
A K-Pop Utopia (A Black Kitty Series, Book 2)

The Toxins and BigBang are back. And with the likes of WINNER and BlackPink, The Toxins' journey into the k-pop world gets a whole lot fun and a lot more intense as they get to meet other k-pop groups. With BTS, EXO, B.A.P, MONSTA X and Red Velvet, get ready for an endless streak of dance battles, music, fun, sleep overs, a whole lot of drama, petty fights, trouble and romance. But when some circumstances beyond control befall on Sam, Zoey and Christine, they have to reconsider keeping up with Collins' "Golden Rule" (not dating any boy group member in Korea) which gets tougher by the day. Things get even worse for The Toxins as they make plans to go back home and a familiar face comes along making The Toxins' last days in Korea a lot more difficult.

Mbita_Namwinga · Thành thị
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Chapter 28: We're Making An Album

After I yawned and stretched on my comfortble bed, I turned around to the side where I could see the window. It was morning alright and a Saturday too. That meant I could sleep till whenever, but at the moment, I didn't feel like sleeping in late since I was already awake. I sat up on my bed and checked the time on my phone that had laid next to my bed lamp all night as usual. It was only 6:55.

I kicked away the bed covers and stood up from my bed. I continued to stretch some more before making my way to the bathroom. Zoey was still fast asleep. I really admired people like her who knew they had to sleep in on a weekend.

After brushing my teeth and washing my face a little to help me be wide awake, I went back in the bedroom, wore my sleeping gown and bed slippers, then made my way out of the room into the hall. It was quiet. So quiet that I could hear the noise of the traffic outside as I made my way into the lounge. There were cars honking, cars accelerating unto the road and some people calling out to each other as they went about their daily business.

I made my way to the balcony, opened the door and stepped out. The air outside was nice and refreshing. I looked down the balcony where I could see the main road outside the hotel premises. Even on a weekend, people still seemed to be busy, most of them, I bet, were going to work. Others were probably going somewhere spending the weekend with their friends and families.

As I continued to look around the town, I heard someone coming closer behind me. I didn't turn around immediately as I said:

"Morning, Daniel."

"Dang it!" Daniel muttered as he came to stand by my side. He was also in his sleeping robe. "How did you know it was me?"

"I don't know," I said as I smiled at him. "Maybe it's because you're always trying to get back at me for creeping up on you sometimes."

"That's because I never hear your footsteps. You're a cat, remember?"

I laughed. "I know. Why are you up so early?"

"I just woke up. I thought you would be sleeping in too."

"Just like you, I also woke up."

"Yesterday was fun, wasn't it?"

"Ya, it was great."

The two of us continued to look out around the city of Seoul from the balcony. We didn't say a word as we just stood there and watched for a while.

"I'm hungry," said Daniel as he broke the silence.

"We can order breakfast right now while the others are asleep. But no sweet stuff for you," I warned. "You had too much yesterday."

"I know, I know."

The both of us went back inside the lounge and we found Collins by the hotel landline. Hopefully, I thought, he was ordering our breakfast.

As soon as he put the phone down, he turned to look at us.

"I was wondering who was out at the balcony," said Collins. "I was expecting Sam or Lee to be up, not you, Daniel."

"I know, it's an improvement," said Daniel with a smile.

"Did you order our breakfast?" I asked.

"Ummm, no, actually, someone called," said Collins.

"How come we didn't hear the phone ring?"

"As soon as I came in, the phone started to ring and I picked it up immediately."

"Oh, who was it from?" Daniel asked.

"Some reporters want an interview with you guys over your new single with BigBang. And also on BTW."

I rolled my eyes as I scoffed. "Mmm, same old, same old," I said.

"Ya, so the phone will be pretty busy at some point during the day, so, you shouldn't mind at all. I should let Lee take care of it."

"That's if she gets out of bed early," said Daniel. "Everyone's really bummed out after yesterday's event."

"Which still proves to be a success. Have you checked the number of views on your video?"

"I don't want to know right now. I would check on that later. I like to be surprised by the number when I least expect it."

"I agree with my brother," I said. "Besides, I don't think I'm in the mood to look at my phone early in the morning."

