
A Good-Hearted Person

“Why are you leaving me?” I asked calmly, trying to hide my real emotions.  She stared at me for about a moment as her lips began trembling. I know she couldn't contain much of her energy in so she bursted out her pain. She broke her gazes and sobbed. I know what she’d been through, I know exactly the answer of my question and yet I wanted to hear it from her upfront. For so long, she heaved a massive amount of air and breathe out, eager to utter a single word. She said as she put her eyes on me again, “Because… I’m,” then she cried loudly. My eyes ached and it became watery. “What?! You said it yourself that 'walang iwanan' but now, this time you're leaving everyone!” She wiped her tears away and tried to be brave. “I’m sorry.” I wiped my tears away as well. “Your leaving everyone specially Ashny, Kuya Human, Kuya William, Ate Ana and me?” “Sad to say, but yes, I’ll be leaving. After all it’s my fault anyway. Spicy, could you tell everyone that I won’t forget y’all despite my circumstances and I’m sorry,” After that, her tears fell down again. I nodded. “For being the spicy of Faminty, I promise to remember you always. Pinky promise?” I asked, stretching my arm for a pinky promise. She smiled despite the rolling tears. “Yes, pinky promise.” She gave her pinky finger to me and hook into it. I heard a small cough, so I turned my head. “We’ll do the best in our power to remember you, Sweetie. But when the time will come that you might forget about us for an instance, then prepare yourself to remember us again,” Kuya Human said, with his expectedly compromising words. Behind him, Faminty members appeared suddenly, and then ran unto us. When they finally arrived, I could see through there cheeks left trails of visible tears. “Crying is no better that everyone will be ugly. Why don't we make a group hug, everyone?” Kuya William cheered, trying to lift the atmosphere. “Thank you, Faminty. I will miss you!” Sweetie cried. After the mourning of everyone, a man covered in black took Sweetie away from our embrace. We tried to get her back but the man was strong and surprisingly she didn’t do any harsh reckless movements. One thing that shocked me was she hugged the man by his neck. I tried to stare at the man and somewhat I felt familiarity on him. “When will she return home?” Ashny asked out of blue. No one neither dared to answer nor looked at her. Everyone knew that Sweetie’s homecoming might take a long time. Everyone stood still on the side of the road, we never moved a single muscle. The only gesture was to smile, apparently a smile in bitterness, the eyes filled with tears, because we lose our friend.

Timi_Claire_Jones · Võ hiệp
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