
A Hunter Changing the World

About a man trying to change the monsterest and corruption over his world cause by external and internal forces

CalmanTryToWrite · Kỳ huyễn
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6 Chs

Vol 1:The Long Awaited Hunter Selection

[ 4 Year Passes ]

It has been four years since what had taken place.

The life now in this kingdom has gone back to its normal state and not much things has change pass this couple of years.

There is no monster invasion happened as well since last time which make me grateful but still I prepare myself to face it just in case it happens again.

Laying in the bed, Adam just woke up from his slumber after a tiring work yesterday.

I could feel a warm and gentle heat on my face, as a sunlight pass through a small crack on my window and make its way to my bed.

From the sunlight Adam know it already morning which prompts him to wake up from his cozy bed.


He slowly walks toward the window.

He open the window, only to be meet with a cold breeze from the wind and a beautiful scene of sunrise.

A smile was carf on his face while he watch the view because today marks the day that he has been waiting for.

The day has finally come. The day that I has been waiting for, for the last 4 years.

"The hunter selection day has finally arrived"

Adam quickly makes his way down stair to prepare himself for the big day.




Done preparing himeself Adam makes his way to the arena where the hunter selection take place but before going to the arena, he wants to meet his best friend first, Lynn.

Lynn has been the same as always and spent a lot of time with me. With that as well our relationship has grown much stronger since last time.

She has grown to be a beautiful woman with a smooth wavy black hair and mesmerizing light green eyes with the resemblace of emerald.

Unfortunately, 2 years ago she has been set to married by her guardian. When she turn 18 years old she will be marriage with a rich man from Alexsender family.

Alexsender family is one of the richest family in Amethyst kingdom with their busniness of selling weaponry and magic items.

They also got their own hunter guild.

Because of this also, Lynn was forbidden from seeing me but still we see each other secretly.

Under the "Mier Bridge", one of the many bridge that connected the south part of the kingdom with the center part, there is a hidden room that they discovered 3 years ago because of an incident.

Lynn and I decided to make that place as a meeting spot if we want to talk or hang out with each other.

This is a good place to meet because it's not too far from our places and only me, Lynn and another person know this hidden room.

As Adam was making his way toward the bridge... his ear picked up the sound of distress from far away.

"Ahh, help, help, somebody help"

Adam quickly reacts and runs toward where the sound coming from.

After about 3 minutes he reach to the person who was calling for help.

It was an old lady whos bag got stolen by a robber.

"Are you alright ma'am?"

Adam ask while helping her to get on her feat.

"I'm alright, please help me get my bag back. Inside my bag there is my diseases husband precious gift to me"

The lady cried out as she begged me to help her.

"Don't worry ma'am I will catch the robber for sure"

Those words make her mood lighten up.

"Thank you young man".

"Now, I need to know where the robber goes?" the lady then pointed toward the main road.

"Wait here alright, I will be back soon."

"Be careful" she reply.

Adam dashing to the main road and start looking around.

Hmmmm... this is bad... the road is too crowded with carts and people going around... I guest I have to use my skills that I learn then.

He closed his eyes as he was focusing on doing something.

"Thunggggg" the sound of a bell can be heard as it rang indicating that it is already 8'o clock in thr morning.

Slowly, all my senses start to becoming dull.

I close my sense of sight, smell, touch and taste, only focusing on my sense of heard.

With only focusing on hearing I am able to hear anything about 220 meters radius away from me while picking on specific conversation .

The sound of rats moving around..... the sound of people talking....The sound of childs playing.....The sound of birds singing..... sound of horses..... sound of people laughing.

I start going through all the sound that I can pick up...

"Not this one, not this one, not this one, not this one".

After a few more try, I heard the conversation of three people talking about the bag that they just stole while being out of breath.

"Bingo.. " Adam said before he started making his ways toward the sound.

[ One of the things Adam learn while training for four years is how to enhance one's senses.

Human has five senses. Sense of sight, sense of hear, sense of smell, sense of touch and sense of taste.

Adam learn that by closing other senses and only focusing on one sense only he able to unlock that one sense full potential.

Focusing on sense of sight make him to perceive things in slow motion and has quicker reaction.

Focusing on sense of smell make him able to search for something or someone from far away even on a fate smell. He also can detect poison with it.

Focusing on sense of touch, make him able to detect the wind changing and vibration around the area.

Focusing on sense of taste, make him able to detect what ingredient is being use in potion making by tasting it. This is also very useful in cooking.

And finally focusing is sense of heard. This make him has super human hearing.

Adam can also focusing on multiple senses at once. Such as sense of hear and sense of sight. By focusing only on this two sense, he will get the benefits of both sense being enhance.

Of course by focusing on multiple senses he wouldn't get the fully unlock potential one. But it is necessary to at least close 1 out of 5 the senses.

On the other hand it has a down side. He, can't maintain it for a long time and each time after he focusing he need to take a break.

If not it can cost a damage to his brain and can make he lose his senses ]

From the dark alley way

"Huff, huff I told you that it easier to steal from old lady then broke into someone house"

"Shut up. The risk of us being caught is much higher"

"Can the two of you stop arguing? The matters now we done the deed. Now it time to see what we got here"

Just went they about to open the bag.

"Thum, Thum"

the sound of foot step echoing the dark alley.

"Who there?" shouted one of the guys.