"You kids are really something else," said Collins. "Okay, let me call room service so that they can bring up our breakfast."

"Thank you," said Daniel as he sighed in relief. "You just read my mind. I'm hungry. Oh, and no sugary stuff for me, please. Sam warned me that I shouldn't have anymore."

Collins raised an eyebrow at Daniel. "I know," he said. "Your mum would kill me if she ever finds out. She's as tough as nails."

"Well, I'm glad that you agree there is someone out there who is way tougher than you."

Collins just shook his head at Daniel while I placed my hand on his head and ruffled his short black hair. Collins soon picked up the hotel landline and called for room service to bring up our breakfast.

It was still just the three of us now settled at the dining table after our breakfast arrived. Collins made sure to order toast, eggs and bacon for all of us so that Daniel could have a non-sweet healthy breakfast. There was coffee and juice for any of us who preferred either.

"So, what are you all planning to do today?" Collins asked as we ate.

"Come to think about it, we didn't really think about it," I said as I looked at Collins.

"Or talked about it," said Daniel.

"Maybe you guys could do an interview today?" Collins suggested. "But again, it seems too soon and the reporters would really like BTW and BigBang to be there."

"Won't that be too crowded?" I asked. "We're way to many."

"Please, Sam," said Daniel. "There are K-Pop groups whose numbers are more than the four groups combined and they carry out interviews just fine."

"Daniel's right. But then again, we wouldn't want to make it too complicated," said Collins. "So, I think it would be okay if each leader in each group attend the interview. But I have to run it through Yang Hyun-Suk first. I bet he has also been receiving calls like I have."

"Yes, but let's not do it on a weekend," I said. "We've had such a busy week and I bet what everyone wants to do is just stay in and get enough rest as possible."

"I agree," said Daniel raising his fork in the air.

"Yes, you guys can rest for the entire weekend," said Collins. "But let's not forget that on Monday we are on a tight schedule from then onwards. BTW has to be right on track with creating new songs."

Daniel dropped his fork after he had just picked up the bacon he had cut out and wanted to put in his mouth. I for one, almost choked on my orange juice as I gently placed the glass down on the table.

"Did you just say songs, songs? Not 'a' song?" Daniel asked.

"Ya," Collins answered. "You guys will have a little album. Won't be more than five songs."

"Five songs in two weeks?" I asked also shocked. "That's too much pressure, don't you think?"

"I know. But you guys wanted BTW so badly. So, we thought it will be fun if you made an album."

"An album in two weeks. We have to come up with songs and produce them. It's going to take a lot of time."

"We know. That's why the three combined groups have excellent song writers, producers and choreographers. So whatever happens, you will all be fine. Remember, this isn't the first time you have worked under pressure."

Daniel and I looked at each other and we knew he was right. Going through this obstacle wasn't going to be the first time for us, Toxins. We had gone through hard times after our debut turned out to be a disaster and the five of us at that time, had to make it work the second chance we got. And it really did count. Some would have called it luck. Others would have called it hard work. But the five of us called it putting our life on the line.

"So," continued Collins as we went back to looking at him. "I hope you will be able to break this news to the group. We wanted to tell you all this yesterday but everyone was in a good mood."

"And you think telling them now will be great?" Daniel asked.

"Not really, no. But it's best you know this today rather than on a Monday when you've had a good weekend of rest."

"I can get started on some lyrics," I said. "But it isn't going to be easy. I need some inspiration to write."

"I hope the inspiration comes soon. You should prepare and tell the others as well. Right now, you're in charge."

"Wait, I'm in charge of BTW?"

"Yes, you're the leader."

"No, no, no, no, no, no, no!" I said waving my index finger. "I can't be leader."

"Why?" Daniel asked.

"Because it's BTW and it's a huge group. I already have the four of you Toxins to deal with."

"Ya, but what does it got to do with the others? The rest are more mature than we are, so, handling them will be fine."

I rolled my eyes at him. "Easy for you to say because you're not the one who has been given the responsibility."

Daniel smiled at me. "Good point."

