
Let's just all go together

➜ [ Middleton]

Ruby, Léla, Maddie, Abbie, Jace, and Addie, stood outside Cameron's home waiting for him to come out. The group was ready to head out and enjoy a long night of jokes and fun before their midterms started.

"He's always so late." Ruby groaned.

"Does this Cameron guy think he's all that or something, busy wasting our time, I say we leave."

"We can't leave without Cameron." Lela pointed out.

"Why? He's clearly wasting our time doing whatever he's doing, by the time he's done I bet the movies will be closed."

"Relax Mr Muscle." Maddie said, "Like all of us Cameron operates on his own time, he's probably running late."

"I wish we could check up on him though." Ruby said.

"It's weird how his mother isn't allowing is to check how far he is."

➜ [ Middleton ]

CrashSpring flipped onto someones house before leaping off to avoid a laser fire.

"I can't believe you guys actually returned."

Four drones flew after CrashSpring who continuously hopped from house to house. The drones came speeding behind him firing off a barrage of laser fires.

CrashSpring leaped onto one more house before flipping back over two of the droids and landing on top of one of them. CrashSpring held steady on said drone as one of other drones barrage fired at it.

"Whoops!" CrashSpring leaped off of the drone as it exploded, "Looks like somebody forgot to put on friendly fire."

The grasshopper alien still in the air crashed down onto one of the drones then shot into the air once more breaking through a drone with a headbutt.

CrashSpring landed on the last remaining drone and was ready for a clean win when he was almost blasted off the drone by a mysterious human shaped drone female.

The watch started blinking between white and green, "You must be Gammas wife, the more Android looking version."

CrashSpring leaped up to the lady, she jetted above him and fired down a missile that after impacting with him shot him down into the remaining drone.

A cloud of dust covered the area that later shot through a red flash.

When the smoke cleared, Cameron looked up to see if the lady was still there and she was not. "I don't know if I should take that as a victory or as a I'm fucked moment."

Cameron checked the time and realised he was late. He moved over to his messages and noticed Aiden still hasn't replied.

➜ [ Middleton ]

Cameron wore a pinkish red buttoned shirt with blue folded jeans. Himself, Ruby, Jace, Maddie, Addie, Abbie and Léla made their way to the movie theatre.

The group before the entire day started had a specific movie mapped out to watch, but since Cameron took long the movie already started so they had to switch their idea to another movie.

"I'm so sorry guys." Cameron apologised.

"It's more of our fault honestly." Léla added, "We should've communicated more on where we were gonna meet."

"Hey it's not our fault he came out and went on to fetch us while we were on our way to fetch him."

"It's all our faults." Abbie added.

Maddie sighs, "I don't think the blame game is helping anyone out, let's just focus on this movie thing alright."

"Sounds like a great idea to me." Addie agreed.

Ruby looks at her phone, "Heat Reduction... A story based off of a female girl named Emily who falls in love with an unexpected lover while on her mission to gather the two sun stones, to save her dying planet."

"That movie sounds like crap." Jace pointed out.

"Yeah." Addie nodded, "I liked the other movie better."

"But someone just had to come late now we're missing it." Jace complained eyeing Cameron.

"I think the movie is perfect." Léla interjected, "I'm more of a romance type of fellow and the rest of you are action and drama, this movie is literally a culmination of all those stuff."

"You're right, this movie will be great." Jace changed his mind.

"Maybe this thing will shine a new light on aliens since we're having one of them move here you know." Ruby added.

"You against aliens Rubes? I know their scary, but they aren't that bad."

"I don't hate them exactly, the alien heroes are just a bad representation of them."

"You're a bad representation of them." Cameron nudged Ruby.

"Hey. I'm not an alien dumbass, but if I were you'd still be friends with me right?"

"Um. like yeah. We're gonna be besties till we get old and stuff."

"Yeah and-" Maddie pulled Ruby away from Cameron a bit aggressively for some reason. "-Hey!"

"Would you stop flirting with Léla's prize? You're hogging him from her, now Mr cool and awesome is taking his chances."

"Right sorry."

➜ [ Middleton [ Movie Theatre ]

The group entered the movie theatre section of the building they entered. The group went to the front counter to gather tickets before splitting off to get different supplies for the movie experience.