Then a person with dark brown hair can be seen approaching them.

They immediately pull out their knife.

The figure giggle as he saw they pulling a knife on him.

"You think a small knife can protect you?"

As a blink of an eyes the figure was gone from their view.



Two of the robbers has been knock out insteadly.

The one who holding the bag is the last robber. He was shocked at what just happend


Before he could finish his word he had been knock out too.

"Sigh, I expect it to be more challenging... Well, can't help if I'm too strong" Adam muttered to himself.

Afterwards, he give the robbers to the guard and handed the old lady stolen bag.

"Thank you... thank you so much young man"

she cry out as she expresses her gratitude.

Then she give me small token of gratutide 3 gold coins for helping her getting her stolen bag.

As Adam was keeping the coin, he was wondering what time it was.

What times is it?

He turn his head toward his right to see the time on the clock tower.

I notice that it almost 8.30 on the clock

"I will be late to meet Lynn"

Hurriedly he sprinted with my full strength.

Some people walking by got push back by the wind gust he created while running and wondering what with this sudden strong wind?

A few minutes passes, I reach the bridge and check the surrounding for people.

"Good, nobody around"

Quietly I goes into the hidden room.

I open the trapdoor and jump down.

As soon as I jump down my eyes met with Lynn who was reading a book with a flickering candle beside her.

"You late Adam"

"I'm sorry some old lady got rob so I help her catch the thief"

"It alright..... so, how your preparation going?" she ask while continue reading the book on her hand.

"I need to go to equipment shop to buy weapons. Also, I need to buys a few potion before I go to the arena but other than that I am good to go"

She let out a small sigh while flipping the page of the books

"That good to hear....Be careful alright... make sure to never let your guard down....and always be aware of your surrounding"

"You don't have to worry. I have been practicing, learning and preparing for 4 years for this day."

Lynn that put the book down on the table and out of nowhere hugs me.

This make me startle as the hugs is comes out of no where.


"Still, I don't want to lose you..... You has become an important person in my life so please... please be careful.... I don't want to lose another person that I care again"

Hearing such a words from her make me remember the sad tragedy that we both has faced.

But still since we met each other we have been able to face the reality and move forward by having each other as company.

I hugs her back and whisper with a smile

"I'll be sure to keep that it in mind"

What soon follows is awkward silence for 5 minutes.

Neither Lynn or Adam make any move to break this awkwardness.

After a minute pass, they finally release each other and take a few step back with embarrassment on their faces.

"Ehm, ehm, good luck with hunter the selection"

"ye-yeah, thanks"

Then we get out of the room and parted ways.

Adam make his way toward the equipment shop where they sell all kinds of weapons and equipment. Sword, spear, mace, club, bow, armor, traps and much more.

Adam already has a weapon on his mind that he want to buy.

After quick purchase Adam walks out from the equipment shop with simple leather armor, a sword and a bag of arrows on his waist, a medium size crossbow behind him and a wooden mask on his face.

I want to keep a low profile that the reason on why I buy the mask.

They are a lot of choices in which weapon I could pick, but I decide to go with a simple double edge short sword and a medium size crossbow.

Short sword will allow me to fight in tight places such as cave or small dungeon without me needing to worry that my weapon will get stuck.

While crossbow can overcome the problem of short sword of being needed to be in close distance.

It also can be preloaded, meaning I could just pull it out and shoot if a sudden attack happened.

Even though reloading a crossbow can be time consuming, I had train myself to be able to reload it quickly.

The leather armor is just for an extra protection without needing to buy heavy armor that could slow down my movement speed.

" This is the perfect combination to be use for a distance and close combat" Adam mumble behind his wooden mask and he walk to the potion shop.




"Clang, clang" Adam come out from the potion shop.

"I got all the items I need for the selection" Adam said as he check on the potion he just bought.

Adam bought 4 mana potions and 3 poison resistance potion.

I didn't bought health potion because I can use magic mantra to heal myself. So, I only need to worry about my mana energy since and type of magic needed mana to function.

And I bought poison resistance because I can't heal myself if I poison. Even though I have a high resistance agains poison it didn't make me immune to it.

With this my preparation is complete and my next destination is the arena.

A few more minutes pass by and Adam had reach the arena.

A small counter is in front of the arena gates.

There is about 30 people in front of the counter, who are looking to join the hunter selection.

I didn't expect there will be this much of people that want to become a hunter, even though it is a dangerous job.

Soon, Adam also join the line of people.

After quite a while his turn finally come.

The lady on the counter asks Adam to fill up a form before letting him go inside the arena.

Adam with no hesitation fill the form.

Done filling the form he hand it to the lady on the counter.

"With this I will let you go inside the arena mrr..."

She look at the name inside the form

"Mr. Adam"

Adam nodded and went inside the arena.

"Alright that one done, nex-" The lady on the counter didn't finish her words as a tall and big figure was standing in front of her.

She regain her words and said "Please fill this form first sir"

The figure said with a deep voice "Alright".



Adam walk pass the gate and was inside the arena.

The arena itself is big enough to fit about 20,000 people inside.

From the people that I has counted there are a total of 53 people inside the arena with more to come.

There is also quite a few famous people that I can see here.

A girl with brown hair and gray eyes wearing a white and gold colour suit is checking her sword.

A few people seem to be mesmerized by her beauty.

