
A God's Sin

Before there were Gods, there was chaos; there was sin. When the Arch Deities came, they purged Veia of its evil and locked it away in towers around the world. However, Drake, a young hunter in the Guild, has seen that the evil has begun to seep into the world in the form of Demonics and other aberrations. Are the Gods protecting us still, is their power fading? People are beginning to question their authority over them and nations are beginning to break away from their control. Chaos is brewing once again as the threat of war looms between both God and mortal alike.

JoeWoolly · Kỳ huyễn
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4 Chs

#2 Beneath


The cigarette sparks as it is cast onto the wood flooring before the basement door. Small Streams of rust run across the metal seems and the wood looks in need of a clean. The family had not been up here in months however, shut away in their own home. Drake steps forward and slides the bolt on the thick wooden door open, forcing his way in against the rusted hinges. The sound of scraping metal pierces the otherwise silent basement; a damp, earthy smell rushes back in return. Drake looks towards the kitchen in silence. 'I was too late' he thinks solemnly. Wincing, he proceeds to turn away and begin his descent down into the darkness and what waits below.

Drake fumbles around inside his brown and white cloak, warn by time and use but clearly looked after. Most of Drakes income came from the jobs the Guild lay upon him, as well as some from gambling on the side. However, Drake could spare no expense on his clothing as every last Frῒa he earnt went into his research, from funding his own expeditions to purchasing equipment for his study. Dull blue light begins to shine in Drakes hand as he withdraws a small etched stone from his pockets. It is etched with a small series of engravings known as runic, the common tongue of magic that had been developed universally by mages. Escribed upon the stone were the runes Შჺ meaning 'light'. Basic but useful. Drake mutters aloud, with the stone gently resting in his palm, the runic scripture needed to activate it. From forth the smooth, grey surface of the pebble bursts a radiant blue light, blinding almost for a second until it settles to a soft blue glow. Its light illuminates the room with a water-like tint and Drake takes in his surroundings.

As he reaches the bottom of the stares, his chocolate brown eyes scour the room, hand ready on his holster in case of any unexpected company. The wine barrels as well as the stocks of vegetables and honey litter the shelves at the foot of the old wooden stairs into the cellar. All produced locally by the residents of the household. The wine in particular, inside the cedar barrels, was renowned for its sweet flavour and sold in many of the high-end establishments in the local city of Porta Louis from which Drake was sent. Something had been off with the deliveries, as well as the chatter from the nearby residents of the area all being concerned for the wellbeing of the Adderson's family. After recent demonic activity, which was supposedly dealt with by the Guild, the family had cut off communications for several weeks. When they had finally remerged, there was something off. Drake had been sent in to investigate and to possibly clear up loose ends if necessary. The Guild wanted all loose ends tied up so as to not risk tarnishing their reputation and Drake was the man for the job. Someone the Guild despised, and the people didn't trust. An easy scape goat and another pawn in the Guild's game of power.

Drake scuttles across the room quietly, the only sounds being the occasional hum of the Lightstone held in his hand and the breath from his mouth. Passing the shelved goods, he approaches a small door the at far end of the cellar. Like the entrance, it had rusted although visibly more due to the light moisture in the basement. He draws his gun. It's metal barrel shimmers as the pale light reflects on its surface. Drake cocks back the hammer, it clicks into place ready to fire at whatever may lay the other side of the door. Taking a long deep breath, he breaches through the door gun drawn. It scans the room, watching for even the slightest of movement to which it is drawn to three figures. Stripped down into nothing but their underwear and restrained in the corner of the room. They wince and cower as Drake enters, terrified that maybe it was their time to be taken. Quickly taking a second glance around the room, his head pivoting like an owl, Drake stows his gun and pulls free a knife from his waistband, with which he moves towards the figures and kneels. The father's sky-blue eyes stare with fear towards Drake as he brings the knife up to his gagged mouth. He pulls away, not trusting the strange figure who had burst into the room.

"I'm from the Guild" says Drake pointing to his insignia upon his cloak. A silver coated emblem shaped like a semicircle, the top sliced at an angle. Three lines above depicted his rank. Warrior class. "Trust me," he whispers softly, "everything will be okay now". The knife cuts the gags and restraints.

Sucking in their first free breath in over a month, the family takes a moment to realise what happened. They look between each other for a time, until finally the mother, father and son fall into each other's embrace. Drake gives them a moment as they begin to sob, holding one another tightly. Through the sobs the father speaks up.

"Thankyou. Thank you so much sir." he sniffles. "We had lost hope at ever getting out of here!" His accent is heavy, his native tongue seeping into his words.

"Reports had come in that something was wrong, I was sent to investigate." Drake emphasises the last word, implying his true intentions as to his mission here. The father responds with a knowing look.

"What happened to Uncle and Lilly." Whimpers the young boy. He looked about 15 or so, his scrawny figure outlining his bones and joints. Thinking about it, Drake had noticed that all three looked similar. Drake begins to make for the door. Looking over his shoulder he beckons for them to follow. The boy speaks up again, "Did you hear me? What happened to them, are they upstairs?" Silent, Drake cannot think of the words to comfort this kid. 'This isn't going to be easy for him' he thinks. The mother takes her sons hand, her vibrant, strawberry blonde hair matted and dirty from neglect; she pulls him up as she stands.

"Will, I'm sure they're just waiting outside" she declares, her tone sounding almost like she is trying to convince herself as well as her son. But she knows the truth. Both the parents knows what happens when you're taken by demons. That is unspeakable things. The father brings himself to stand as Drake stands idle watching the mother whisper into the son's ear to comfort him.

"Let's go" Drake announces coldly.

"Alright" Replies the father, forcing himself to smile towards his family. And so, Drake leads them swiftly from the room, his gun Drawn and eyes darting around. The family's dirty feet pat against the soft stone floor as they break for the cellar door. They begin to climb the stairs and they groan and shift under the weight of the group. The light radiates from the doorway into the cellar and like moths to a flame they rush up the staircase. Drakes head whips around to check that the family is still close, but as he does, he quickly notices that the son had stopped. He stands still near the bottom of the staircase, looking down at the floor with fists clenched at his side. Shaking violently with rage and anger, tears gushing to the wood below, the boy speaks.

"They're dead aren't they." He states, unmoving.

"Will…" the mother begins.

"No. Don't try and act like I'm a little kid mom. I know what they have done, the monsters." He looks up, "I know they killed them!" His mumbling soon turns to a shout as he raises his eyes to look up the stairs directly at Drake. Their eyes lock. Written across the boy's face is malice yet swirling within his blue eyes is sorrow.

"Boy." Drake states, stepping down towards him. His face unreadable, his heart seemingly ice to these people. Despite this, to the shock of the mother and father Drake rushes the boy and embraces him tightly in his chest. "I understand." Whispers Drake softly to the boy.

After a time, Drake pulls away from the embrace now that Will's emotions had been quelled. The mother steps down towards them and grabs her sons' hand tightly. A bright smile radiates from her lips, a beacon of hope for the child as his eyes grow wide and shine like stars. And so all four of them venture back up into the house and out into the evening light of Veerus. Drake stops to close the door and looks back into the house, into the kitchen. If only he had come sooner, maybe he could have saved the girl from her fate. 'Crap' he thinks. 'The Guild is gonna kill me'.