begins charging the wolf. The wolf turns to her just in time for the knife to sink into its flesh of its shoulder. The wolf roars in pain and swipes her with its claws, leaving a giant gash on her arm. She clutches her arm in a vain attempt in stopping the seeming endless stream of blood. She looks at the wolf in anger and gasps to see its jaw wide open, walking towards her.

***This is the end for me, I'm sorry father that I couldn't avenge you. ***

She feels the world slipping away as every drop of blood lands on the ground. She collapses to her knees. She sees the wolf as a blurry mass coming closer to her. She couldn't keep her eyes open any longer. She falls into a world of darkness.

Damian stares at the hunter as she falls and rushes to her side. He catches her and hauls her onto his back. His wolf whimpers.

***Moon goddess, why have you forsaken me, giving me a hunter as a mate. There is no way she can rule by my side. ***

****Patience, my methods will reveal themselves soon. ****

He growls and begins to run to his home. Every second counts and revert second, he can hear her heartbeat getting slower and slower. He forces himself to go faster, hoping to make it in time to save her.