
Chapter 165: A promise kept

The sprawling remains of the lab complex were now a heap of chaos. Massive, twisted steel beams hung precariously overhead, their paint chipped, some dripping with viscous globs of crimson that pooled on the cracked floor. Panels on the walls sparked with electricity, and holograms all around flickered on and off.

In the air was a thick, acrid smell of burnt circuitry and the faint, smell of scorched metal. Dotted throughout the ground, Vel'ryr guards lay sprawled, their bodies disgustingly contorted; arms twisted at unnatural angles and visors shattered to reveal shallow breathing and closed eyes. All around them, magitech mechs lay in heaps of fiery wreckage; some were crumpled like discarded toys, others split apart, innards exposed like gaping wounds, their explosive cores extinguished.

In the background was the large silhouette of the colossal reactor, its outer shell riddled with cracks, emitting an eerie hum while the remnants of shattered lab equipment lay scattered—a bunch of glass shards and twisted metal that practically showed off frantic violence. The lab complex may as well have had a small army's worth of magitech and soldiers, yet it did not even take a minute to utterly exterminate them all.

Outside the back entrance of the complex, the space was just as large. An outpost stationed nearby and an entrance where guards and magitech were once stationed. Lined neatly next to each other was an array of different advanced, sleek, black vehicles; some were large enough to fit on large cargo, whilst others could merely take on two people. 

The sun was still perked high, its light engulfing all. Dante glanced back at those he had rescued, all of them shielding their eyes under the intense light. That alone told him how long they had been confined to that underground prison. Luckily, it did not take long for their eyes to adjust. They were still scared despite his showing of strength; their fidgeting was apparent, and their hope still extinguished.

("Their despair will not so easily be expunged.") Danted noted, eyes scanning each of their faces. Men, women, and children, this event would be ingrained into all their five senses, their very being, ("I've seen such hopelessness before; the Great War was the cause of many tragedies. Dragons and gods ravaged anywhere they fought; many suffered, the Fate Walkers most of all. It was a constant point in the universe, unfortunately. It existed with humanity, the gods, the dragons, the Fate Walkers, and more.")

"H-how are we going to go home?" An innocent question reached his ears, snapping him out of his thoughts. He looked down; it was the same small girl from before; ironically, she was the bravest amongst them all to step forth and question. It irked him that she seemingly suffered the most; an entire missing arm was proof of that.

Dante pondered the matter. He did not have the luxury of teleportation magic, unfortunately. At most he could muster simple spells along with weak glyphs. So glancing around, he found an answer in record time. Dante pointed at one of the larger vehicles. "We'll use that to transport you all outside of Vel'ryr. Though I confess I do not know how to pilot one, however, I will merely be forced to adapt."

Hushed silence filled the air as everyone exchanged nervous glances; there were fifteen people in total. The large vehicle was made for cargo, but this many people could comfortably fit in. However, the knowledge that he could not ride one was not really a comfortable thought. Strength alone was not enough to appease most.

"Uhm, excuse me..." A soft-spoken voice rang out; gazes immediately zeroed in on the source. A woman, short black hair and at least in her early twenties. Along with her ragged white uniform, they all shared her body was decorated with scar tissue, tainting her face and exposed arms and legs. She shrank under the myriad of glances but spoke up all the same, "I... I know how to drive one of the trucks." She got confused looks, mainly because no one knew what 'trucks' were and on why she could ride such mechanical absurdities, "I used to live in Zephyria; Vel'ryr troops took a lot of my people...." Her brows furrowed at the memory, but she wished to quickly clarify, "Many of us were forced to work here; the jobs varied from simple physical labor to transportation duty that gave access to vehicles such as the trucks."

"I see." Vel'ryr did tend to occupy smaller nations; the peace treaties it had were only extended to Verdantis and Galadriel. The only countries that could threaten its might; hence, Vel'ryr invaded nations in the East and South to expand their territory. "Then you will control it," Dante stated, approaching one of the now-named cargo trucks; it was large yet also, at the same time, sleek. From its dark form adorned in red to its smooth wheels.

