
A Girl With Flaxen Hair

(Completed) In another world she had died. In this world, she wakes up with a second chance at life. "I died once, I don't care if I'll die again. I'll just enjoy my life here in the Narutoverse until my time's up." Start: August 2020 End: October 2020

SoraChen · Tranh châm biếm
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6 Chs

Chapter 3


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Life in Sunagakure was lackluster, but Yua managed to keep herself entertained by befriending alot of her neighbours.

(Her Japanese language skill has also increased tenfolds because it was now a daily necessity. Now her English and other languages back on Earth were terrible.)

The people who lived around her often laugh and joked when they saw that she was dragged back home.

Like today.

"Heyo, kid! Got caught again huh?"

Yua grumbled in response and nodded furiously, "Yea. But! Today's a new record! 2 minutes before I was caught."

The shinobi hired to chase Yua sighed, "I don't mind catching you because I'm getting paid, but I'm gonna be honest, it's getting tiring to play catch with you."

"Oi! You think I want a shinobi to chase after me for playing? Well, if you wanna complain, you can go complain to my old man! That stubborn old man of mine!" Yua exclaimed.

She crossed her arms and pouted.

"I didn't even get to play with Gaara" she thought.

After her first encounter with the jinchuuriki, which was a week ago, Yua wasn't able to find time to search for her first friend whilst escaping from the clutches of her 'babysitter/babysister?".

* * *

"Draw the circulatory system and the chakra network. Write the functions of the different chamber in the heart and how the chakra network is connected to the circulatory system." Yua's mother instructed her daughter.

She had been receiving alot of crying from her husband when he would talk about how much of a rebel Yua was. Hina didn't really care for her daughter's rebellious nature as long as Yua was proficient enough in her studies and she knows when was the time to be serious, so Hina decided to test her daughter.

She received a solid yes from her daughter and smiled when the written answer was correct, there were even extra informations added. Hina wore a proud smile on her face, but quickly wiped it off the moment she saw her daughter's smug look.

"Kaa-san didn't expect me to be a genius right? Hah! Too bad I actually studied before running away." Yua thought and showed a smug grin. A small titter escaped her mouth and she was bonked on the head.

"Stupid girl, don't be arrogant. That's just the basics. You haven't started the practical part yet." Hina scolded her daughter.

At the mention of practical, Yua's eyes brighten. Maybe in her past life, she hated the practical part of science, because not every experiment would go according to her hypothesis. But, this wasn't her old world, so she was excited because she would finally learn chakra, something that was nothing more than fiction in her old world.

This motivated her to study the theories even harder so she could quickly start on the practical part.

* * *

After another hectic week filled with more biology and biochem topics, Yua was finally allowed to play in the local playground. This time, she had permission, so there was no shinobi to stop her from playing her heart out.

Yua went running around the streets, searching for a boy with red hair. She scanned the faces of the people around her, if it was filled with fear she was close. She didn't openly ask about the jinchuuriki as she remembered how much fear it casted on the people of Suna.

When she wasn't able to find the red hair anywhere, she had already wandered too far and lost her way back. She found herself lost in a rather deserted(nice pun) area of Suna.

She panicked and hyperventilated. Her back was drenched with cold sweat and she drowned in the thoughts of someone kidnapping her. A debate started in her head, one saying that she was going to get kidnapped if she doesn't find a way back soon, another fought and said that kidnappings only happen in Konoha.

Too clouded by the ongoing inner debate, she tripped on a rock and face planted on the ground. Her forehead bled and the skin area around the wound turned red. She may be a teenager but again, being old and being mature is different.

Tears pooled her eyes and when she was about to cry, sand wrapped around her. It carried her above the city and dropped her on an alley near her house.

She hugged the sand (Is that even possible) and gratefully said, "Thank you Gaara!!"

The lack of honorifics caused the red hair to slightly blush, but he was hidden away from plain sight.

* * *

"Yua! Were you hurt? I-I saw the sand wrapped around you," Hina frantically asked, "Did that monster hurt you?!"

Her husband rubbed her back reassuringly as Hina went wipe away the sand that was glued by sweat on Yua's arms.

"Monster? You mean Gaara? No! I was lost and he help me find my way back!" Yua grinned and played innocent.

Her parents warned her of the "monster", but did it have any effect on the girl? None.

* * *

"Kaa-san!! Is there a way to cook a  cactus?"

Again, their daughter continued to surprise them.

"I remember reading that some cactus are edible, like you can identify the edible and non-edible ones. Can we eat one?" Yua lied professionally.

She had actually remembered a video she watched in her past life where there was a Mexican restaurant which served cactus as food. She remembered an old guy with blonde hair shouting profanities at the food and the cook.

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