"You see anything?" Cameron asked Léla.

"N-nope. The specs aren't here."

"Why couldn't they have just given us the specs at the front for this movie?"

"Corruption probably."

"I doubt- you know what no, it could actually be some sort of scam to steal money from us."

"Yeah it could."

"I wonder how less impactful it would look if we just didn't wear the glasses."

"It wouldn't be as cool."

"True, but us just walking in there like goats not wearing the glasses while everyone else is, would be funny."

"Yeah it would."

Cameron sighs with a smile,"You know if you'd rather be with Ruby, Maddie or Abbie them you can go ahead and be with them, I'm okay with searching by myself."

"What?!" Léla freaked a bit, "No, I'm so sorry it seems like that, I love looking around with you it's just- Jace."

"Jace? The buff guy in our group?"

"I know he likes me, but I don't feel the same way for him, now I'm just trying to think of what to do about it, and now I'm telling you and that sounds so stupid and it just sounds dumb-"

"-My advice." Cameron uttered, "Do nothing."

"Oh... I don't think that's great advice."

"Hey I never said the advice would be great, it was just my advice."

"Maybe it is good advice when looked at out of context."

Cameron and Léla continued talking to one another more fluently this time while searching for the specs. Ruby, Maddie and Addie watched from the distance.

"I think we should go up and there and see if everything is going okay." Maddie suggested.

"And mess up the magic? No way." Ruby disagreed.

"Magic? What magic?" Addie raised a question.

"Léla is crushing hard on Cameron over there." Maddie revealed.

"Léla likes Cameron? Seems like Jace is gonna be upset."

"Has Cameron said anything to you about liking Léla or anything about Léla?" Ruby asked Addie.

"No, I'd expect him to have told you, not me. I'm surprised you're not the one crushing on him."

Ruby kept quiet as she watched the two. Abbie walked down to the three with the snacks in hand, Jace walked with her and he had the beverages in hand.

Cameron and Léla turned to the group and made their way too them with a box with specs in hand.

"Get your specs, get your specs, free of charge if you're in the group that- um that does movie?- and I should stop talking cause I flopped that." Cameron said while Léla tried holding in a laugh behind him.

"So what did the two of you speak about-"

The lights switched off leaving the entire place in darkness. The people around the group started freaking out.

The intercom turned on, "This Is Not A Drill. Everybody Calm Down We Will Call Our Best Fixers To Come And Fix The Problem."

"What if those technicians take an hour then we're not gonna have time to watch the movie since some of us have curfew."

"We know you and Abbie have curfew Addie." Maddie pointed out.

"Should we just leave?"

"We payed, leaving is an entire waste of money."

Jace noticed a flash of light somewhere near. He took his phone out and turned on his flashlight to see what made the light.

"Did you guys see that?"

"No. But did any of you see Cameron?"

Static-Brain crabbed through the halls of the building searching for the electrical grid. The alien didn't have any known powers of night gazing so the search was difficult and long.

"The entire structure is off... This is very interesting, an entire structure with no remorse of power, should I add the ideal fact that a place like this apparently has no back up generators."

Static-Brain occasionally knocked into, either person or some object that stood in his way. The alien though had a good sense of memory so he was able to remember his turns and changes.

"This is a wide place... But I'm certain the generators are somewhere here..."

The alien continued searching through the building with the trusted guidance of the flash option on his phone. A small figure moved passed the ray of his flash.

"What in-"

A red laser fired right against the head of Static-Brain. The electric brain alien moved the flash to the direction the laser ray came from. Another laser fired, this time from another direction and hit the back of his head.

"What in heavens name?!"

Static-Brain started sprinting forward with the lasers firing rapidly behind him. The electric brain crab alien tried catching the person shooting using the flash option, but they were far too quick.

Everytime he would turn back to catch the person they would move away and start firing in a different direction and then manage to avoid being seen again.

"I doubt their being lucky, it is clear they have on some sort of night vision goggles that is allowing them to by pass the limits of our vision in the night. But a small turn off of light will not stop the smartest thing on this planet."

Four lasers came firing at Staic-Brain who avoided two and shot down another two with his electric jolt. Another laser came immediately after and Static-Brain took the opportunity and turned to the direction of the laser and fired forward a strong jolt of electricity that moved through the laser and shocked the person who fired it.