"B-but still this district of Vel'ryr alone is much too large; how will we escape it?" The woman from earlier could not help but question. Her worries were not unfounded and were shared by those around her. Dante opened his mouth to speak, but he was beat.

"He...he'll protect us, obviously!" The young girl exclaimed, for the first time something other than despair laced her tone and eyes. "He's super strong! He'll kick all the bad men's butts!" She declared with surprising vigor.

She got surprised gazes from everyone; were it not for his helmet, then a small smile would have been present.

"As she says." Dante started; walking to the back of the truck, he looked for any mechanism but settled on tapping on the sleek back. The doors seemingly came apart as if dissolving into sparks of red, revealing the wide space beyond meant for cargo. "Merely place your trust within me and I will save you." He promised, gesturing for them to enter. 

A few unsure looks were exchanged, but it did not take them long to start piling in the truck; he offered assistance where necessary. The young girl was last but was stopped by the woman who would drive the truck.

"Sweetie I think it best if you ride in front with me," she said with a smile, trying to ease the young girl.

"R-really? I can sit in front?" The small girl seemed somewhat excited about that.

The woman nodded, "Yes, of course. Oh, my name is Evelen. How about you?"

"Jeanne... it was the same name as my mommy's." She looked downtrodden at that.

"I'm sure we'll get to see your mommy again once we're away from the awful place," Evelen offered a hand to Jeanne.

Jeanne was momentarily silent before accepting her hand with her only remaining one. Evelen guided her to the front of the truck, helping her into the passenger seat before closing the door.

"There's room here for you as well... um..."

"Dante." He introduced, but he shook his head, "Vel'ryr no doubt possesses technology to track unauthorized vehicles. Troops will be upon us in an instant." He bent his legs slightly as he leaped in the air, gravity taking hold quickly as he gently landed atop the truck. "I must be vigilant of any and all threats."

His words made Evelen nervous, but she nodded all the same, "I—I see...then I'll be quick about it." Entering the vehicle quickly, a low hum reverberated through the truck as it started up, luckily the keys were still here; smoothly, it all but slid forward in extreme control.

As Evelen gripped the steering wheel of the sleek, the engine roared beneath them, vibrating the cabin. The dashboard, filled with high-tech gauges glowed with neon light, illuminated her face as the wind whipped through her hair. Beside her, Jeanne fidgeted nervously in her seat, casting glances at the row of battered and injured individuals huddled behind the truck space.

Evelen's fingers moved over the sleek dashboard controls as she gradually pressed the accelerator, feeling the truck surge forward. The tires gripped the ground effortlessly, Jeanne bit her lip, her remaining small hand tapping nervously against the seat. As they approached the exit gate—a gargantuan, barrier strewn with remnants of electric wiring—Evelen's breath hitched.

Sudden flashes of doubt invaded her mind: What if they weren't fast enough? What if Dante couldn't hold off any guards long enough for them to escape? Steeling herself, she pushed onward, the sound of the engine roaring through the sector. The exit gate creaked open slowly, revealing the district beyond.

Just as they crossed the threshold, a blaring alarm shattered the short moment of relief, its sharp sound piercing through the air like a knife. "Unauthorized personnel detected!" a cold, mechanical voice resonated from the complex, reverberating in the air and causing Evelen's heart to drop. A jolt of adrenaline coursed through her body as she instinctively glanced at Dante above, who remained unfazed. She could see him clenching his fists, yet the fur framing his helmet danced in the wind as if serenely unaffected.

With a rapid shift of gears and a firm grip, Evelen slammed down on the accelerator, the truck surging forward with stronger ferocity. The landscapes around them transformed into a blur—concrete skyscrapers towering against the sky. Every inch of the district they sped through was almost alive, from the automated drones gliding above to the vibrant holograms that flickered on every corner, advertising wonders of technology.