If I remember clearly her name is Iris Dilem. A daughter of a famous swordman and diplomat.

I don't understand why she will be here but it's none of my problem.

"Why is she wearing like that either way?"

Then Adam look to the left to see another quiet famous person who was surrounded by women.

Black hair, blue eyes and annoying personality.

Jack Hansmon, a very troublesome guy who love to get in trouble and seduce women.

The only reason he was able to escape from trouble was because of his father who the leader of top adventures guild in Amethyst Kingdom.

Out of nowhere "tum, tum, tum, tum" a sound of cart can be heard in front of the gate.

As the cart stop a butler open the door to a handsome looking man with red hair getting off the cart..

The lady on the counter seem like they already fall in love to that man.

Follow the man, the butler handed a form of their own to the receptionist.

They allow the man to enter the arena without much of a problem.

From all the people that I had interpicated to join the hunter selection of this years is this man.

A lot of people there start talking to each other as the man enter the arena.

But it seem like it didn't bother him that much.

The man wearing a primas armor, an armor that was forge with prim steel that is strong, lightweight and flexible.

On his left hand, was a crimson colour spear with rose pattern on the end of each side.

That weapon ametting some sort of demonic and fiery aura.

It is save to assume that the weapon is either legendary or mythic rarity.

The man eyes slowly goes over every person participating that is inside the arena.

And his eyes meet with Adam.

For a few second he keep on staring at him before he start walking to the side of the arena.

He probably notice who I was even though I was wearing a mask.

That man is none other than Ethan Alexsender from Alexsender family.

The younger siblings between his 4 brothers and 2 sisters.

It is said that he was the seconds strongest among the siblings.

How do I know all of this you may ask?

It is because this is the person that wanted to married Lynn.

That also how he know who I am even though we never interact with each other.

[ 1 hour passes ]

The registration is close and there is a total of 130 participation.

"Knock, Knock" the announcer checking the magic tool

"TESTING 1,2,3 ... TESTING 1,2,3"


All of the participation eyes are on the announcer.





We all pick a random card inside the box.

"Let's see what I got" I put my hand inside the box before carefully take one out.

I open the card

"14.... not a bad number"

So, I will be against the person who got number 13.



I went to the spectator sit to watch the battle that will fold.

While watching the match, a tall figure approach me from behind but I didn't sense any threat coming my ways.

He start to speak will a deep voice

"A lot more people want to become hunter this day".

"Yeah,.... the reason could be because of what happened on this kingdom 4 years ago"

He sit beside me.. a guy about 2 meter tall and has a huge body

"Hahaha, Is that the reason why you want to be a hunter?".

"Are yours different?"

"....No...What number do you get?"

"14 you?".

"27. You are up for the second round. That is good things since we didn't have to fight each other. "

"Well I guess so..... My name is Adam, Adam Lightray what yours?".

"Nailson... Nailson Willsony it nice to meet you Adam".

"The first match is about to start lets watch it".

Then the announcer speak "THE FIRST ROUND WILL BE STARTING NOW"

In the first round only one of the matches looked exciting.

That is the match between Iris against a swordsman apprentice named Eli.

"clang" "clang" "clang"

their swords collided with each other.

Both of this contender has a great swordsmanship, with Iris specialise in fast attack ,while Eli specialise in defense and counter attack.

But eventually Eli can't keep up his defense with the speed of Iris swordplay.

With a single slash Eli sword was sent flying and he fell to the ground.

Thus, Iris won that round and qualified to the second task.

"Let go Iris"


"We love you"

A few men cheer for her on the sideline.

It seems like she got angry because of that but she just keep on walking while trying to keep up a straight face.



"You up next, Adam," Nailson said.

Alright then it is my turn to fight.

As Adam was standing Nailson said "Good luck" before slapping his back.

The slap was quite hard with almost resulting Adam to fall but he manage to stabilise himself before falling.

This guys..... Adam thinks to his head with an angry expression before continuing walking.

As Adam walking toward the center of the arena he could feel the gaze of people watching him.

The stuff member then told him that his opponent is on the right.

"Oh, thanks"

"No problem"

I could hear what people was talking about on the spectator sit.

"That guy seem like he know what he is doing"

"He look like a professional but we don't know what he capable off"

"but his opponent is quite strong you know"

"yeah since he was a famous wizard"

Adam focuses on his opponent.

A wizard.... I could feel that he has a quite strong dark magic, but..... I got nothing to worry about.

The wizard then speaks to Adam

"Hey, you.... how about you just resign from this battle... I'm not in the mood to beat people up right now " he said arrogantly with a shity expression.

"You think you're pretty strong huh?... Let me show you what the difference between me and your arrogant ass"

"Now, you ddone it. You better not regret this" he said with angry expression

Adam didn't reply.

Then announcer then speak " LET THE SECOND ROUND BEGIN"

The wizard quickly cast a big magic circle with his wand.

"Dark magic, Shadow Swamp"

Adam's foot got sucked into the ground.

"Heh, I guess this is the end for you" the wizard said with a smirk on his face.

"Dark magic, Birds strike"

Dark magic shapes like birds come from three different ways, rush toward Adam.

Well, I guest this is as much as he can do.

The wizard didn't know that Adam also can use dark magic.

Adam pull his left leg from being sucked and take a step forward.

The attack completely misses him.

"What!" the wizard mutters with shock.

He start casting a second attack but it too late by then.