"Sam," said Collins. "I know you don't want this, but Yang Hyun-suk thinks the same too. There is no better person to take up this role."

"But why can't it be someone like Mino or Seungyoon? Jisoo or Jennie? Zoey or Mike?"

Daniel raised an eyebrow at me and so did Collins. Then they both started to laugh.

"What's so funny?" I asked.

"I can't believe you thought of Zoey, but, let's face it, Sam," said Collins."You have been chosen by Yang Hyun-suk and I to lead BTW."

"Well, Zoey's the one who came up the group name. Don't you think she deserves to be leader?"

Collins and Daniel looked at each other and then back at me. They knew I had a point somehow.

"We know," said Collins. "But unfortunately, we need someone to push everyone to their best these next two weeks. And that person is you."

If I was a kid, I would thrown my arms and legs in the air and wailed to make a point, but I wasn't. I should have seen this coming. We never thought of who should be the leader. We should have chosen amongst ourselves instead of the managers doing it for us.

"Fine," I said as I folded my arms. "I'll make a call or send a message to the others and see where we can start."

"And that's why we chose you," said Collins as he smiled at me. "Now, I have to go about my business. When Lee wakes up, tell her to call me."

"Sure," Daniel and I said at the same time.

Collins soon stood up from the table and left for his room. He must have gone to pick up a few things before leaving. It was just Daniel and I at the table now.

"So, how are you going to break it out to all of BTW that we are making an album?" Daniel asked as he continued to eat his breakfast.

"The usual," I said as I lifted the glass of orange juice to my lips. "Straight and simple."

"Mmm, we're really in for it, aren't we?"

"Totally. We wanted BTW and we got it without thinking of the consequences."

"Yikes. I know of one person who might laugh at us right now."

I drank my juice as I knew who Daniel was talking about.

"G-Dragon," we both said at the same time.

After we finished our breakfast, Collins finally left. Then, Daniel and I both went to our rooms to take a shower. Just as I was done, I walked back into the bedroom and Zoey was wide awake and seated on her bed.

"Morning," I greeted her as I was drying my wet hair.

She yawned before she answered, "morning. Did you just get up a few minutes ago?"

"No. I actually woke up like an hour ago. You better take a shower and eat your breakfast."

"Why? Are we going somewhere today?" she asked as she rubbed her sleepy eyes.

"I don't know. Maybe." I shrugged my shoulders. "Just go take a shower."

"Okay, I'm going." Zoey pushed aside her bed covers and got out of bed. In her sleepy state, she walked all the way to the bathroom.

As soon as she had locked the door behind her, I took my phone that was on my bedside and went online. I had messages coming in from all over. From the fans, famous artists and celebrities who were commenting about the video and all. I had a bunch of email too and two of them came from both my mum and dad. I made sure to reply to them first. I'll get to replying to the other messages later.

I soon went on my WhatsApp app and ignoring all the messages that were coming in, I went on to make a group consisting of BlackPink, The Toxins and WINNER, a.k.a, BTW. Luckily, apart from the four Toxins, I had the others' phone numbers and I immediately added them all in the group.

After that was done, I went on to post something:

"Morning everyone. Some of you are asleep right now and would see this message earlier on, but I have something to tell you and I don't know if you're going to like it. We, as in BTW, are going to make an album and I was told this morning by Collins. So, we have to gather together....."

I thought about the message and erased it. I heard Zoey turn on the shower. I didn't know how I was going to write this. I did tell Daniel that I was going to keep it straight and simple. I started to type and this time I wrote:

"Morning everyone, Sam here. Big announcement: We're going to make an album and we have to start working on it fast. We only have two weeks, so let's make it count."

I looked at the message again and I realized I sounded like some of my high school teachers whenever they were announcing about a test or a quiz. They were simple and straightforward and I hoped my message portrayed the same even when I knew others might not like it. Besides, most of us never liked it when our teachers announced about having tests like that either. I guess we just had to deal with it.

I quickly dressed up and since I had a feeling that I wouldn't be going out today, I wore comfy clothes. A cotton white t-shirt and a blue cotton trousers that wasn't so tight. After drying my hair, I tied it up into a rough bun and I got my notebook and pen in the drawer then went out to the lounge and sat on the couch.