Jeanne, wide-eyed, took in the sights that whirled by, a flicker of wonder breaking through her anxiety. "Look!" she pointed at a sleek monorail zipping overhead, its passengers oblivious to the chaos. Each carriage passed by in a streak of silver, vanishing past intersections that merged with the city life. A luminous digital billboard ahead displayed a jubilant family smiling, elements of a world that felt out of their reach.

But reality crashed back as Evelen focused on the road, her foot heavy upon the pedal. The truck barreled forward, tires squealing against the pavement as she navigated through bends and turns. She could hear Dante's commanding voice, even from atop the truck, calling out. "Keep it steady. Eyes forward," he instructed, his voice almost a calm anchor.

With each passing block, her fear grew as sirens erupted from behind, the sound growing louder, closer. Evelen couldn't allow herself to look back, but she felt the dread building in Jeanne's small frame, the girl's previously wide eyes narrowing with concern. "We're going to be okay, right?" Jeanne's voice trembled, barely audible.

Evelen shot a glance at her, offering a reassuring smile that didn't quite reach her eyes. "We will," she promised, infusing every ounce of confidence into her tone, though her stomach twisted into knots.

Suddenly, the truck jolted as they hit a bump, causing Evelen to instinctively countersteer to maintain control. In that split second, Dante crouched low, scanning the area ahead, "Take a left at the next intersection." 

Evelen followed his command, turning sharply as the streets morphed into a multi-lane highway that seemed foreign. The metallic barriers along the side glinted as they sped forward; the landscape vibrated with billboards advertising revolutionary technology that loomed overhead, while pedestrians and vehicles rushed past.

As Evelen maneuvered through the twisting streets, the fleeting moments of hope were abruptly shattered when she caught the glint of something in her rearview mirror. Her heart sank as she saw them—a formation of five sleek, black military vehicles cutting through the urban landscape. Each car radiated sophistication—sharp lines and aerodynamic designs, all complemented by red accents that underscored their purpose. The vehicles, low to the ground and wide in stature, boasted heavy turrets on their rooftops, glistening like predatory eyes fixated on their prey.

"They're coming! Oh no, they're coming!" Jeanne shrieked, her voice tinged with unbridled panic. Evelen felt her stomach twist; she could see the figures of armored guards inside the vehicles, their sleek black suits adorned with red insignias that marked them as elite Vel'ryr troops. The soldiers were poised and ready, hands gripping rifles with discipline, making it clear they would stop at nothing to reclaim what was deemed theirs.

"Stay calm, Jeanne! I've got this!" Evelen pushed the pedal harder, the truck roaring in response. "We just need to put some distance between us and them!" Those in the back were not exactly calm either, hushed panic filled them as well. She stole a glance at Dante, who remained resolute atop the truck. 

"Take a right at the first alley," he commanded, extending a gauntleted hand to point towards the narrow passage between two warehouse buildings.

Evelen nodded; she barely registered the vibrations of the vehicles accelerating behind them, but they seemed to thunder like war drums. "Hold on tight, Jeanne!" she urged as she expertly spun the wheel, tires screeching against the asphalt as they veered right. The truck bellowed, the engine roaring and valiantly propelling them into the alley just as a burst of plasma fire erupted from the closest military vehicle, peppering the wall beside them with shards of concrete.

"Stay low." Dante's voice rang with authority, and Evelen felt the urgency as she kept the truck steady, navigating the narrow confines of the alley as flares of anxiety erupted in her chest. Jeanne's small form shrank against the seat, and Evelen glanced over to see the girl's eyes shimmering with tears, yet her expression was fierce.

"They won't make it through here, right?" Jeanne's voice trembled, gripping the edge of her seat with her tiny fingers.

"No, they can't. Just trust me," Evelen reassured, her own confidence wavering.

As they wound through the alley, Evelen took precision with every turn, the truck fitting perfectly between the crumbling walls. Dust and debris filled the air like smoke, and each bump sent jolts through her body.

Meanwhile, the vehicles barreled after them, attempting to navigate the narrow space. Slowed but not stopped, one of the black machines maneuvered into the entrance of the alleyway, its front end nearly clipping a high dumpster, and began firing indiscriminately into the shadows where they hoped to trap their quarry.