Adam grabs the wizard head with his left hand and slam it to the ground.

"Have a good sleep"


The platfrom where they fight got destroy.

The wizard was knocked out and the crowd couldn't believe what they just saw.

Alright, I'm done here.. guest I go back to the spectator seat.

I could feel the gaze of people on me. Well that to be expected since I take out that wizard without much of a fight.

"I didn't expect you to be that strong Adam" Nailson spoke with shock on his face.

"There is first for everyone I guest"

After that, the match goes on for another 5 hours before it finishes.




It was noon at the time we were all moving, some decided to stick with the group while some decided to head up first.

I choose to stay with the group because it was safer.

As they were walking, someone started to approach Adam.

Adam notice that person and ask

"Hmm?! Is there something you want to said?"

A woman with brown hair and gray eyes says

"You were pretty strong in the match. To be able to escape through that spell, that is pretty impressive"

"The wizard is just too naive, if he has been not reckless I'm sure he could have won"

With her hand on her chin she looked at Adam with a strange and puzzle face.

Adam continue speaking "I seen your match.. you are quite fast. To be able to constantly keep up on the attack without losing momentum, you broke through your opponent defense and deal the finishing blow. You must have a great master"

She look straight ahead before replying

"My father taught me well, I also practice hard to be able to reach this to points. Even though he doesn't approve me becoming a hunter at first, I still grateful that he willing to let me choose my own path on what I want to become"

Adam keep on listening to what she said without replying back.

"Ohh.... I'm sorry. You must have been bored from listen to my story "

"It's alright"

"We haven't introduce ourself to each other yet didn't we? My name is Iris, Iris Dilem"

"My name is Adam, Adam Lightray"

"Lightray?.... Hmm, that pretty particular last name. I guest I talk to you later"

She then goes inside the cart.

The journey continue on until almost mid night. We reach the training facilities that was at the corner of the Pebble Village and settle down.

The training facility is almost as big as the arena. It has a lot of room for people to stay at and different type of training room.

I was given the furthest room, where it facing the opposite side of magic power tester room.

"This will be your room for today. Sleep well tomorrow will be a long day"

The escorter said before leaving.

I enter the room. The room is pretty small but it should be enough for one person. On the corner to the left there was a small table with a few books and a lantern.

While on the right there was a small bed. There also was a small circular window on the top middle of the wall.

I put all my equipment on the table except for my mask. I close the lantern light before laying down on the bed.

"Tomorrow going to be the second test. I should rest well for today"

Adam said as he looking at his left hand before falling asleep.

The night gone by without trouble.

In the morning they all gather at one of the training rooms.

Training room? This look more like a classroom to me.

The person in charge of the second task speaks "Now its time for your seconds task"

"The second task will be a knowledge test. All of you will be given a question paper. The question on the paper will be about anything that related to hunter"

"Only the top 30 will be taken to the next task. So, do you best to answer the question"

"Before we moving on please take a sit on any place inside the room. We will conduct the task after everyone has a sit"

Some of the people there rush to take their seats.

"This is my sport and no one can tak-" a bald man with a masculine body said but didn't finish his words as a silver and black armored figure with a red spear on his hand was standing behind him.

The bald man frighteningly said "Yo- you can have the spot" he slowly backed away and took a different sit.

The figure took a seat and put his weapon on his left side.

Well, that is an aspect that nobody want to challenge Ethan in a fight.

Adam the only one that hasn't taken a sit yet.

Guest it my time to take a sit.

Since nobody wants to sit in the front row, Adam decides that there will be the best place to sit.

After all of them are taken sit the person in charge hands out the question paper and starts the timer.

"You may begin now"

Some of the people think what is the best answer for the question , Some look like they are frustrated by the question while a few of them look like they don't even know what they are doing.

Adam goes through the paper to see what the question looks like.

The question itself is pretty simple, mostly consisting of a creature that a hunter might face.

What are their name, type, their habitat, weaknesses, from where, and what is the best way to deal with them.

Other than that, there are also questions on how the ranking system for hunter work, hunter classes and hunter guild.

There is also a question on what other work hunters can do besides hunting a creature and monster.

That pretty much concludes the question. From my point of view this is all an easy question to answer but maybe not for all.

Adam flip the paper back to the first page.

I should probably answer the question now.

Adam take a deep breath before answering the question.




That noon, the result came out and the person in charge told the name of people who got in the top 30.

"Alright I will call out the name of people who got the top 30 now. Cloude, Iris, Quid, Susie, Ryan, Nailson,....."

After all the name announce. People who name didn't get call, were send out.

Adam look around him to see who has passes the task.

All of this people must have done some sort of studying about a hunter. They all are worthy to become hunters.

Adam nods his head but his expression can't be captured because of the mask he wearing.

The person in charge of the second task speaks "Congrats to all of you who got the top 30 on the second task, you all are worthy to become a hunter... but, there is still one more task to be done before you are given the "Hunter" title"

As he speaks another person enter the training room.

"I will leave the third task on this person. So, good luck to all of you" He said before leaving the room.

They were left with a woman who has a very muscular body and a scar on her left eye.

She speak loudly "My name is Eva. I will be the person who are incharge of the finale task. The final task will be held tomorrow and the instructions on what you are supposed to do will also be explained tomorrow. For today I will have you all pick one paper from this box"

Everyone take a paper and inside it has a number.

