
Snap a picture

Chapter Five

The hour in the days stretched out to become longer when it came to being in school. Nobody really knew why time was like that, but they learned to get use to it.

The semester was almost over and the school board needed some end of semester pictures of so they could post it on their web page.

Some students were fine with the pictures, other students weren't the biggest of fans of the pictures since they are done with no consent.

Cameron and Sky were busy discussing after school activities when a snap sounded caught their attention. Cameron turned facing Nathan the new comer who was assigned to take pictures of the new students.

"Dude are you serious?" Cameron said sounding frustrated, "At least give me a warning before you take a picture of me."

"If I gave you a warning then these pictures wouldn't look authentic."

"Who cares, ever heard of the term fake it till you make it?"

"Fake it till you make it? Never! My pictures will forever remain authentic and real."

"You know in technical sense you actually do not have to take unexpected pictures you know right?"

"I know, but when their unexpected their more authentic."

"Who's your boss?" Cameron asked.

"I'd advice you not to speak to my boss." Nathan suggested.

"Now I really have to speak to them."

➜ [ Middleton [Highschool]

Cameron opened the door of room 13, room 13 was the production room, where all the video messages and news casts were done. The person who was running it was a male in the 11th grade, but he currently isn't there so his deputy a newcomer female ran the place.

The students in the production room weren't very happy with her being deputy on her first year, but neither of them could deny her grit and spirit of the job.

"You want me to what?" Grace asked Cameron to repeat.

Grace is a 14-year-old girl who shows an air of determination and confidence that cannot be ignored. Her short, curly dark hair frames her face, highlighting her piercing green eyes that sparkle with intelligence and curiosity.

"Your guy is taking pictures without our consent and yeah usually I wouldn't care, but I'm involved in it so I automatically have to care. So I want you to tell him to stop and ask people."

"Cameron Lenardo right?"


"I've heard some stuff about you, funny and very interesting guy also known as a troublemaker now and there-"

"-what does that have to do with the situation."

"Nothing, just like your business involving yourself in our line of work. Look kid, do you understand how long photography exactly takes?"

"No, but-"

"-Exactly. If Nathan were to ask every single person in this school to pose for a simple picture he would be wasting time and we can't afford to waste time, we have so much things to take care of and take pictures of."

"Time? So you're saying you need some help is that right?"

"Are you trying to offer up a deal?"

"How about this; if I'm able to pictures of the other stuff before the end of the day will you please tell Nathan to stop taking pictures without peoples consent or at least stop taking pictures of me without my consent."

"An hour."

"Okay that's fine."

"I want you to take multiple pictures of the construction site those aliens fought in and then I want you to take pictures of the school building from all sides then when you're done I need you to take pictures of rooms 16, 32, 64 and 65."

"That's a lot."

"We need all these pictures submitted before the end of the day, so you understand the schedule were on right now."

"I'll get it done before you know it."

Cameron places the camera around his neck and ran out the room. He looked around and took a picture of the halls then he moved over to the bathroom where he took three pictures.

"What about the girls bathroom?" Cameron thought.

Abbie walked out the girls bathroom and was a bit shocked to see Cameron standing by the doorway. She noticed the camera and sighed.

"So you're taking pictures for the school board?"

"Yeah and I need you to do me a favour."

"Take pictures of the girls bathroom for you?"

"Yes please."

"Fine, but on one condition. I need you to tell me where Addie is."


"Addie... I haven't seen him at school for awhile now, I want to tell my parents, but I don't want him to get in trouble."

"Why don't you ask him?" Cameron asked.

"He doesn't want to talk to me, he locks his room every time I call for him. Please call and check up on him?"

"We'll do."

Abbie smiled and took the camera and then went on to take pictures of the girls bathroom. After she was done she handed the camera back to Cameron who continued taking more pictures.

Cameron noticing the work of the job ran into the boys bathroom and hid in one of the stalls. He took his phone and called Sky.

"Listen up Sky, I need you to take pictures of the school building for me."

"And why should I do that?"

"Do you want Nathan to stop taking pictures without your consent or what?"


The call ended. Cameron activated the Omnitrix and turned the dial to 0verspeed's silhouette. He slammed his palm down onto the dial sending off a flash of green light; his body started vibrating as his head started to transform. Later a vicer fell down onto his face and the green flash dimmed down.

"Pictures of every single room in the school seems easy enough when I'm 0verspeed." 0verspeed said in hazy voice.

The speed demon alien disappeared in a flick and went into every single room in the school and started taking pictures.

"This is a difficult job she said, too much time will be wasted she said. Nonsense, I'm busy doing this in 0.2 seconds."

The idea seemed smart on board, but when 0verspeed stopped to examine the pictures he was shocked to notice how blurry they looked.

"Okay, I didn't plan for them to look like that. Okay time for me to circle back around- wait I should probably do the Abbie thing first."

0verspeed took his phone out and sent a message to Aiden that said, 'Look for Addie.' Aiden sent a thumbs up.

"Now back to the task in hand."

0verspeed accelerated into every classroom and instead of entering and then leaving in the same seconds, he stopped for about a second to take a picture and then he left.

This idea proved to be far better since the pictures didn't come out as blurry, sure there were some blur shots, but the speed alien took more than one picture just in case this happened.

➜ [ Later ]

Cameron dropped the photos down onto Grace's desk. Grace was obviously not amused by this, but the fact Cameron was able to get all the pictures before the hour past made her calm down.

Cameron took a sip from his shakie, "I also got you a burger since I know how hard you work." He said handing Grace a Big Mac, "No need to think me."


As Cameron walked out drinking his shakie like a boss, Grace couldn't help, but smirk, which showed that she was definitely impressed by him.

➜ [ Space ]

Mrs Lateya called her three of the bounty men. She got off the thrown and looked down on them as they all bowed.

"It's time to go all out..."