Evelen felt a rush of rage swell within her as she ducked, her mind racing. "I won't let them take us back! Not now!" Her voice thundered, matching the tempo of her thoughts. She skillfully twisted the wheel again.

The alley opened up as they reached the back of the building, giving Evelen a moment to breathe. But that brief reprieve crumbled quickly as she was confronted with another decision: left towards the cliffs overlooking the river or right into an industrial sector filled with towering cranes and abandoned machinery. "Which way, Dante?" Evelen shouted over the noise.

"Left. We need to cut through to the riverside," he directed, his voice calm, helping center Evelen's focus.

With no time, Evelen jerked the wheel, driving the truck towards the left. The tires screeched as she turned hard, the vehicle nearly tipping precariously on two wheels before settling back down as they surged onto a broad, cracked pavement that ran parallel to the river.

The danger lurked almost breathing down their necks—another vehicle had wedged its way through the alley and was now pursuing them, gaining ground with alarming speed. The turret on top whirred ominously, tracking their movements.

"Brace yourself!" Evelen shouted as she swerved down toward the makeshift docks, hoping the terrain would offer some advantage.

The truck barreled straight towards the water's edge, but Evelen's instincts steered her clear of disaster.

The road rushed past them, and the black military vehicles pursued relentlessly. The lead vehicle surged forward and came to a halt, its engine roaring like thunder as a loudspeaker crackled to life.

"Attention, unauthorized personnel! This is your final warning," the voice boomed, heavy with authority. "Pull over immediately, or we will be forced to open fire."

Evelen's heart raced, "Ten seconds to comply!" The voice continued, the mechanical tone steady and cold, devoid of any emotion. The eyes of Evelen and Jeanne glanced nervously at each other, the tension thick.

"Dante, what do we do?" Evelen's voice wavered slightly, her grip tightening on the steering wheel.

"Simple." Dante called, suddenly kneeling down on the truck and near her window. "The exit to this district is merely ahead on this road; upon exiting it, your path outside the capital will be made clear."

"But what about them? They'll shoot us down!" She protested, worry creeping into her tone as she glanced back at the now-positioned military vehicle.

"I'm going to take care of them," Dante declared.

"Are you crazy!?" Evelen shot back instinctively; she did witness his strength, of course, but even so, this constant fighting must have exhausted him, right?

"I will not be long," he replied. Before she could object further, his muscles tensed, and in one fluid motion, he leaped from the roof of the truck, landing on the asphalt a few feet away.

"What's he doing?" Jeanne squeaked, panic etched across her small features as she held tightly onto the seat of the truck.

"He's going to fight them." Evelen breathed out, uncertainty in her tone. "Don't worry; I'm sure he'll win and catch up."

"R-right!" Jeanne seemed at least confident in his abilities, but Evelen still found herself unsure.

Dante meanwhile crouched slightly, then pressed his feet into the ground, launching himself explosively into the air. Time seemed to stretch as he soared above the approaching military vehicles.

As he descended toward the vehicle, his body twisted in a powerful arc, the armor gliding beneath him, his eyes locked onto his target, the turret of the vehicle swiveled, the soldier inside frantically trying to track Dante's descent, but time was against them.

Dante's hands reached forward just as he was nearing the front of the vehicle. His impact echoed like thunder as his feet landed squarely on the armored hood, yielding a crunch against steel. The force rippled through the vehicle, creating an instant shockwave. Moving swiftly, he gained his footing and surged forward, his fists raised high. He drove his gauntleted fist down with incredible force directly onto the windshield, the shattering glass raining down like glittering confetti.

The driver, blinded and taken off guard, instinctively jerked the steering wheel, sending the vehicle into a wild spin. Dante seized the moment, ripping the driver's side door open and using his weight to pull the startled soldier out, throwing him to the roadside with a thud. He quickly gained control, pushing his knee into the driver's seat while the others surged toward him with urgency. Above him, the other soldiers quickly readied their weapons, shouting commands into the comms in frantic chaos.