She began explaining what the number was for.

"As you all can see each of you has a number from one to five. The number representing what team you will be in. The person who got the same number is a team. Each team should have five members"

The number I got is "4". I look around for other people who got a number 4.

Iris stand beside Adam "It looks like we will be on a same team, Adam".

Afterward, it eas followed by a women and two man.

Looks like this is all the people in team "4".

Eva spoke again "Good, now that you have met your teammates you have an entire day to introduce yourself to each other. Why is this important you ask? because tomorrow finale task will be done in a team. So, better prepare yourself for tomorrow. We will meet again in the morning in front of the gate outside this training facilities"

She then walked out of the room. Soon follow leaving the room was Ethan with his team and two other teams.

We look at each other hoping for someone to start talking. The woman who wear a white rope speak first.

"How.... about we take our conversation outside"





We then walk outside of the facilities before introducing each other.

The woman wearing a white rope start speaking first.

From what I see I think she is a priest. She is wearing a white dress and white rope with a yellow belt on her waist.

She also had a white and yellow hat with a wand specifically for praying on her hand.

"M- my name is Susie. I am 20 years old and I am a priest"

My guest is correct, she is a priest.

It is then followed by Iris "My name is Iris Dilem daughter of Maul Dilem. I am 21 years old and a swordswoman . Nice to meet you" She bowed gracefully to us as she spoke her name.

Then, the guy who has a small body wearing all purple and black speak "My name is Cloude"

Afterward was the other guy who is huge. He wears gold armor and has both a shield and a hammer on his hands. He speaks with a deep voice "My name is Gord. I am 25 years old and from Dex clan. Nice to meet you".

Dex clan eh? It's quite rare to see someone from the clan that almost went extinct after the clan was send to help in the witches war on a different continent.

It was finally Adam turn to introduce himself.

"My name is Adam and I am 18 years old"

All four of them give a surprise face toward Adam.

"I didn't expect you to be younger than me Adam" Iris says.

"Why are you wearing a mask either way?" ask Susie.

"Well isn't it obvious that I wear the mask to cover my face".

"Why thou?"

"I just want to keep a low profile"

It look like Susie want to said more but Gord interrupts her "Every person has their own preference that they wanted. We should respect it".

She then becomes silent and Iris start talking about the third task to move the topic of conversation.




The morning arrives, we gather in front of the fatalities gate fully equiped.

Eva starts to speak "Now that all of you are here I will start explaining what the final task will be".

Eva then pull out some map and compass from her beg and give each team one.

"The final task is simple. You just have to bring back the core of the monster that we had assigned for each team. We already mark the location of the monster you will be hunting on your map."

Adam took a look at the map. Hmmm the location is inside a death forest that has been affected by the Gate of Undead that was recently destroyed by other hunter. But there is one big mark and 3 small mark on the map.

"Kill that monster and bring back its core here. You have 2 days to complete this task. If you didn't bring back the core in two days you will not be granted the title of "Hunter".

Iris raised her hand "Miss Eva may I have a question?"

"countinue on"

"What is this other smaller mark supposed to represent?"

"Good question. The smaller mark is a small quest that you can do"

They all look at miss Eva with puzzle face.

"As I had said before, to be granted "Hunter" title you need to bring back the main monster core. It was the big mark. But your rank will be decided by how much monster core on the smaller mark you bring. Meaning if you come back with just the main monster core, you will be put on the lowest rank hunter. If you bring all four monsters core back, you will be given rank beginner IV"

"But be sure to remember you have only 2 days to finish the task. You may start the final task now!" She shouted while swinging her axe around.

Me and my team nod at each other, before we make our way to the location.

As we were walking Iris analyze the map.

She then ask us "Should we try to get all the monster core?"

Susie speak "I'm not sure"

Gord said "I think we should be fine. As long as I'm here we will be safe".

Cloude agree with Gord but it seem that Iris still wasn't sure.

She turns to look at Adam.

"How about you Adam?"

"It will definitely be risky. We only got two days to hunt all four of the monsters. Not to mention the strength of each monster we have to face. Since this area still has some affect from the Gate of Undead left, there must be some undead still roaming around. That will take away more of our energy to deal with them... But, I am sure that if we work together as a team and save our energy we will be able to get all four of the core back to the facilities' '.

After the reassurance from Adam, Iris' worries finally gone.

"Well, since we are in this together we should try our best" she said.

A few minutes later

Iris stop us "We reaching close to where small mark location should be. Stay on your position as we have discussed yesterday"

Suddenly the ground started to shake. Soon follow by the smell fo rotten corpse.

We stay in our position and a giant undead orc can be seen walking our ways.

Gord is on the front line holding his shield up. To the right there was Iris and to the left there was me. Susie is in the middle and Cloude is watching our back.

Adam senses start to tingling as the orc closes in.

"Be aware of our surroundings there is more undead coming".

Few more undead coming our way.

Iris give the command "Susie, Cloude you will deal with the undead coming our ways. Gord and Adam you with me. We will take down that undead orc".

The orc screams their way before it charges toward them with a giant club.

With a strong swing it attacks, but Gord blocks it with his shield sending a small shock wave.

Adam pulls out his crossbow and shot the orc's left leg. Iris also follows the attack with a few slash on the orc's left leg with her sword.

The orc screams in pain and attacks Iris who was behind him.