A good ten minutes had passed and as I sat there with the top of my pen tapping against my forehead and my notebook on my lap, I couldn't come up with an idea for a song or any random lyrics. This wasn't pretty. We only had two weeks. I really needed people here so that we can work all this out.

"Morning," came Lee whom I hadn't heard come into the lounge. She was still in her white night dress with her white night gown.

"Morning," I said. "Oh, Collins said you should call him when you get up."

Lee yawned. "Okay. I really needed the extra sleep and I have never felt so good. I'll just go freshen up and call him."

Just as she turned around to leave, she stopped. She turned around again and looked at me.

"Wait," she said. "You're here alone with your notebook and pen." I looked at her as she paused for a bit. It looked like she was trying to put something together.

"Oh, my. Collins told you the plan, didn't he?" Lee asked, her eyes now wide awake.

"Ya," I answered as I shrugged my shoulders. "Daniel and I were the unfortunate ones to hear it straight from his mouth."

"I thought he was going to tell you guys, like, tomorrow. But I think it's good you know about it now. We only have two weeks."

"That's why I'm here. But so far, I can't seem to come up with a single idea for one song."

"It will come around. It always does."

"I need inspiration," I said as I threw my head back against the couch. "That's what I need. And a lot of my team's help."

"Did someone say help?" Daniel asked as he came into the lounge. "Morning Lee."

"Morning," Lee greeted him. "Have you told these guys they are making an album?" she asked as she looked at me.

"I've gone as far as creating a WhatsApp group to inform the others," I answered. "They will get the message and contact me immediately."

"You made a group chat?" Daniel asked looked at his phone that he carried in his hand and checked. "Oh, I see it."

"Has anyone responded yet?"

"No, it's like everyone is still asleep. Or probably just ignoring their phones."

"They are asleep for sure," said Lee. "Christine's still in bed."

"Mike just got into the shower," said Daniel.

"And so did Zoey," I said. "I won't tell them there and then in case the news would make them lose their appetite."

"Good call," said Lee. "I'll catch you guys later." And she soon left the lounge.

"Any ideas, yet?" Daniel asked as he came to sit next to me on the couch.

"Does this answer your question?" I asked as I showed him my blank notepad.

"Well, there are also no crumpled papers on the floor, so, this is a bad sign."

"A bad one indeed. Do you have any ideas?"

"To be honest, no."

The two of us sat there in silence, then just when I thought an idea was emerging, it quickly sank deep within the depths of my mind.

"I thought I had it," I said as I later on sighed. "I think this weekend was really meant for resting. Right now, I can't think straight."

"Maybe all you need is inspiration like you suggested earlier."

"I wonder where I'm going to get it from. Can you check if anyone else in the group has responded to the message?"

Daniel did just that and still there was nothing.

"Okay, this isn't working," I said as I stood up from the couch, leaving the notebook and the pen behind on the seat. I started to pace up and down. "Our first song what should it be about?" I pointed my finger at Daniel as he was the only one there.

"Heartbreak," he answered. "We haven't done a heartbreak song in a while."

I took my pen and notebook and wrote. "Okay, heartbreak. But you know heartbreak songs are easily written when you've really gone through one. Has anyone been in one lately?"

"I guess not." Daniel stared up at the ceiling and I could tell that his mind wheels were turning. "You and Zoey had gotten into a fight some time ago over G-Dragon, didn't you?"

"Ya, some of us wouldn't want to talk about it. Besides, it wasn't much of a big deal. Zoey didn't go much into a heartbreak because she believed that I had betrayed her."

"You know, it's not always about the girl losing the guy she likes that hurts. Even friendship with her best friend goes into jeopardy."

I paused for a minute as I thought over Daniel's statement. An idea sparked in my head.

I quickly wrote it down. Daniel looked at me and he stood up from his seat so as to see what I had written.

"Your idea might have given me a better one," I said as I looked at him.

"Okay, what have you come up with?"

"As I suggested earlier, heartbreak songs are better when you've been through it yourself. So, instead of writing the song in Zoey's point of view, I thought of writing it on mine."

