
The Empress Is Waiting

Yevdokiya nodded as it made sense before speaking. ''I assume I'll be taking them to the Black Fog Forest? And other places?''

Anatoly grinned. "Exactly. This way, we can have five powerful heroes to combat the menace if he challenges us."

''Menace?'' Her brows furrowed in confusion.

''Yes, the white dragon Archer Wyldheart. The bandit stole the church's riches and caused much trouble for the Pope, but we won't have to deal with him until the Celestial Magic Tournament begins. So that's a good thing.''

Yevdokiya agreed. ''Okay, Father. I'll do my best to make the five stronger.''

After speaking, she returned to the heroes, eager to get a good look at them and assess who she would be dealing with. Yevdokiya entered the cabin where they were and began examining them.