Iris easily dodge the attack with her agility.

Gord swings his hammer and hit the orc's left legs to make the orc kneel one leg to the ground.

Adam pull out his sword and slash on the orc's right stomach.

On the different point of view, Susie and Cloude was dealing with the undead.

Susie summon a few holy familiar to attack the undead while Cloude throws a smoke bomb to confuse the undead and destroy them with his high movement speed.

It seemed that the number of undead was going down drastically.

On the other side, after Adam has cut the orc right stomach. The orc start spinning with its club to attack them.

Adam and Iris move out of the way. While gord tank the spinning attack and got sent back a few meters.

Adam reload his crossbow before joining Iris attack the undead orc.

They both attack the orc from different angles.

Because of the flurry of attack and their speed, the monster was unable to focus on one target or landed any hit.

The orc afterward let out a loud roar making Adam and Iris startled on the spot.

It then quickly attack Iris who was standing still.

Iris who was still shock unable to dodge the incoming attack but something unexpected happened.

The club that the orc was holding, now got sent flying and hit the ground with a hammer.

It turn out that Gord had throw his hammer toward the orc hand that was holding the club.

"Now is your chance".

Iris and Adam leap toward the head of the undead orc. Iris from the front and Adam from behind.

With a strong slash, they both decapitated the head of the undead orc.

The undead orc body slowly crumbles to the ground before revealing it core.

Iris picks it up "that one done now only three more to go".

It also seems like Susie and Cloude done dealing with the undead coming their way.

Gord let out a small sigh of relief as he picked up his hammer "that was pretty challenging".

"Thanks Gord I own you one" said Iris.

"It alright"

Susie and Cloude regroup with the others.

Iris said to her team "We should take a few minutes rest before we continue"

The others agree.

Iris sit down to catch her breath while also checking her weapon.

As she was checking she looked at Adam who still standing around.

" You sure are fast Adam."


"Ohh.... I guess so"

"Even though you are younger than me, it looks like you are more experienced in this stuff. Do you have a coach or teacher you learn from?"

"I learn everything myself"

"That must be hard. How long has you been training"

"Four years"

"Four years?..... Oh, is that the reason why you want to become a hunter? because what happend four years ago?"

Adam didn't answer Iris question.

Iris standup before lightly tapping her pants to remove dirt particle.

"Don't worry I won't go any deeper into your story. We should get going".

Adam nodded.

Soon they moved and were able to clear two more smaller mark targets.

By the time they got the third monster core it was already pretty late at night.

Decided that it is best to have a rest before going for the last two marks.

They sit around the campfire while eating the food that they bring.

"crackel"crackel" the sound of wood burning

Susie begins asking about why others want to become hunters.

Iris reply "There is no specific reason for me to become a hunter"

Cloude said he wants to become a hunter because it pays alot.

Gord said he has his own reason and Adam said he wants to become a hunter because he wants to search for someone.

Don't mistake an adventurer and a hunter. Adventurer doesn't do much dangerous job as a hunter do.

A hunter job is usually more brutal and hard compare to adventurer. Hence why it is less popular amongst people.

It also has a high death rate compare to other dangerous job like miner and supply carrier.

"You are searching for someone you said? Who could that be?" ask Susie.

Adam looked at the bread he was holding before speaking "I am searching for my missing siblings".

"How about you tell us what your siblings look like. We could help you find them if we saw someone resembling them" said Gord.

"Well first, my siblings are non-identical twins and-" Adam didn't finish his words as he sensed a sudden change on air.

Adam drawout the sword on his waist before turning around and cut two arrows coming his way with a single slash.

The attack prompt the team to be alert and prepare for battle.

"Susie after we take care of this undead could you make a barried around the camp"

"Sure, I could do that but it will take time to draw a barrier"

"Don't worry we would take care of this in no time" Iris said before they attacked the incoming undead.

The next morning, everyone is preparing to leave for the next target.

They walk in their position but it seems that Iris looks a little nervous.

Adam noticed it but he wasn't suprise because he also could feel it.

The closer we got to the main target the stronger the demonic aura became.

After going to the forest we reached a giant tree with many cobwebs.

Susie explain " we are on the last smaller mark area. The monster we supposed to hunt should be somewhere around here."

Cloude suggest that they should split up but Iris was agains this idea.

So they began looking around the area for the monsters.

Then from inside the hole below the tree a cobweb was launched toward Cloude.

He was unable to react in time, got flung by the cobweb to the tree behind him and stuck.

Susie shout "Cloude!"

Cloude shout "behind you!"

A giant spider jump out from the hole toward Susie.

Gord goes in front of Susie and swings his hammer upward to attack the spider but the spider lets out its web toward one of the giant tree branches and manages to dodge Gord's attack.

Adam pulled out his crossbow and shot it at the web making it snap and the giant spider fall to the ground.


Iris goes to attack the spider but it recovers much quicker than expected. The spider throws three balls of cobweb to Iris.

She managed to dodge two of the ball but the third ball landed on her right hand which is the hand she holds her weapon and now Iris is stuck to the ground.

"Susie go help Cloude to get out from the cobweb, we will help Iris in the meantime".

Susie nodded.

The spider goes to attack Iris who is unable to escape the cobweb.

Adam focuses on his sense of sight before running toward the spider.

He then shot his crossbow, hitting one of the many eyes.

