
A Given mission (The four)

Althewulf, an ambitious man with the aim of bringing doom to the human world and his own, to have himself in control of the world. What will happen when he makes an attempt to have the core of the most powerful in his possession? How did his ambition bring doom to the supernaturals? What brings about the descendants of (THE FOUR) What is their purpose and what kind of life are they going to live? How did it all began? Will Althewulf succeed in his attempt? All answers to this lingering questions is in this story.

Bellemoon · Kỳ huyễn
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19 Chs

Take me to school


Alex: Am off to school

Martina: So am i ( dash out already anticipating of her new school)

Laurel: where are they going to pa. (Looked curiously as she is dressed in what martina bought for her and from the things martina has taught her she could now do things herself even though she find it hard when she was shown how to wear a slippers)

Martin: They are leaving for school my dear

Laurel: school? (Staring at him confusedly)

Martin: where young ones like you go to learn

Laurel: ( eye glittering in excitement) then can i go to, i will go with Alex ( facing Alex who was sipping his tea)

Alex: ( sight his father's gaze on him, understanding what he meant) there is no way she is coming with me ( he dash out before his father could talk him to it)

Martin: don't worry laurel, i will be home with you it will be fun

Laurel: okay ( her voice down cus she didn't go)

Martin: ( notice this as he smoothe her) don't mind Alex, you will follow him next time, i will ask Julian to cook for you sit and watch TV i will be back in a minute

Laurel: TV? ( Pointing to the tv on the wall) is it that big thing i saw one in my room to what is it for)

Martin: it's just for entertainment here ( took the remote control turning it on which she hop down sitting on the bare ground looking at the screen up close)

Laurel: it shows human, it's amazing!! ( She giggled)

Martin: ( chuckled silently, he finds her lively which makes him like her but he he knows something also feel strange about her that she knows nothing about this place and he was keen to find out what it is if she gets her memory back he was beginning to doubt if she truly has amnesia he could have her get checked but decide to halt the decision, he knows she knows nothing about here and by the time she got familiar with things here he will talk to her about it) You shouldn't stay too close to the tv, it cause damage to eyes

Laurel: don't worry pa. am gifted with a good eyes

Martin: stubborn ( she choose to do things her way he has know that of her as he got no choice but to head to his room to have a little rest,he planned to rest home today, Charles Darwin his P.A will handle his company today and report to him)


Alex: ( sigh) Am glad am off the hook for now ( heading inside the class)

Cassandra: hey ( wave at him and went to sit beside him before the class started) why ain't you in school yesterday, i was going to come to your house if you didn't come today

Alex: it's nothing serious ( explained all about laurel to her)

Cassandra: you mean the girl at the restaurant yesterday?

Alex: yeah

Cassandra: ( felt an ounce of pity for her) you make the right decision by helping her ( they keep discussing when the bell ring indicating the first lecture will begin, cassy move to her own seat which is not so far from alex)

Alex: why is my mind occupied with that girl, not letting me concentrate in class, maybe i should have brought her along when she said so, but she is going to the hell out of me, father will have a lot of thing to say when i get home he is going to have a taste of her disturbance ( he smile in as he keep looking at the lecturer in a daze)why is he so slow in explaining, can't he just get done with it already ( soon the day ended, packing his note in his bag pack he made to go when Cassy voice called him)

Cassandra: you are leaving already? ( They would both leave and head to the restaurant where she work, he would spend some time before home but now he seem in a hurry)

Alex: hmm ( thinking of an excuse) dad said i shouldn't arrive late, you know martina is back and the girl, i don't want her troubling dad

Cassandra: ( A little down) okay

Alex: i could drop you at the restaurant and i will head home

Cassandra: sure ( she followed him and as he said, dropping her, he zoom off) It skip my mind to tell him i will be visiting martina after am done, it's not had anyway, it will be a surprise visit


Alex: (reaching home, he went in meeting martina already back from school)

Martin: you came earlier today than usual

Alex: what did you expect my sister is back ( sensing laurel who was sitting on the tiled floor staring at the tv not meddling in their discussion as she always does) what's with her ( facing martina)

Martina: I met her that way too, she said she is comfortable sitting on the floor to watch the tv, dad said she has been there since we left for school

Alex: ( scoff and walk to her switching off the tv)

Laurel: why did you switch it off, put it on now ( glaring)

Alex: have been told you've been there for hours, don't you know it cause damage to eyes

Laurel: And like i said before I got a good eyesight now put it on

Martina: just what she told me

Laurel: ( stood and went towards alex kicking him on his knee)

Alex: ( wince in pain) what was that for?

Laurel: for not taking me to school and turning off the tv (snatching the remote from him and went towards martina) you put it on

Martina: okay ( collect the remote, keeping the urge to laugh at her brother squeezed face)

Laurel: ( went back sitting on the tiled floor she was sitting before) it shows human, it's cool

Martina: what are you then ain't you a human

Laurel: i don't know ( expression serious which they fail to notice)

Alex: ( chipped in) maybe an animal cus my knee hurt like a freak

Laurel: I will advise you not to stress it and sit down for a while or it will swell

Alex: And how can a kick make my knee swell

Laurel: i will listen if i were you, sitting for a while won't cause you a thing unless you don't want to use your leg for the next six months,no human can withstand my attack

Martina: ( scoff) Then what are you the strong girl dong bong soon or what?

Alex: ( sit as he said but notice his father feeling sleepy) dad, you should rest in your room isn't that why you didn't go to work today

Martin: I planned to do that truly and I almost did when i heared laurel screaming, "pa, pa they are going to take her go, go, don't let them catch you those bastard i feel like punching their face c'mon this way, no that way", i came down all worried, Julian also rush in only to discover she was watching a series, i told Julian to go back while i stayed with her ( both martina and alex erupt in a laughter especially he was mimicking her voice which he also joined catching the attention of laurel who stare at them strangely)

Laurel: Are you alright?

Martina: sure ( Locked eye with alex which they both laughed again)

Martin: now that you two are here i will go in now ( head to his room immediately)

Alex: you are a nut job you know stressing my dad ( facing laurel)

Laurel: what was that? ( Ignoring him, faced the tv again)

Alex: whatever ( stood up head to his room to and as she said it doesn't hurt anymore)

( Later that night cassy came to visit, they all chat merrily, martina telling them about her new school till she was about to go)

Cassandra: where is the girl, i didn't see her since i arrive

Martina: she is in her room perhaps sleeping or watching tv

Cassandra: maybe some other time then i will get to see her ( saying goodbye to them she left)