
A History of War

Life is difficult enough for a Lirian soldier. Training for ten years, hunting evil deimos, solving crimes, facing powerful weilders, keeping the peace in a tension-filled world, each Lirian soldier has a lot on their plate. It doesn't become any easier if you have to deal with a dark past that looms at every corner. How will Lais Felix and Helen Song, two best friends with tragic pasts, handle life as soldiers while running from their past? Will they manage to escape their tragic beginnings? Or will the past finally catch up to them?

Rotten_Avocado · Quân đội
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172 Chs

The End of The Eclipse


"Go. Go! Run!" Bryon says, her image a macabre figure. 

Her porcelain figure is covered with blood, blood that is flowing from every hole in her body. From her mouth, her nose, her ears, her eyes, all of which are giving off the red liquid of life. She's covered all over with sticky hot blood. Haunched over on the ground, her entire body is shaking. Her coughs are mixed with desperate muffled screams. With each cough, her hold on Aedea's hand tightens, though the grip is slippery due to her hand being covered with blood. 

"Hold on to me. I'll try to…" Aedea starts to say, starting to cast a healing spell on her comrade.

"No! Don't! Don't use your wielding!" Bryon says, her voice strained with effort.

"What are you talking about? What's happening to you? Tell me so I can help you!"Aedea says. 

Bryon shakes her head, her body finally falling to the ground.