The spider let out a scream before throwing multiple balls of cobweb to Adam.

Adam swiftly dodge the incoming cobwebs with his sense of sight being enchant.

Adam slide below the spider and cut two of its legs.

Then Gord rush toward the spider with his shield. "Arghhhhh"


The spider got sent flying toward the sky and crashed to the ground.

Adam didn't waste this opportunity and reloaded his crossbow before attacking the stun spider.

Adam slash the spider abdomen and stab the spider body to the ground with his sword.

The spider tries to attack Adam with its fang but Adam jumps into the air.

While on the air Adam aimed his crossbow and shot it on the spider's mouth.

The spider scream in agony before it stop moving and the body crumble to the ground revealing it core.

"Sign, that was a close one" Gord said.

"We should be more careful" Adam said to Iris while helping her to get out from the cobweb.

"Yeah, I'm sorry, I should have been more careful. How about you Cloude?"

Cloude was being support by Susie "I will do just fine after some rest but that was very dangerous".

"Let's take some break before heading toward the final monsters" Adam said as he retrieving his sword.

While Susie healing Cloude, Gord is looking around the area if there was any other monsters.

Adam is looking at the direction of the final mark location.

I still have many of my arrows left and my mana is still full. We should be able to take this thing down.

As Adam was thinking, Iris approached him "You can feel that too right? That unpleasant feeling".

"We are not sure what type of monster this is but if it demonic then we have advantage"

"That is true... then we should prepare for it just incase".

Adam walks toward Susie and starts to tell her something.

One hour later.

They were closing into the marked area. "Everyone be prepared we are closing in to where the main monster should be" said Susie.

After a few more seconds of walking there saw a dark dome ahead of them.

"The monster should be inside that dome"

They all prepared their weapon and slowly walk inside it.

As they were inside the dome a strong aura filled the air but they continued on pressing forward.

Until they finally saw what they were looking for.

A figure wearing a black rope was standing in front of them with a blue flame circling around it.

It notices them and turns around.

Adam recognised the monster straight away.

He then told Susie " Susie now"

She nodded and cast her magic "Holy magic, holy enchantment".

The weapons of Adam's team start to glow filled with holy energy.

"This monster's name is "Grim reaper" it is a demonic type of monster that comes from the Gate of Hell. Its attack will poison you if you got hit and it also use the blue flame to attack"

The grim reaper reaches out its hand to the air. The demonic aura from the area was being sucked toward it and soon it manifested to become a battle scythe on the hand of the grim reaper.

"Be careful and split up" Adam shouted to his team before they started attacking.

It started with Adam shooting his crossbow toward the grim reaper but a dark colour shield blocked the shot.

The grim reaper summons multiple blue fire balls and attacks them.

"BAM" "BAM "BAM" "BAM" the sound of explosion filled the dome.

"Augh, huff, huff the flame fill much more hotter than a normal flame" said Cloude

"Yeah, and we need to find a way to destroy the shield first" Said Iris dodging the incoming fire ball.

"I have a plan. Cloude you and me will distract that monster and create an opening. While we doing that Iris can you prepare an attack that can break that shield?"

"Ummm... I could but it will take time to prepare the attack"

"It's fine as long as it breaks the shield we could create an opening for you".

"Alright then"

Cloude throw multiple smoke bom toward the grim reaper to block the view of the grim reaper from Iris.

She then begin preparing for her attack.

Gord watches the three of them fighting the grim reaper.

"If only I could help them" but he then remembered something that Adam said "You must protect Susie from any incoming attack if we want this plan to work".

"When Susie enchants our weapon she needs to be constantly focused if not the enchantment magic will break. She will be vulnerable at the time so you must protect her"

Gord looked toward Susie who was focusing on her magic before looking at the other back.

On Adam view

The grim reaper hasn't taken us seriously yet. It still only summons its fire ball only.

Adam shot his crossbow toward the grim repaer but it didn't do much toward the grim reaper.

Adam then focused on his sense of sight to see the incoming attack.

"BAM" "BAM" "BAM" the dome shook once more.

The attack didn't hit both Adam and Cloude.

The grim reaper then starts making one big fire ball on top of itself.

This is the opening

"Iris now!" Adam shout.

Iris uses mana to strengthen her body and magic to enhance her speed.

By the time the grim reaper notice her present it is already too late.

Iris lunges toward the grim reaper unleashing her attack "Thousand slash of flowing wind".

Each of those slash slowly cheap away the grim reaper shield until it finally break down.

"HUFF, HUFF, HUFF" Iris heavily breathing.

She falls one knee to the ground but her sword keeps her from falling fully to the ground.

The grim reaper looks toward Iris and prepares a fireball to attack her.

Adam shot his crossbow and hit the grim reaper arm making the attack miss Iris.

Cloude pickup Iris and bring it to Gord.

The grim reaper finally picks up its scythe.

It looks like the grim reaper was about to attack Gord but Adam attacked him first and their weapon met.

"Clanggg" Adam and the grim reaper look at each other as their weapon is clashing.

The grim reaper pushes Adam back before attacking him again with its scythe.

"Clang" "Clang" "Clang"

Dodge, block and attack they both swiftly do.

It then summons two fireballs and attacks Adam. Adam barely manages to dodge the close range fire ball by jumping to the side.

Cloude throw multiple dagger toward the grim reaper and manage to hit its lefts stomach and right shoulder.

