
A guy with the W.A.M.I. as a wish

William Strong, A former hitman that died in such a way that a glowing man with so much power reincarnated him as a thank you for making him laugh. With the WAMI ability to help, he runs a small cafe to live in peace for the most part, as tasks from local and foreign gods send him on an occasional trip through the multiverse! but there was another problem the additional gift he received was a trouble magnet more than anything. P.s. this will be a slow novel one of fun, a slice of life, and adventure~

Rauon · Kỳ huyễn
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13 Chs

Chapter 7

There was one thing that William misunderstood about the blur spell.

In his eyes, it looked like his body got slightly blurry with each level, to his enemies.

However, it was like a particular alien had come to join this fight!

The movie predator is quite popular with any mercenary.

Hell, many of them wished to have a chance to fight such an alien...

...In their dreams, at least, they knew better than to expect a suicidal task.

Now that they lost one of their people and got to see the 'active camouflage,' one of the mercs was practically shrieking out in fear.


That was what William looked like to them while their words made him stumble.

He wasn't someone who'd correct his enemies to garner more fame and glory.

Hell, he'd take advantage of it until all of his enemies died!

But guess what William had wanted to do for some time as his mana reached over 200 points?

While the current task has locked the spells to a certain number, the zombified man could still access two particular tabs, one being the town tab, and the second was something he looked forward to trying.

The conjure tab~

He can now summon demons!

He moved away from the burning hyenas that were now firing bullets all over the place whilst screaming.

William found a corner to summon his helper~.

After exchanging 200 of his mana, William summoned Abraca, a demon of mischief.

It looked like a night elf with leather wings, a female at that sadly all the naughty bits were blocked by some black mist that just made it seem more erotic, but no matter what angle you tried, you couldn't see shit!


Oh, and the little bugger was as small as a lego person!

William felt kind of disappointed from earlier and the size, but he knew better than to underestimate demons and still enjoyed the eye candy while looking forward to the extra activities they will do when his avatar reaches a certain stage.

Thus, he asked it all while pointing his thumb in the direction of the group of frenzied mercs.

"by any chance, could you possibly bring these guys a lot of mischiefs?

The little bugger did a money hand sign, with one hand out, with a big grin on her face...

Abraca wanted him to pay her!

Since this was the first time he summoned a demon, William wasn't sure what one could do yet. Thus he handed her a buck that he took from one of the zombies he killed.

The little demon frowned, looking at this strange item received, not exactly what she was supposed to receive but even then, the 'payment' with it was sufficient, thus began its havoc with pranks and soon flying bodies!

That is what the author would like to say.

But thanks to the limited mana sacrificed into the little bugger, Abraca explained that she could only do simple pranks such as quick illusions, misfortunate moments that aren't life-threatening, and possession that can become permanent summoner be willing to mark the possessed body.

The demon mentioned the last part with a devious look on its little face.

It should give anyone an idea of what kind of marking she was talking about here!

But putting that aside, these were the three options that William can take advantage of.

Even with the limited options, various things could be done if used right~.

So he had Abraca begin casting illusions, from slight sounds to that distorted light in areas around them, the more they started shooting frantically anything that moved.

At the same time, there was some friendly fire.

Their weapons would always lock up upon getting an inch of their teammates in the scope!

The red-haired woman yelled out.

"Whatever the fuck that thing is, it's testing us, our gear, weapons, and armor!"

This brought some audible gulps in their group, and she then picked a move that made it hard for William to approach.

The woman barked out.

"Assume Pack Formation!"

The burning Hyenas grouped up, making them look like a turtle with the leader as the head, either she's brave or one crazy woman.

Causing William to back off and just return to hunting zombies, while it was tempting to hunt them down, especially when one of these mercs gave him 200 exp!

But with how they are now synchronized breathing, moving as one, covering each other's blind spots, that might be a sure ticket to hell if he tried to attack them again, and each little 'prank' his new friend could do cost him mana which its dangerously low right now.

So he retreated then returned to slaughtering as many zombies as possible; the day went by fast, thanks to the amount of noise made by the mercs, the majority of the undead almost succeed in swarming them a few times, bringing a large drop in the living population, well mostly thanks to them slaughtering anyone that wasn't part of their group and the scary part about this.

They were starting to recruit people into their ranks!

While this may sound like bad news heh, William was never someone to back down against these kinds of challenges.

Better weaponry?

Numbers against him?


Bombs even?


All the people that feared him wouldn't have been called the best hitman if he did handle such situations at least once!

How much more with his new 'cheats' included?

With his mana pool somewhat replenished and darkness filling the airport thanks to the generators being destroyed by the mercs, it was time to see how well they can handle themselves in the dark~

The good thing about being undead is that you never get tired.

The spot that they occupied was the Airport's ATC aka air traffic control its a mouthful so William stuck with the name watchtower instead.

They managed to create some rusty yet durable walls made from all sorts of scrap metal.

It didn't seem like much, but it did the job.

There were four guards on each floor until the 4th, at least so that they can rest and overwork themselves.

Red was at the top of the tower, which was the tenth floor, looking through her infrared goggles; thanks to her stubbornness, the woman hasn't gotten any rest yet, but then one particular thing that she caught in her sights was an approaching undead judging from its body temperature, not only was it too fast but as soon as she was about to call it in it suddenly vanished.

A cold shiver ran down her spine, thus quickly yelled into her radio.

"All units, We have a hostile inbound! I REPEAT, WE HAVE A HOSTILE INBOUND!"

while it wasn't completely protocoled, she just wanted her men to survive, but then the sound of static was heard... then a dry voice that seemed like the person hasn't drunk anything in a long time spoke.

"five right now, but which floor am I in now I wonder~? try harder mercs or you'll all die shortly."

Darkness, psychology, newly recruited troops with no training, they were just swinging the piece of meat in front of him!

FYI the floor he was at now was the 4th floor quickly heading to the sleeping quarters above, while the leader of this merc band was pretty infuriated that she was running down as the woman screamed at the top of her lungs.


Total living population 3325

Total infected 3635

total dead 1283

Total undead kills of William 889

Total human kills of William 8

total exp gained 19,600

Rauoncreators' thoughts