"I just heard my name," said Zoey as she came into the room. She saw Daniel and I standing alongside each other.

"Morning, Zoey," said Daniel.

"Morning," Zoey replied with a smile. That assured me that she hadn't seen the message yet. "Oh, breakfast. I'm starving."

She settled herself at the dining table. Daniel and I went back to the song.

"Okay, so you want to write on your point of view. How?" he asked.

"You know how G-Dragon and I are always having a go at each other and that at some point in time it became totally serious?"

"Ya," he nodded his head.

"Are you guys writing a song?" Zoey asked as she ate her breakfast.

"Kind of," I answered. I went back to Daniel. "So, as much as it was heart breaking, I think I can come with an idea from it."

Daniel looked at what I wrote on the notebook. "A Sad Song," was what I wrote.

"A sad song? So, it will be a sad heartbreak song or what?"

"Not really. I want to turn it around a bit. As sad as the song can be, I want to make it a little fun."

"Make a sad song sound fun? How?"

Mike soon came into the lounge and he greeted all over us as he went to join Zoey for breakfast. We all greeted him back.

"You know when there are those times you just want to sit down and listen to a sad song to cure your broken heart?"

"Ya, except that sad songs kind of make it worse."

"Exactly. Now what if you want so badly to sing a sad song but instead, you sing a song that will make you happy despite you being broken?"

"Wait, so you never used to feel bad after your fights with GD?"

"I would. But sometimes you just try to find a sad song to comfort you but it doesn't really come to mind."

I soon scribbled on my notebook and Daniel was right there, waiting to see what I had written. Before I was done, Christine came rushing into the lounge still in her pyjamas.

"We are making an album!?" she exclaimed.

Time seemed to have stopped when she said those words. I looked up at her and she was looking back at me with her eyes wide open and her phone in her hand.

"Wait, what?" Mike asked. "Did you just say we are making an album?"

"Sam sent a message on WhatsApp saying that BTW is making an album," said Christine, her eyes still on me. "Is this some kind of prank?"

Daniel and I didn't say a word as Zoey and Mike also took their phones and checked it for themselves. Both of their faces turned as white as snow upon seeing the message. They stood up from their seats and their eyes fell on me.

"Tell me this is one of your brilliant lies, Sam," said Mike. "You're pretty good at them and you know it."

"Umm, as much as I want it to be a lie, I'm afraid it's true," I said as I lowered my pen and notebook and looked at the other three Toxins. "We had a talk with Collins this morning."

"By 'we' you mean-?" Zoey asked.

"Daniel and I," I answered. "We talked about it over breakfast and trust me, we didn't think that it would come to this. But the managers had agreed that we make an album of not more than five songs."

"Five songs!" Mike couldn't believe it. "We have two weeks and we have five songs to write and produce."

"Ya, trust us, we told him the same thing and we weren't happy either," said Daniel. "We still aren't, but there is simply nothing we can do. We wanted BTW, so, this is what we get in return."

"Dang it," said Zoey. "And here I thought we might just have a blast with one more song till we leave but instead, we get to do five."

"Has anyone in the group responded yet?" I asked.

"I saw a few messages just now," said Mike. "Looks like the others aren't happy about this either."

"Well, Daniel and I were planning on the first song and we really need everyone on this. I have to respond in the group and see where we can meet up. That's if anyone wants to."

"Great," said Christine, rolling her eyes. "There will be one person who would be laughing at us because of this."

"G-Dragon," the five of us responded at the same time with annoyance.

"Okay, turn those frowns around, everyone," said Daniel. "We have a busy day ahead."

"Ya, for sure," said Christine as she made her way out of the lounge.

"Don't worry," I encouraged her. "We have been put under pressure before. And as unexpected as this is, I know we can do it."

"Tell me you're the leader, Sam," said Christine as she looked at me, standing at the doorway of the lounge.

"I am." Christine smiled and I saw Zoey and Mike throw each other happy looks through the corner of my eye. At least that gave them some comfort.

"Now, go get ready," I said as Christine rushed into the hall. "We have an album to make."