The grim reaper sensing that this could be dangerous starts holding its scythe with both of its hands.

Adam and Cloude launch toward the grim reaper but it starts spinning, making both of them stop at the spot.

The spinning became gradually faster and the blue flame was added toward to spin making a flamenado.

Adam sensing the danger shout at his team "everyone stay far away from the grim reaper!"

Adam and Cloude take a long step back and Gord prepare himself.

Suddenly "BRAMMMMMMM" about a hundred slash was send lying every direction.

Each of those slash explode went hit.

Afterward, silence filled the dome.

Susie was shocked and unable to keep her focus. She then looks at Iris who is lying beside her.

Susie look in front, to her horror Gord was still standing but his shield has break and he was bleeding profusely.

Cloude was laying on the side unconscious with his left arm and right leg gone.

The one who wasn't seriously damage was Adam.

"Huff, huff, huff" Adam taking a breath as he looks toward the grim reaper.

The leather armor he wearing is already almost gone with his mask cracking a little. His body is full with a small burn mark.

In Adam thought

This is my mistake. I should have use it as soon as the shield broke.

He look toward his other teammates. I should put them in a safe place first. He quickly reach to Cloude and bring it to Susie who was still in shock.

"Susie, do you still have mana left? If you don't, here drink my mana potion. In my beg there is a poison resistance potion give it to both Cloude and Gord. After that start healing them"

Susie who was in shock and almost crying ask Adam "What are you going to do?"

"What else, I'm going to kill that thing".

"But how are you able to kill that thing alone when the five of us are unable too?" Susie ask as she begin breaking down.

Adam reply to Susie calmly " Just trust me".

Adam slowly takes his step toward the grim reaper.

The memories of his past flashing in as he make his way.

This time I won't let the same thing happen again.

Adam begun praying "I won't let the evil run wild, I won't let the despair take over,

I will banish all the evil in this world"

Adam's body was covered with bright light.

The Grim reaper look at Adam, but this time it is looking at Adam as a threat.

Adam sword and crossbow begin amitting a bright light. A small pair of wings appear behind him and Adam's mask start to crack further as it couldn't contain the energy flowing in.

"Angelic Transformation, First stage".

You can only use angelic transformation if you have light magic. Light magic is closely related to holy magic. It is where you convert your light magic to holy magic while taking the form of an angel. This transformation has three stages.

"I have 8 minutes to take down this monster before my mana runout".

Susie looks at Adam with a surprised face as this is her first time seeing someone who wasn't a priest or holy knight using angelic transformation.

Adam staredown the Grim reaper before they engage in battle once more.

"Clang, clang, clang" the sound of weapon hitting each other echoing around the dome.

The grim reaper then took a step back and summon 8 fire balls. Then it throws it at Adam.

Adam cut all the fireballs and closes in distance and they engage in close combat again.

The grim reaper then use the same technique where he spin like a tornado and unleashes multiple slash attack but the difference this time was the attack only focusing on Adam.

Adam dodge all the incoming slash before jumping to the air and stab the ground making an earthquake of holy magic to the grim reaper.

The grim reaper then jumps into the air.

Adam saw an opening and quickly unleash multiple slash of attacks toward him.

The grim reaper unable to react on time got his left arm cut off but managed to block most of the attack.

Adam seeing an opportunity once more, pull out his crossbow and shot it at the grim reaper.

The shot was so fast that the grim reaper didn't even notice the shot until it hit him.

The shot make a hole on the grim reaper right stomach.

Six minutes has passes

Adam start to coughing up blood

"I only have two minutes left before Angelic transformation end. I need to end this fight now ".

Blood coming from his mouth and nose dripping down his mask.

Adam's body feel like it is being pull down to the ground as the time is running low.

The grim reaper see an opportunity and attacks him with a bunch of slash and fire balls but Adam still manages to cut and dodge the incoming attack.

Adam then rushed toward the grim reaper with unbelievable until he was right in front of the grim reaper.

The grim try to attack Adam by swinging it scythe to Adam.

Adam dodge it by crouching down.

He then focusing holy magic on his left hand before landing a strong uppercut on the grim reaper.

That uppercut temporarily stun the grim reaper.

40 seconds left of Angelic transformation

Adam put the holy magic from his left hand to his sword.

Then he follow it up by pouring the last bit of his holy magic he have left on to the sword.

The grim reaper awake from being stun and saw Adam finishing his finale move.

So, it tries to block the attack by reinforcing his scythe with blue flame but it all goes in vain as Adam throws his strongest attack.

"Melt Slash"

A single slash made out of all the holy magic Adam had left was thrown toward the grim reaper.

It bypass the grim reaper defense and destroys the grim reaper with the dome itself.

The dome come crumbling down to the ground.

Adam's Angelic transformation ends. The glowing light and the small pair of wings on his body shatter away like a broken glass.

His sword also broke because of the intensity of the attack he unleashed.

"Huff, Huff, sigh, that take a lot more energy than what I expected"

He then pick up the monster core on the ground and walk toward Susie who finish healing others.

"Are they still unconscious?" Adam ask with a tired voice.

"They probably will wake up soon. How about you Adam? Are you alright?"

"I will be fine" Adam said before sitting down beside her.

"Let me heal you, I still have some mana left"

"Thanks," Adam said as he looked at the sky.