
Taking what's not yours

[ Forest ]

Evlen sprinted through the forest like a mad women on a mission. At a point she almost tripped, but Katherine came to her aid quick and caught her by the arm.

"Evlen take it easy."

"I can't, some stupid stuff have taken the mind of my brother hostage, I can't simply let that slide."

"Remember that Cameron is out here as well and Cameron is my brother."

"Oh- wait... Why aren't you as worried as me?"

"Because I trust my brother... We argue a lot, but I have faith that he will be okay."

"You're right... I have no faith in my own brother... No wonder our relationship is so lackluster..."

"The mistakes in relationships go both ways."

A vine charged toward Katherine who quickly jumped out the way. Two more vines came after her and she picked up a stick and slapped them away.

Evlen stood behind Katherine feeling a bit conflicted about something. Katherine noticed the conflict on Evlens face, but chose to ignore it so she could focus on the task at hand.

"These things are on a mission of some kind damn!"

The vines tried whipping Katherine, she jumped over the whip attack and slapped the vine back with the stick.

The vines moved back and combined to make a thicker vine that pushed forward at Katherine who moved out the way pulling Evlen with her.

A vine held Katherine by the leg making hard for her to move. The thick vine moved in for another punch when the vine stopped. Evlen turned to Katherine who had a third eye open.

"Katherine... You're a mutant?"

Katherine turned to Evlen to explain herself in the process freeing the vine from its hold. Evlen released a strong screech that pushed the vine back.

"So am I..."

A blue ray came speeding through the forest and captured both Katherine and Evlen.

"You two are so lucky that I arrived in time or you'd both be toast."

The vines pushed after 0verspeed, the speed demon alien was able to out run the vine. But the entire forest was being controlled so the vine would occasionally break through the ground and spring out in front of 0verspeed, but the speed demon alien would avoid these surprise attacks.

0verspeed stopped for a small coast check and the vine wrapped itself around his feet. 0verspeed tapped his feet so fast that the vine burnt and let go of his leg. 0verspeed continued speeding forward.

Overspeed came to a strong hult somewhere far from the vine that was attacking the girls. He put them both down and pulled up his vicer.

"Let's evaluate our points here, Spencer has been turned into some weird mind controlled monster and I think the only way to save him is by taking off the mask."

"How do you know my brother?" Evlen asked.

Katherine face palmed herself, "Yeah alien guy how do you know her brother?"

"I don't, i just kept on hearing that guy say the name Spencer over and over and I just guessed."

"Or you know him from somewhere right?" Evlen raised a question.

"That's true, you spoke to us as if-"

The Omnitrix started glowing between green and white, that was when Overspeed knew he had to go. But before he could speed off he noticed his leg was caught by a vine.

The watch released a strong green flash that later faded and revealed Cameron.

"Cameron?!" Evlen exclaimed with true shock in her voice. "You're the speed alien hero?! You're an alien hero?!"

"Okay calm down Evlen we can explain." Katherine said.

"We? You knew about this?!"

"Evl- no wait you're a mutant." Katherine argued, "You have no right in being shocked at him."

"You're a what?!"

The trees started moving again and Cameron knew what was happening. He held both Evlen and Katherine by their hands and pulled them behind a tree.

Spencer came in view and raised his arm sending a vine straight through the tree three were hiding behind.

Luckily the vine didn't cut into any of them. Cameron took a step back and was caught by a vine. Two more vines popped out and wrapped themselves around both Katherine and Evlen.

"Spencer this isn't you!" Evlen shouted.

"My dear Spencer can't hear you..." A man wearing a robe and a mask made his way out the forest. "He chose his path and it was the path of the great."

"Who might you be?"

"The person whose mission you two kids and your little friend have been fucking up... You think I don't know about you three... My people have told me repeatedly that everytime they found a mask you three were there."

"So this is some beef you have against us, in that case let go of Evlen she doesn't know anything about this."

"If I let go of everyone who wasn't important in my goal then I would have to let go of almost all of you ..."

"What do you mean?" Cameron raised a question.

"You're not really the smartest in the group are you?"

"Hey fuck you!"

[ Meanwhile ]

Marcy woke up late in the night and walked out her door and into the weapons room where a boy and a girl were gearing up.

"Why did you message me to wake up so early?"

"The teens sent us a message saying that their heading into the forest to follow, Spencer, Cameron, Katherine and Evlen." Bailey explained.

"They went into the forest at night?"

"That's exactly why they called us, we viewed it as nothing at first, but our call was cut off by their screaming." Jackson noted.


"Yeah their in deep trouble, we have to do something now before they get severely injured." Bailey said.

"In that case why don't we warn the elders?"

"The wedding week is supposed to be one of their best weeks, I think interrupting their peaceful weak with a pointless heart attack seems stupid."

"Then it looks like Team VII is going solo as usual." Marcy said.