"Cover me!" one shouted, aiming at Dante, who was still poised in the driver's seat.

Dante propelled himself off the hood just as the soldiers scrambled back in panic, aiming blindly in all directions. Letting gravity take hold once more, he imbedded his sabaton into the hood, the force causing the vehicle to flip over as the Vel'ryr troops fell out in a scrabble.

Dante, meanwhile, expertly landed on the asphalt, breaking into a sprint toward the remaining military trucks.

From the corner of his eye, he saw a glimmer of the next black vehicle lurking. Dante trusted his instincts, following the rhythm into another leap. He found his footing and drove a fist deep into the armored side as he landed, crumpling metal against the force of his strength, the sound echoing like church bells in the distance. 

The sound of chaos erupted as the black vehicle, now thoroughly incapacitated by Dante's punch, hung unevenly on its damaged frame. He barely hesitated; his muscles twitched as he ripped the crumpled metal practically in half. He hurled the destroyed vehicle into the air, the metal glinting as it sailed toward the second approaching military vehicle. The impact was cataclysmic—a collision of steel against steel—causing an explosive chain reaction that lit up the area in a fiery blaze. The explosion radiated outward, a plume of flames ascending skyward while shrapnel scattered in a brutal arc, raining down around the two vehicles.

The remaining three Vel'ryr vehicles surged forward, their turrets swiveled warily in Dante's direction. "Prepare to engage!" came the authoritative bark over their comm systems, followed by a chorus of metallic whirs as the turrets charged with energy. They released an onslaught of plasma bolts, arcs of light sizzling through the air, leaving trails of luminescence behind.

Simultaneously, the soldiers peered out from the confines of their vehicles, plasma rifles raised and locking onto their target, the air filled with the eerie sound of their weapons charging in unison. Each bolt surged from the barrels, screaming toward Dante.

He sensed the onslaught before it hit and sidestepped, leaning just out of the range of the plasma bolts that seared through the air, each orb bursting nearby in blinding flashes. 

With the vehicles now darting past him, he moved effortlessly in between the torrents of plasma fire. The ground beneath his feet pounded like a drum as he sprinted toward the nearest remaining military truck.

Dante leapt into the air, his body soaring high as the truck sped onward, the asphalt zipping beneath him. As gravity pulled him down, he executed a mid-air twist, realigning himself perfectly with the contours of the hood. With his landing echoing, he crashed onto the surface, barely leaving a moment to recover before springing to action.

The soldiers inside cried out in shock, their fingers fumbling over the triggers as Dante lunged forward with unnerving speed. He felt the crunch of metal beneath him as he pulled at the heavy turret above him, using minimal strength to yank it free. The mechanism shuddered, groaning in protest—but with ease he ripped it off as if it were nothing more than a child's toy.

He tossed the turret aside, the weight leaving him as he prepared for his next move. He pivoted his weight, reorienting himself towards the hood of the truck. Dante delivered a punch toward the hood, the impact resonating with immense force as his hand met the hard surface. The sound was akin to a thunderclap, reverberating through the air like an announcer declaring a victory. The truck lurched violently in response—its whole frame quivering as it strained against the force of his blow. Metal buckled and warped under the pressure. Then the truck erupted upward, launching off its wheels as flames exploded from underneath the chassis.

Debris was flung outward with reckless abandon, fragments of the now-defunct vehicle scattering like confetti across the battlefield. The blistering heat washed over him; he remained unfazed. With the scent of burnt metal swirling around him, he steeled himself, tracking the remaining vehicles as they executed wide arcs, their tires crunching against the ground while their turrets cycled back into position.

Dante, readying himself, eyed the threat head-on. He launched himself back into the fray; he propelled himself forward. The remaining military trucks loomed ahead, their weapons briefly stilled. He surged toward the nearest one as he closed in. His feet hit the ground as he launched himself toward the back of the nearest military truck, grabbing onto the railing with one hand while his other clenched tight around the cold metal frame. The vehicle rocked from the sudden jolt as he yanked backward with incredible force, pulling it off its course for just a moment. The weight of metal crumpled just enough. With a fierce thrust, he flung it backward, watching it tumble into the chaos behind him.