The watch started blinking between white and green. Static-Brain left the person for dead and quickly made his way into the room and while holding back his timeout, started fixing the electric issue. The power turned on and he timedout.

Cameron fell to his knees tired, "Fuck, fuck, fuck... I will never hold in a timeout for that long ever again." He turned back looking out the doorway to the place he remembered he left his foe lying, "Their gone..."

➜ [ Middleton ]

After the movie ended the group immediately made their way back onto the road. Their new destination was a house party that was being held.

The group decided on going there to end off their night with that tired feeling.

"One more location before this amazing day comes to an end." Addie voiced his enthusiasm.

"I'll have to say, Heat Reduction was not a bad movie." Cameron admitted.

Addie nods, "It actually found a way to balance both action and romance even though the romance was everywhere in the movie."

"8.5/10" Cameron rated.

Abbie, Maddie, and Ruby were walking close with Léla.

"You need to buck up the confidence and do it already." Abbie encouraged.

"You guys had a beautiful bonding moment back in the movie theatre, it's time for you to kick the final shot." Maddie said.

"The nights almost over, you might never get a moment like this." Ruby pointed out. "So don't waste it."

Léla nodded and rushed up to Addie and Cameron. Jace who was lagging behind the group picked up his pace to catch up with Léla. Addie moved back and intercepted Jace.

"Addie told me that you're rating the movie 8.5 out of 10."

"It was good, but there's no way it can be 10/10 good."

"I feel like it was."

"You're wrong. Come to think of it, have you ever seen a movie that has been rated 10/10 before?"

"There probably are those kind of top tier movies, but I haven't really seen them."

"We should go see those movies in particular someday."

"You mean you and I?"

Cameron paused realising what he said, "Wait- it doesn't have to exactly be only you and me, the group can come with, I'm not saying I don't want it to be you and me i-"

Léla giggles, "You're more awkward than me."

"Awkward? I don't get awkward, and what do you mean you're awkward, I've never seen you awkward."

"Are you kidding? I've BEEN feeling awkward! The entire time we've been speaking I've been feeling awkward."

"I make you feel awkward? Sorry about that, I guess my charm just hits different sometimes."

"Charm?" Léla repeated, "Okay Mr Charming, tell me the many ways your charm hits different."

"Too much for you too understand. You know I was the one who charmed the Davenport family to death."

"I thought that their mutant son charmed them to death, by killing them."

"Yeah. I love how everyone always brings up the fact the child that killed them was a mutant, they never just say their child only."

➜ [ Middleton [ Block 8 ]

The group made their way to the house that was holding the party. They all dusted themselves off, made themselves look a bit more neater so they wouldn't feel as if they looked terrible when they enter the party house.

"Alright guys here we go."

"The final stop of the night." Maddie cheered.

"Let's make sure we don't mess up while in there." Abbie said cautiously.

"Maddie's been to plenty of these so my suggestion is we stay with her throughout." Ruby suggested.

"A smart suggestion and another one is if someone offers your a white powder or some grass don't take it, it's probably drugs or something." Maddie said.

"Good to know." Addie added.

The group made their way to the entrance and could already feel the energy from the party shooting outside the house as well. Ruby opened the door and the amp of the music almost broke off their ears.

Cameron and Léla were about to enter the house party together when Cameron noticed something move from a rooftop near the area. Léla turned to him concerned face.

"Hey what's up Cam?"

"Nothing." Cameron answered seriously still watching the rooftop.

"This is a party, you shouldn't be on edge like this, come on let's have fun."

Léla pulled Cameron into the house, he followed along until he saw the thing move again then he stopped.

"Come on don't you want to party Cam?"

"I do, but I quickly need to take care of something you know."

"Oh come on don't be like that. Come dance with me."

Léla pulled Cameron again which made him pull his arm out of her grasp.

"Not now." Cameron instructed with a serious tone.

"... don't you want to dance with me?.."

Cameron took in a breath, "No... Wait let me explain-"

"-it's cool, you're busy, I'm being way too needy, I'm sorry."


Léla walked into the house with no overreaction or anything. Cameron sighed before looking down at the omnitrix and rushing to the back of the house.