[ F o r e s t ]

Marcy, Bailey and Jackson made their way into the forest. Everything was peaceful and calm, nothing seemed out of the ordinary just yet.

The three continued walking, everything seemed peaceful yet they couldn't shake the feeling of something big hiding just around the corner.

Bailey stopped and picked up a slipper. She examined the slipper before placing it down.

"They were definitely here, being chased by something."

"Let's check up ahead."

Bailey, Jackson and Marcy ran a mile before finding themselves unable to move after hearing screams that belonged to the teens. Vines started gripping themselves around their ankles.

"What the hell is going on here?" Jackson asked.

"Something supernatural." Marcy pointed out.

"No shit Sherlock." Bailey said cutting herself free with a glowing knife.

Bailey proceeded to cut the rest of her teammates free and the sounds became softer and softer to the point the three were forced to speed forward with everything they had.

"There they are!"

Marcy aimed and fired her blaster right into the thick vine that was trying to attack the teens. Bailey used the tree as leverage and boosted herself at the vine cutting it in half.

"You guys okay?"

The teens huddled up behind the three. The vines started rising around them, closing any chance they had to exit. Marcy and her team were ready to fight on when a blue grenade landed in between them and the thick vine.

Bailey ran ahead and kicked the grenade right into the thick vine where it exploded. Four of the elders came running down to everyone shooting blast after blast.

[ South side of the forest ]

"This really seems pointless to me... Capturing the two of you wasn't even part of the plan... I just wanted the girl."

Cameron and Evlen turned to the person he was pointing at and it was Katherine.

"What do you-"

"-save it..."

Cameron and Evlen were pulled into the ground while Katherine was wrapped into a strong bind of vines. Katherine's bind body landed in the hands of the masked man who started walking away.

"Hey! That's my sister! Give me back my sister!" Cameron exclaimed while his body was slowly being pulled into the ground.

"Cameron we need to think of a plan to g-"

"I already have a plan and it's called save Katherine!" Cameron exclaimed before he slammed his palm down onto the Omnitrix that was fully recharged.

Cameron found himself pulled into the ground before he knew it he pushed out from underneath with a whole new skin.


Woodworks pushed in after Katherine, but Spencer came into clutch and punched him in the face sending Woodworks into a tree.

"Spencer stop this! This isn't you Spencer!"

Woodworks shook the punch off and stretched higher into the sky then pushed back in after Katherine, only for Spencer to send a vine up for an uppercut.

Even though the uppercut connected Woodworks didn't give up, he stretched down his arm to grab his sister, Spencer used another vine and wrapped it around Woodworks arm and changed its trajectory into a tree.

"...save..." Woodworks said before groaning.


Woodworks sent his free arm down to Spencer so it could punch him. Spencer built an entire shield made from vines that blocked the punch. Woodworks pulled his entire body including his two stretched out arms down into the ground where his stem grew.

He dug fast and pushed out from behind the man who had Katherine. Vines launched out from the trees wrapping themselves around and pulling Woodworks back from getting his sister.

"Spencer would you stop this already!" Evlen exclaimed with tears in her eyes.

Woodworks sunk into the ground and wasting no time shot out from beneath Spencer with an uppercut that sent the boy flying into the sky. Woodworks pulled up after Spencer trying to add on from the uppercut, but the vines came in clutch and held him back by his arms.

The wood alien stretched their head forward shrinking their arms as they headbutted Spencer in the gut. A thick vine came rushing out and wrapped itself around Woodworks then pulled the alien down to the ground resulting in a strong crash.

Spencer raised a bunch of vines into the sky to catch himself then rode them down to Woodworks. Evlen ran to the aliens aid screaming for Spencer to stop. Her scream broke the sound barrier and was strong enough to stun Spencer for a small while.

Stunning Spencer stopped the vine manipulation. Woodworks built his hands together into a shield and proceeded to ram straight up through the vine wave Spencer was riding on and made his way to Spencer who was left vulnerable.

Spencer reacted fast and the vines held Woodworks back by his arms and head. Woodworks kicked his stem out of the ground, cutting through the vines like he did before, slashing the mask off of Spencer.

The vines slowly reverted back into the trees. Woodworks plucked his stem into the ground holding himself still so he could catch Spencer.

He slowly stretched down and placed Spencer onto the ground.

"Get away from the kids!" Grandpa said pointing a blaster from behind Woodworks.

"Everyone stay behind us." Bailey told the teens.

"Where's Katherine?" Marcy asked visibly concerned.

"Where's Cameron?! Where are they?!" One of the teens exclaimed.

One of the elders scanned the area and jumped to the obvious conclusion. "It can't be true... I refuse to believe that yo-..."

They stood there for about a minute before the watch started blinking between green and base. A strong flash covered the area and the back of Cameron was revealed.


Cameron turned around with tears in his eyes, "...he took her..."