Fluidly, Dante's body shifted as he sped up, catching sight of the last truck in the formation. Its tires huddled against the pavement, speed flaring as the driver miscalculated the approach of their adversary. Flames from earlier skirmishes moved behind him, but Dante hardly noticed; his focus was honing in on his next target. He deftly dodged two plasma bolts that whipped through the air past him like angry hornets, the arcs of light missing the fabric of his armor as he maneuvered with uncanny agility.

In one powerful leap, he reached the final truck's side, positioning himself in the entrepreneur's ripple while the driver fired in vain from the open window. Just as the angular disturbance of a plasma round flashed toward him, he ducked expertly and rapped a heavy punch against the truck's armored side. The impact resonated like a loud soundwave—an explosion of sheer force. The colossal vehicle responded dramatically, shuddering before it took flight, wheels briefly leaving the ground as it shot straight through the air.

As the truck sailed away like a missed launchpad rocket—colliding spectacularly with a nearby building, which sounded with a crushing sound, debris raining down like snowfall. The structure groaned under the weight, while dust, dirt, and concrete crumbled into the street in a great cascading cloud.

With all the foreboding threats momentarily dealt with, Dante was back on the move. His surroundings blurred into a vibrant smear of color and sound as he pushed forward. In blinding speed, he weaved through the urban landscape, leaping over improvised barricades, vaulting sideways around street posts, and dashing along the fringes of alleyways, eyes scanning for the familiar truck Evelen drove.

There—a flicker in the distance, a truck that stood out, somehow serene. He cut through the final stretch, closing the distance, his shadow merging with the sunlight as he sprinted beside the truck.

Evelen looked over with utter befuddlement, her mouth agape, eyes wide and blinking in disbelief as if trying to comprehend the situation unfolding just outside the window. "Dante?! Is that really you?" she stammered, struggling to find words among the volley of thoughts crowding her mind.

"It is," he replied, utterly bland, as if it were the most casual thing in the world to be running alongside their vehicle.

Jeanne, bursting with innocent enthusiasm, leaned out the other window, her voice laced with uncontained excitement. "Dante! That was so amazing! You tossed those things like it was nothing!"

"Thanks," he responded, scarcely breaking his stride, and didn't think twice about the praise.

"Like, you're like one of those heroes in fairytales! You've got super strength!" Jeanne gushed, eyes sparkling with awe.

Dante shrugged in response. "Maybe."

Evelen, trying to wrap her mind around the absurdity of her situation, shook her head slightly. "You do realize you just sent a military truck flying into a building, right?!" she exclaimed incredulously.

"Indeed," he repeated. "They should've merely stayed away. Alas, it is a great pity that I have to constantly rely on violence while here."

"Should've?!" she echoed, the incredulity bordering on laughter. "You make it sound like they had a choice!"

"I suppose they didn't take me seriously," he ventured, glancing at her for a brief moment before refocusing on the road ahead.

Jeanne bounced in her seat, grinning from ear to ear, enthusiasm like static electricity filling the air. "Dante you're the strongest person I know!"

"I do possess moderate strength," he agreed.

Evelen caught his form, the momentary absurdity of the situation still swirling through her. "So, you're not counting that absurd strength as some kind of magic?"

"My ability with magic is lacking; all I have to rely on in battle is but my own physical abilities." He explained, a pondering look adorning Evelen's face. "Worry not, however; with this strength, I'll see to it that all of you get to safety."

For the first time, a genuine smile spread across Evelen's face, a glimmer of hope in her eyes as tears slightly blinded her vision. "I-I'm inclined to believe you," she chuckled.

Dante nodded, ("With this I've made some progress. I still have other labs to dispose of, though now they shall be on guard.") Yet that did not make things any more difficult. He would save all those subjected to these inhumane experiments. But he could not help but wonder about Lyraeth and Isabella's progress.